International Management: Insights from Fiction and Practice
Puffer, Sheila M. (ed.) International Management: Insights from Fiction and Practice. Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe, 2004, 303 pp.
Foreword, Dane Bedward
Part I. Phases of Cross-Cultural Experience
Section 1. Cultural and Communication Challenges
1.1 Name Six Famous Belgians, David R. Slavitt (Italy, U.S.)
1.2 American Dreams, Peter Carey (Australia, U.S.)
1.3 English as a Second Language, Lucy Honig (U.S., Guatemala)
1.4 The Awful German Language, Mark Twain (Germany)
Section 2. Settling into New Surroundings
2.1 Saree of the Gods, G.S. Sharat Chandra (India)
2.2 How to Be an Expatriate, Peter Ho Davies (UK, U.S.)
Section 3. Coming Home
3.1 Yard Sale, Paul Theroux (Samoa, U.S.)
3.2 Letter From Gaza, Ghassan Kanafani (Gaza, U.S.)
Section 4. Managerial Insights
4.1 Beyond Sophisticated Stereotyping: Cultural Sense Making in Context, Joyce S. Osland and Allan Bird
4.2 “Englishes” in Cross-Cultural Business Communication, Naoki Kameda
4.3 When Managing Expatriate Adjustment, Don’t Forget the Spouse, Talya N. Bauer and Sully Taylor
4.4 Adapting to a Boundaryless World: A Developmental Expatriate Model, Juan I. Sanchez, Paul E. Spector, and Cary L. Cooper
Part II. Values and Ethics
Section 5. The Meaning of Work and Personal Values
5.1 Rich Men Tend to Be Strange, Ivan Klima (Former Czechoslovakia)
5.2 The Retirement Party, Natalia Baranskaya (Russia)
Section 6. Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility
6.1 In Los Angeles, Saburō Shiroyama (U.S., Japan)
6.2 Payback: Dirty for Dirty, Patricio F. Vargas (U.S., Mexico)
6.3 A Taste of Success, Mona Ragab (Egypt)
Section 7. Managerial Insights
7.1 Navigating the Hostile Maze: A Framework for Russian Entrepreneurship, Sheila M. Puffer and Daniel J. McCarthy
7.2 Settling Cross-Cultural Disagreements Begins with “Where” Not “How,” Susan M. Adams
7.3 Japanese and American Negotiators: Overcoming Cultural Barriers to Understanding, Richard Menger
7.4 Responsibility: The New Business Imperative, Sandra A. Waddock, Charles Bodwell, and Samuel B. Graves
Part III. Power and Group Dynamics
Section 8. Power and Authority
8.1 Welcoming the Board of Directors, Peter Handke (Austria)
8.2 Government by Magic Spell, Saida Hagi-Dirie Herzi (Somalia)
8.3 The Mullah With No Legs, Ari Siletz (Iran)
8.4 One of These Days, Gabriel García Márquez (Latin America)
8.5 The Explosion in the Parlor, Bai Xiao-Yi (China)
Section 9. Individuals and Groups
9.1 In the Footsteps of a Water Buffalo, Nhat Tien (Vietnam)
9.2 Action Will Be Taken: An Action-Packed Story, Heinrich Böll (Germany)
9.3 Ode to Joy, Marta Kadlečíková (Czech Republic)
Section 10. Managerial Insights
10.1 Leadership Made in Germany: Low on Compassion, High on Performance, Felix Brodbeck, Michael Frese, and Mansour Javidan
10.2 Working in a Vietnamese Voice, Lady Borton
10.3 Building Competitive Advantage from Ubuntu: Management Lessons from South Africa, Mzamo P. Mangaliso
10.4 Matching Management Practices to National Culture in India, Mexico, Poland, and the U.S., Marc C. Marchese
Part IV. Doing Business Together
Section 11. The Multicultural Workplace
11.1 Immigration Blues, Bienvenido Santos (U.S., Philippines)
11.2 Señor Payroll, William E. Barrett (U.S., Mexico)
11.3 No One To Yell At, Ilyas Halia (Canada, Turkey)
Section 12. Customer Service
12.1 A New Customer, Viktor Slavkin (Russia)
12.2 A Brief History of Capitalism, Moacyr Scliar (Brazil)
Section 13. Teams and Alliances
13.1 Mister Taylor, Augusto Monterroso (U.S., Brazil)
13.2 The Zulu and the Zeide, Dan Jacobson (South Africa)
13.3 Only Approved Indians Can Play: Made in USA, Jack Forbes (U.S.)
Section 14. Managerial Insights
14.1 Foreign Knowledge Workers as a Strategic Staffing Option, Lawrence A. West, Jr., and Walter A. Bogumil, Jr.
14.2 Four Seasons Goes to Paris, Roger Hallowell, David Bowen, and Carin-Isabel Knoop
14.3 Keys to Effective Virtual Global Teams, Elizabeth Kelley
14.4 Cultivating A Global Mindset, Anil K. Gupta and Vijay Govindarajan