Parks, Recreation and Cemeteries Board Meeting
City Hall Council Chambers
November 17, 2010
The meeting was called to order at 4:40p.m. byChairman Steve Harrington.
Board Members Present: Chairman Harrington, Don Cuskey, Dave Swanson,and Bill Zabel
Board Member Absent: Dan Genereau
Also Present: Director Ronn Kopp, Foreman-Forester Mike Ashlin, Administrative Assistant Sandra Kleusch, City Attorney Wayne Arnold, Rice Lake Community Garden members Susan Vollmer, Natasha Lapcinski, andJudy Barisonzi, Community Garden neighboring property owner Al Frank, and Snowmobile Association member Ken Schneider.
It was moved by Mr.Swanson and seconded by Mr. Zabel that the minutes of the October 27, 2010 meeting be approved as presented to each member in printed form. All present voting yes. Motion carried.
Ms. Vollmer and Ms. Barisonzi explained in detail why they were asking for a five year lease on city owned land on Eau Claire Street near Cornell Avenueutilized by the Rice Lake Community Garden Organization. Mr. Frank spoke in opposition of the agreement and expressed his concerns regarding liabilityissues.
It was moved by Dr. Cuskey and seconded by Mr. Swanson to approve the 5-year agreement between the City of Rice Lake and the Rice Lake Community Garden Club for property use as a community garden on property owned by the City located on Eau Claire Street near Cornell Avenue, and to forward the document to the Common Council for adoption.
Voting yes: Harrington, Swanson, Zabel, and Cuskey.
Voting no: none
Motion carried.
Mr. Kopp and Mr. Ashlin updated Board members on theHigh School Tennis Court project undertaken by the School District. Meyers Electric of Rice Lake submitted thelow bidfor the city’s assignment of removing three utility poles and an electric control box from the playing courts.
Mr. Schneider requested that the current snowmobile trail at MoonLakebe re-routed for the convenience of trail users and for accommodation of the adjacent property owners. After discussion, an on location meeting involving Mr. Schneider, PRC, Street Department, and Police Department personnel was scheduled.
Mr. Kopp informed Board members of avisit taken by Mr. Ashlin, PRC MaintenanceSpecialist Brian Croteau, and himself to the ChippewaFallsParks and Recreation Department. A visit to Memorial Park in Arcadia taken by Mr. Kopp, Mr. Ashlin, and Mr. Croteau along with Park Board member Zabel, former Park Board president Bob Heffer, and former mayor Al Arnold was also described.
Mr. Kopp reviewed safety standard issues local parks and playgrounds.
Mr. Kopp presented 2010-2011PRC open gym schedule being conducted at AndrewTainterElementary School.
Mr. Ashlin informed that the installation of Christmas decorationsbegan Monday, November 15 and was scheduled to be complete Friday, November 19.
Mr. Ashlin reported that the tree inventory being conducted by Bluestem Forestry Consulting Inc., of Drummond, Wisconsin was nearing completion.
It was moved by Mr. Harrington and seconded by Mr. Zabel that the meeting be adjourned. All present voting yes. Motion carried. Time of adjournment: 6:05p.m.
Minutes taken by Sandra Kleusch