3rd November 2017

Reminder - Parent’s Evenings on Tuesday 7th November and Wednesday 8th November 3.30-7pm

Please can I remind you that we will be holding our Autumn term Parent’s Evenings from 3.30-7pm on these nights. We look forward to welcoming you into school to find out about your child’s achievements, progress and next steps for learning.

PE lessons/workshops next week

Thank you to Mrs Gathercole who has arranged for 2 visitors from the East Coast Martial Arts Club to come into school next Wednesday and lead our PE lessons. There will be a focus on the ethos of discipline, control and body movements. This has been arranged in response to the parent’s questionnaire regarding diversifying our PE sessions in school last term.

FOBS AGM – Wednesday 8th November at 2pm

It would be great to see you at the upcoming AGM, please do come along and share any ideas you have for fundraising.

Leadership Residential Course

Next Thursday and Friday Mrs Laidler and myself will be attending a leadership residential in Norfolk. Please refer any matters to Mr Fisher in this time if needs be.

Book Fayre in school – 14th November onwards for a week

We are pleased to announce that we will be welcoming in the Book People Book Fayre on the 14th – 20th November after school (excluding Friday). Please do come along to the hall and have a look at the books on offer. A flyer with more information is being sent home with pupils today.

Drumming and Rock Band Clubs

These clubs will not be running this half of term due to a lack of numbers.

Reception Open Morning – Tuesday 7th November 9.15-10.30am

If your child is due to start school in September 2018, we’d love you to pop in and see the school in action. Mrs Laidler will be conducting tours of the school and in particular our excellent class (Seal Class) in which our Reception children are


As part of our values based curriculum this year, we are now looking at the value of determination. You will have received your parent/child wow cards so please do let us know if your child/children have been determined at school. Our celebration awards this half of term will reflect this.

Superb author visit on Monday!

On Monday this week, we had the author James Mayhew visit the school. He has written many books including the Ella Bella series and the Katie series. He held a truly inspiring assembly for the whole school where explained to us that he was initially not very good at writing but with determination he has goneon to be a published author and then, he amazed us all by telling us the story of The Pedlar of Swaffham whilst drawing a picture of it. Not only this, but he drew the amazing picture whilst looking upside down! Seals and Turtles then had the privilege of each having a half day workshop with him where he toldthem the story of Fingal's Cave and painted the story to music. The children then had their own go at drawing a story to music. The results are very impressive and well worth a visit to look at. Seal's and Turtles then spent the rest of the week using the workshop as a basis for their descriptive writing. Thank you to the Burnham Market Craft Fair, whose kind donation indeed funded this visit for our EYFS and KS1 children. The do have another exciting author visiting on the 24th November for our KS2 children…. More information to follow!

Catering dietician

We now have an open telephone clinic for parents to speak to Nicole our dietician (linked to Norse catering who provide our school lunches) and nutritionist, this is held on a Tuesday at 4.30pm – 6pm and she can be contacted on 07718 200884. Please do use this service if you have any queries regarding children’s diets.

Children in Need – 17th November

As usual, we will be supporting this very worthy charity again this year. The theme is the ‘BIG SPOTACULAR’ so children are very welcome to come in anything spotty or non-school uniform and make any donation of their choice. Our large PUDSEY will be in the foyer as the children love to cover him in money.

Nursery Photographer

For any of you that may have missed the school photos, the Nursery have a photographer visiting on Saturday 11th November. There are a few spaces available if you would like to book a session for your child or for a family group photo. Please speak to a member of the Nursery team for more information or to book a time slot.

Good Work Awards/Values Awards

Good Work AwardsValues Awards

Seals:Marcie Keeling (amazing art work on author day)Mitchell Osler (explained his determination to learn)

Turtles:Freddie (fantastic art work with James Mayhew)Zara Donohoe (determination to succeed at subtraction)

Dolphins:Tommy Stenning (excellent work and effort with maths)Ashton Tuck (trying hard and remaining positive)

Kittiwakes:Logan Ireson (explained converting mixed numbers)Bailey Chapman (determination to find percentages)

Weekly Attendance Trophy: Turtle Class


7th Nov – Open Morning for new Reception children for September 2018, 9.15 – 10.30am

7th/8thNov – Autumn Term Parent’s Evening from 3.30pm-7pm

17th Nov – Children in Need – any spots welcome!

13th Nov - SEND afternoon for parents to meet teachers and discuss IEP’s

11th Dec – Dress Rehearsal for Christmas Production

12th Dec – Afternoon performance of Christmas Production 1.30pm start

13th Dec – Evening performance of Christmas Production 6.00pm start

15th Dec – Christmas Jumper Day to support The Samaritans

18th Dec – Christingle at St Mary’s Church 9.45am, Christmas Lunch and party afternoon

19th Dec – Finish term for Christmas

Letters out this week: Parent’s Evenings,

This newsletter can be viewed on the schoolwebsite