ANSYS – Sample 2-D BracketRev.6/9/06
PreparationMake a sketch of the structure
Choose your global reference frame
Calculate the coordinates of keypoints
Look up material properties, thickness.
Create a directory for your ANSYS files
Login and execute ANSYS from the START Menu – CAD Programs/ ANSYS 9/ ANSYS
Change jobname, title, directory, and Output File
Set Preferences - Structural, h-code
[PlotCtrls] >Zoom/Pan/Rotate
Create Model
Define Model Elements
>Element Type >Add/Edit/Delete
[Add] (Solid, Quad 8 node 82)
[Options…](Plane stress w/ thickness)
>Real Constants[Add]<OK>THK (0.5)
>Material Properties(enter or select from library)
>Material Model >Structural >Linear >Elastic >Isotropic
Create Rectangles
>Modeling >Create >Areas >Rectangle >By Dimensions
X1, X2( 0, 6 )(horiz range)
Y1, Y2( -1, 1 ) [Apply](vert range)
X1, X2( 4, 6 ) (horiz range)
Y1, Y2( -1, -3 ) <OK>(vert range)[Save_db]
[PlotCtrls] >Numbering >Area numbers (On) <OK>
[PlotCtrls] >Pan, Zoom, Rotate > [ • ](Zoom Out)
Create Circles
[WorkPlane] >WP Settings > (Create a coord system for creating geometry)
Polar / Grid & Triad
Snap Increment(0.1)<OK>
>Modeling >Create >Areas >Circle >Solid Circle
Pick circle center point:(Click inside window. Hold button down)
Move arrow until:WPX = 0, WPY = 0 (Origin of Working Plane)
Click at center, drag until:Radius = 1.0<OK>
[WorkPlane] >Offset WP to >Keypoints
Pick Keypoints:(lower left and right corners)<OK>
>Modeling >Create >Areas >Circle >Solid Circle
Pick circle center point:(Click inside window. Hold button down)
Move arrow until:WPX = 0, WPY = 0
Click at center, drag until:Radius = 1.0<OK>
[Save_db] or [File] > Save as: bracket1.db
Create Fillet
[PlotCtrls] > Numbering > Line Numbers(On) <OK>
[WorkPlane] >Display Working Plane (toggle off)
>Modeling >Create >Lines >Line Fillet
Pick intersecting lines: (1, 8) <OK>(2 lines intersecting at corner)
(RAD:0.4 )
Error Message!
“Lines 1 and 8 do not share a common Keypoint”
Create a New Line
[PlotCtrls] > Numbering > Keypoint Numbers(On) <OK>
[Plot] > Lines(Note: line numbers are located in center of each line)
>Modeling >Create >Lines>Lines >Straight Lines
Enter on the Command Line the Keypoints defining the new line
(12 CR)
( 8 CR)
Create Fillet – (again)
>Modeling >Create >Lines >Line Fillet
Pick intersecting lines: (17, 8) <OK>(2 lines intersecting at corner)
(RAD:0.4 ) <OK>
Create Fillet Area
[Pan, Zoom, Rotate] > [Box Zoom](Click & drag box to select area around fillet)
>Modeling >Create >Areas – Arbitrary> By Lines
Pick Lines bounding fillet area(Note: must have 3 lines joining corner & tang pts)
( You may have to create another line segment )
[Pan, Zoom, Rotate] > [Fit]
[Plot] > Areas
[Save_db] or [File] > Save as: bracket2.db
Add Areas – Boolean Operation
>Modeling >Operate >Boolean >Add >Areas
Pick: areas<OK>(Click inside all 5 areas )
Create Holes
[WorkPlane] >Display Working Plane
>Modeling >Create >Areas >Circle > Solid Circle
Pick center point:(WPX = 0, WPY = 0) (Workplane coordinates)
(Rad = .4 ) <OK>(Click & drag to size)
[WorkPlane] >Offset WP to >Global Origin
>Modeling >Create >Areas >Circle > Solid Circle
Pick center point:(WPX = 0, WPY = 0) (Workplane coordinates)
(Rad = .4 ) <OK>(Click & drag to size)
[WorkPlane] >Display Working Plane (toggle off)
[Plot] > Replot
[Plot] > Lines
[Save_db] or [File] > Save as: bracket3.db
Subtract Holes – Boolean Operation
>Modeling > Operate >Boolean >Subtract > Areas
Pick: base area: (bracket )[Apply]
Pick: both holes: <OK>
[File] > Save as: bracket4.db
Mesh Model
Automatic Mesh Generation
>Meshing >Size Controls > Manual Size >Global >Size
>Meshing >Mesh > Areas >Free
Pick bracket area:<OK>
Re-do Mesh
>Meshing > Clear
Pick area(bracket)<OK>
[Plot] > Areas
( Try different mesh size, etc)
Apply Boundary Constraints
[Plot] > Lines
>Define Loads > Apply >Structural >Displacement >On Keypoints
Pick 4 Keypoints around the upper hole<OK>
DOFs constrained:All DOF
Displacement Value:0
Expand displacement to nodes?:Yes<OK>
(Applies same constraint to nodes between KP)
Apply Loads
>Define Loads > Apply >Pressure >On Lines
Lower Circle:
Pick line on lower left quarter circle[Apply]
ValueJ:(500)[Apply](Tapered pressure distribution)
Pick line on lower right quarter circle[Apply]
ValueJ:(50)<OK>(Reverse pressure distribution)
Solve Current Load Set
>Solve >Current LS <OK>
(Note: Complete results are stored in results file: jobname.rst )
Deformed Shape
>General Postprocessor
>Plot Results >Deformed Shape
(Select Deformed and Undeformed Shape)
[PlotCtrls] > Style > Displacement Scaling >(Rescale plot)
User Specified(400)
Stress Contours
>Plot Results >Contour Plot >Nodal Solution
Select: (Stress) –Scroll to: ( von Mises)
Scale Factor:(blank)
(Def shape only)
Interpolation Nodes:(Corners only)
Eff Nu(0)<OK>
Element Plot
[PlotCtrls] > Numbering >
Elem / Attrib(Element Numbers)
Numbers shown with(Colors only)
Plot Input Data
Meshed model with node numbers
Line model with loads and constraints
List Results Tables
>General Postprocessor
>List Results > Nodal Solution, Element Solution, and Reaction Solution
(All items )<OK>
List input data
[List] Nodal coordinates, elements, properties, real constants, loads, constraints
[File] >Print
or...[File] >Save as:(send to file: jobname.out)
Select "All DOF"<Apply>(display table of results)
[File] >Printlp -d CB230ps
or...[File] >Copy to Output File(send to file: jobname.out)
>Plot Element Solution
Other ANSYS Features
Dependent Constraints
>Couple / ceqn
0 = -1*4Y + 0.2*4XAngled constraint: at node 4, displ in Y dir. equals
0.2* displ in X dir. (i.e. positive slope)
0 = -1*4X + 1*3XPin joint: coincident nodes 3 and 4 move together in the
0 = -1*4Y + 1*3YX and Y dir, but rotate independently
Screen Capture
[PlotCtrls] >Hard Copy
Send to default printer: lp -d CB230ps
Print a Table or a Help File
[File] >Print(Use File option in the table window)
ANSYS Help and File Management
Help - Table of Contents - WorkbookSample Problems
Help - Table of Contents - Procedures Manual
Sec. 2.4 Typical ANSYS Analysis
Sec. 11.2 General Postprocessor
Sec. 12.5 Creating Graphs
App. A File Management
Help – plane82(description of 8 node quad elements)
Look in your ANSYS directory.
jobname.dbDatabase file - your ANSYS input data
jobname.dbbBackup of database file - created when you do a Save-db
jobname.ematElement matrices
jobname.errError/warning log
jobname.esavSaved element data
jobname.logCommand history - complete record of commands used in a session
jobname.outANSYS Output file
jobname.rstANSYS Results file