Synopsis of Bid Proposals Received
Create, Develop and Produce Educational Materials for Outdoor Recreational Activities
Marketing and Outreach Division
Department of Natural Resources (DNR)
The Department of Natural Resources offers education classes for various outdoor recreational activities, including boating, hunting, operating an off-road vehicle, and snowmobiling. Before participating in an activity, an individual must pass the appropriate class that teaches the laws and safety of the activity.
Educational materials must be developed for both instructors and students and available for traditional classroom setting or Internet access. Many individuals participate in multiple outdoor recreational activities, therefore, information presented and educational materials provided during the various educational classes must be consistent in nature and appearance.
ITB Bidder Response:
248 companies accessed the attachments OR received notice of the Request for Proposal (RFP) thru the Bid4Michigan website. Bids were posted 7/16/13, Questions were due 7/2913 and proposals were due 8/19/13. One response was received.
1. Kalkomey Enterprises, Inc.– Dallas, TX
Bidders were required to submit technical proposals and samples, which were reviewed and scored. Bidders had to receive a score of 80 or more in order to have pricing considered.
Proposals were evaluated on samples (35 pts), service capabilities (10pts), prior experience (35pts) and staffing (20pts).
The Proposals were evaluated by Jana Harding-Bishop, Buyer with DNR Procurement Services with input from the following individuals:
Shar McConeghy, Ruth Thole
DNR, Marketing and Outreach DNR, Finance and Operations - Procurement
Evaluation Information for Kalkomey:
Samples: Points: 35 out of 35
All samples submitted met the criteria
Service Capabilities: 7 out of 10
Kalkomey did not discuss their customer service staffing, experience and capabilities. They did not discuss how they review for up to date graphics nor how they would ensure items were packaged and shipped accurately and on time.
Prior Experience: Points: 35 out of 35
The company is the incumbent and has been providing these materials to Michigan and many other states for many years.
Staffing: Points: 8 out of 20
Kalkomey did not identify key personnel, their roles and responsibilities in section 1.3.3. Kalkomey did not mention sub-contractor nor provide staffing for them in their response.
Total points awarded to Kalkomey : 85 out of 100
Below are the estimate based on prior years of usage and new minimum order requirement. These figures are being used to estimate the value of this contract and are in no way meant to be commitments to purchase. Actual orders will be placed via Purchase Orders
Award Recommendation:
DNR Procurement is recommending award of a three (3) year contract to Kalkomey Enterprise, Inc in the amount of $505,311.00.