3/1/04 – Michael Cross (PrincetonUniversity)
-----Original Message-----
From: Michelle S. Kim [mailto:
Sent: Monday, March 01, 20044:01 PM
Subject: Referred by Cal Athletics
Mr. Cross,
Hello, my name is Michelle Kim and I'm a master's student at UC Berkeley.
As a part of our curriculum, we are developing a new registration system
for the Cal's Intercollegiate Athletics & Recreational Sports department,
under the direction of Mr. Foti Mellis, .
During our discussions, Princeton has been mentioned as the school who
has implemented electronic registration system of the student athletics,
in compliance with the NCAA requirements. I was wondering if you'd able
to answer or direct us on some of these key issues for us.
1. How do you provide NCAA forms online (e.g. as links to NCAA website,
make local copies and publish those)?
We use no paper in our process. The forms are answered via a web page
with questions corresponding to the areas we want the athlete to certify.
Information (such as the rules summary) that the student needs to
reference are accessed through links to the NCAA web site.
2. How do you obtain e-signatures from students, and from their
to "sign" forms?
Parents rarely if ever have to sign forms (only for students under 18).
If the situation arises, the parents are sent a paper version with the
students "answers" inserted in the form. Student "signatures" are gained
through the same authentication process that is used for the University's
e-mail system. The student uses their email name and password, proving
they are who they say they are, in the same manner that your pin number
does for your bank card.
3. If a hardcopy of the signed form is needed, how do you generate the
text form that bears the e-signature (e.g. to publish the Buckley
Amendment Consent form)? Did you have to go though any legal
departments? What does the signature section of the form say?
I'm not sure I understand your question. If you would like to call me,
about this topic or others, that may be best. 609-258-4948.
4. Some NCAA forms require (in addition to signature and date) the
student's name, DOB, home address, and sport. Since this information is
collected elsewhere, are you still required to collect these information
from/associated with the NCAA forms? Or do you drop these and just
collect signature and date?
This information is all taken directly from the University registar's
office or in the case of a sport, the official team roster. There is no
typing of this type of information. It is inserted into the form where
necessary from other official university and department sources.
5. Would it be possible for us to explore your website? Do you have a
guest id and a password we can use to see what you are doing?
We do not have a guest ID or password. Since this information is linked
to other University data and there are significant FERPA concerns realted
to our student's privacy, we are not willing to provide one. Sorry.
In fact, if we could have an access to your website, we should be able to
answer most of these questions ourselves. I do apologize in advance for
bombarding you with questions, but the time constrain we are under forces
us to act quickly. Also, I would like to thank you in advance for your
attention to this matter. I look forward to getting your responses and
maybe being able to explore your website. Regards,