Nominee Name ______

First Middle Last

Home Address ______

Telephone ______Email ______

Name of School Where Nominee Teaches ______

School Address ______

4Total Years

Teaching Experience ______Teaching Driver Education ______VADETS Membership ______

Applicant Information and Responsibilities

·  Download the VADETS Teacher of the Year application from the VADETS web site. Complete the form.

·  Provide an outline, with a brief description, professional development activities that you have participated in or conducted within the two years prior to the application. Explain how these activities have enhanced your professional development and teaching.

·  A letter of support from your building principal and/or supervisor must be included with the application. This letter should contain evidence of personal knowledge of the teacher’s abilities and other qualifications that make him/her a good candidate for Teacher of the Year.

·  The individual selected for VADETS Teacher of the Year is required to do a 45-minute presentation at the 2018 annual conference.

o  The Teacher of the Year will also receive one night lodging and a complimentary conference registration for the 2018 VADETS Conference.

·  The application and all supporting materials must be postmarked by September 30, 2017 to be eligible for consideration.

o  Mail the application to: Lisa McDaniels

VADETS Teacher of the Year Committee Chair

1923 Windsor Road

Petersburg, VA 23805

I hereby give my permission that any or all of the materials submitted may be shared with members of the selection committee for VADETS Teacher of the Year.


Signature Date

VADETS Teacher of the Year Application Guidelines


This award annually recognizes an outstanding educator in the field of Driver Education.


Any individual working in the field of Driver Education is eligible to complete the application process.

All applicants must be a current member of VADETS.

Application Information and Process

Each candidate submitting a formal application must provide the following information and adhere to the timeline.

·  Application

o  The application for the Teacher of the Year may be found on the VADETS website. Please download the application and mail it to -

Lisa McDaniels

VADETS Teacher of the Year Committee Chair

1923 Windsor Road

Petersburg, VA 23805

·  Letter of Support

o  A letter of support from your building principal and/or supervisor must be included with the application. This letter should contain evidence of personal knowledge of the teacher’s abilities and other qualifications that make him/her a good candidate for Teacher of the Year.

o  This letter should be addressed to VADETS Teacher of the Year Committee.

·  Applications must be postmarked no later than September 30, 2017.

·  The VADETS Teacher of the Year is required to be a presenter at the next annual conference of the association.

Teacher of the Year Award includes:

·  Award recognition plaque at the current annual conference.

·  One night lodging at the next annual conference of the association.

·  Complimentary conference registration at the next annual conference of the association.

The final decision for the individual selected as the VADETS Teacher of the Year is made by the Teacher of the Year Committee.