12.100.00 Number Of Animals Allowed Per Parcel:

This ordinance does not regulate household pets (those kept within a residence).

Animals may only be kept within residential zone when permitted by this title and in accordance with the provisions herein.

A.  Number and Density Allowed: The number of allowable animals kept shall be determined based on the animal equivalent unit (AEU) for each animal and the size of the parcel set aside for the animals. Animal species can be mixed provided the allowable density is not exceeded.

B.  E. AEU units allowed per Acre per zone:

a.  3.0 for R1, and RE.20 zones.

b.  4.0 for RE, A1, and undeveloped - residential and commercial parcels.

C.  Example: On a .75 acre parcel × an AEU of 3 (R1 or RE20 zones) equals 2.25 AEUs allowed; which translates to 2 large animals or 4 medium animals or 22 large fowl or 45 small animals.

Formula: Parcel acreage x allowed AEU/zone (3 or 4) = # Animals allowed (AEU)

Example: 0.75 x 3 = 2.25 AEU (ie. 2 cows and 5 chickens OR 45 chickens)

D.  Animal Equivalent Units: Each classification of animal shall be represented by an animal equivalent unit (AEU)as follows:

Animal Classification / Adult Animal Equivalent Unit
(AEU) Per Animal
Large animal / 1 .00
Medium animal / 0 .50
Large fowl / 0 .10
Small animal and fowl / 0 .05

E.  Classification: Each animal species shall be assigned one of the following classifications based on their size as follows:

1. Large animals - cattle, horse, donkey, mule.

2. Medium animals - sheep, goat, emu, llama, pig.

3. Large fowl - turkey, geese.

4. Small animal and fowl - fowl (pigeons, chickens, ducks), rabbits.

Animals not listed above and which are not considered household pets or animals which are not otherwise restricted, may be kept in accordance with this section in numbers consistent with their approximate size.

. F. Minimum size parcel to allow for large animals is .75 acre.

12.200.00 Juvenile Animal Allowance:

Animals which are not mature (reached the age of natural reproduction) are not subject to this regulation until they reach maturity.

12.300.00 Combining Land:

A lot may be combined with adjoining lots for the purpose of creating a parcel of sufficient size to meet the minimum requirements for the establishment of animal rights as outlined in this chapter subject to the following conditions:

A.  An agreement between the applicant and the adjoining lot owner assuring the use of the adjoining lot owner's land by the applicant for the purpose of harboring animals must be filed with the city staff.

B.  If either property owner should sell all or a portion of the pledged property, the animal rights permit will be revoked unless a new agreement is submitted to the city staff.

C.  Lot area pledged to another cannot be subdivided without the loss of animal rights.

D.  Land pledged to another cannot encroach into required setbacks.

E.  Any fencing or barriers or portions of such, between the applicant's property and the adjoining lot shall be opened to allow for free passage of any animals from one lot to the other.

12.400.00 Regulations Regarding Feeding And Housing Animals:

A. Where permitted under the provisions of this title, any large and medium sized animals are to be fed and housed at least forty five feet (45') from the owner's dwelling and seventy five feet (75') from any neighbor's dwelling as measured from the closest point of the corral or enclosure to the closest point of the dwelling.

B. These restrictions only apply to the permanent corral, stable, shed, barn or other protected or restricted area wherein the animal is fed and housed and not to the temporary grazing of livestock in pastures that are separate from a residential parcel.

C. Corrals, stables, sheds, barns, and other areas where animals are housed and fed must be cleaned of all animal waste (manure) and soiled bedding material on a regular basis (weekly). All waste must be disposed of properly and not be stockpiled, except during the winter months, beginning November 1, when disposal is difficult. Any wintertime stockpile must be removed no later than April 15. Waste stockpiles have the same setback restrictions as corrals, sheds, etc.

D. Using a common fence (decorative fence) between adjoining lots for the purpose of pasturing, corralling, or otherwise containing large or medium animals shall be prohibited unless the adjoining property owner gives consent. If consent is not given, the owner of the animals must provide a secondary fence or other acceptable means to restrict animals from the joint fence.

12.500.00 Trespass By Fowl or Animals:

It is unlawful for the owner or any person in charge of any animal or fowl to allow such animal or fowl to trespass upon the premises of another.

12.600.00 Special Use:

Animals and fowl kept for family food production on lots less than 20,000 square foot parcel; shall be permitted only with a Special Use Permit as provided by Chapter 8 of this Ordinance and the approval of the adjacent neighbors.

12.700.00 Prohibited Animals:

Exotic Animals – any animal not native to the region or not typically domesticated are prohibited, whether on a temporary or a long term basis.