Frauen Europäischer Mittel- und Kleinbetriebe

Femmes Europeennes des Moyennes et petites Entreprises

Female Europeans of Medium and small Enterprises

Brussels, 19 May 2009


- Members of the Directive Committee

- Members of the Executive Committee

- Member organisations, for information

Meeting of the Executive Committee
25-28June 2009 in Graz/Austria


Herewith, we would like to invite you to the next meeting of the Executive Committee which will take place

onFriday, 26June 2009

in Graz (Austria)

on invitation of „Frau in der Wirtschaft Steiermark“.

Please find enclosed a participation form to be filled in and returned to the FEM secretariat not later 8 June 2009. The agenda for the meeting of the Executive Committee and further information will follow.

The following programme has been organised:

Thursday, 25 June 2009

Arrival of participants in Graz
10:00 / Meeting of FEM’s Directive Committee
15:30 / Transfer from the hotel to Lannach (Lannacher Steinhalle) for the conference of Frau in der Wirtschaft Steiermark
16:00 (doors open);
17:00 (start): / Frau in der Wirtschaft Conference:
Presentation: „the power of your voice“ with voice coach Ingrid Amon, acccompanied by a programm (coulour lounge, exhibition of art work etc.)
Followed by a reception and networking
estimated number of participants: 400 women entrepreneurs
Welcome and short presentation of FEM
ca. 20:30/21:00 / Return from thehotel to Graz
evening at your disposal

Friday, 26 June 2009

09:00 -9:30 / Meeting in the hotel lobby, with public transport to the Wirtschaftskammer Steiermark
09:30 – 12:00 / FEMMeeting of the Executive committee
Wirtschaftskammer Steiermark, room Erzherzog-Johann, 7. Stock, Zimmer-Nr. 749
14:30– 17:00 / Visit to enterprises in Graz:
e.g.. Stajan Kunst & Mode GmbH or Heimatwerk, Fliesen Leeb, Kalchelhofen-Produzent
19:00 / Evening reception on invitation of the major of Graz (tbc) at the Schloßberg (Schloßbergrestaurant/Skybar) – together with the regional chairwomen of Frau in der Wirtschaft Steiermark

Saturday 27 June 2009

Morning at your disposal
Possibility to visit the Kunsthauses and the Acconci-Insel
14:00 / Excursion to the Südsteiermark (on your own expenses)
Visit of the styrian wine regiona with guided tour and wine tasting
around 19:00 / Return to Graz
Evening at your disposal

Sunday, 28 June 2009

Departure of the Delegates

FEM has an option for hotel rooms at the Hotel Erzherzog Johann eingerichtet. The price for a single/double room (including breakfast is99,- Euro. Please reserve your room directly at the hotel referring to FEM – Frau in der Wirtschaft.

Hotel Erzherzog Johann

Sackstraße 3

A-8010 Graz

Tel.:+43 (0) 316 81 161 60

Grazhas an international airport. Further information on Grazis available on the internet under the following address:

Yours sincerely,

Giovanna Boschis

Frauen Europäischer Mittel- und Kleinbetriebe

Femmes Europeennes des Moyennes et petites Entreprises

Female Europeans of Medium and small Enterprises

Meeting of FEM Executive Committee

25-28June 2009 in Graz (Austria)

1. I will participate in the event


Dateof arrival......

Dateof departure......

Working language:English



2. I would like to participate in the excursion (on your own expenses)








Date, signature

Please return to the FEM Secretariatnot later than 8 June 2009.

Email: , Fax. 0032 2 230.78.61