DTAC Fall League #3 2017

Oct 21-22 2017

Held under sanction of USA Swimming,Inc.

Sanctioned by: ArizonaSwimmingInc. Sanction#: AZ18-32

Liability: In grantingthis sanction,itis understood andagreedthatUSASwimming, Inc.,ArizonaSwimmingInc.,Chandler Unified SchoolDistrict,Hamilton HighSchool, City of Chandler,ArizonaAquaticClub, ArizonaAquaticClub Boostersand allmeet officialsshallbeheldharmlessfromanyand allliabilitiesor claimsfordamagesbyreason of injuries toanyoneduringtheconductof this meet,whichincludes warm-up sessions.

Hosted by: DesertThunderAquaticClub

Location: ChandlerHigh School 350S ArizonaAve,Chandler, AZ85225

Meet Director: BryanCrane

Meet Referee: Jody Frame

Course: ChandlerHigh School Pool:Eightor ten lane,outdoor,25yardpoolwith non-turbulentlanedividers.Colorado startandautomatictiming orsemi-automatic systemwill be used.Separate warm-uparea will beavailable for continuous warm-up throughout themeet.

Rules Governing Sanctioned Meets

1. Age onthe first day the meetwillgovernforthe entiremeet.

2. Conductofthesanctionedeventshallconformineveryrespect to all technical and administrativerules of USA Swimming.

3.Swimmingcompetitions shall beconducted in conformance with USA SwimmingTechnical Rules.

4. Any swimmer enteredinthemeet mustbe certified bya USASwimming member coach asbeing proficient in

performing a racing start or must start eachrace fromwithin thewater. When unaccompaniedby a member coach, it is the responsibility of theswimmer ortheswimmer’s legal guardian toensurecompliance withthis requirement.

5. Thecompetitioncoursehas not beencertifiedin accordancewith104.2.2C(4)as topool length.

6. Theminimumwaterdepth,measuredin accordance with Article 103.2.3, is6feet,0 inchesat thestart endand 6 feet,

0inches attheturn end.

7. Deckchanges areprohibited.

8. The Arizona SwimmingControlledMeetWarm-upandSafety Guidelineswillbe postedandenforced.

9.No swimmer willbe permittedto compete unless swimmer is amember of USA Swimming. On deck registration isnot

available at any ArizonaSwimmingmeet.

10.The use ofaudio or visualrecording devices,includingacellphone,isnotpermittedinchangingareas,restrooms, lockerrooms,orother areas as may be designatedby theMeet Director/Meet Referee.

11.Allreferees, starters, administrative officials, chief judgesandstrokeand turn judgesserving inanofficial capacityina sanctioned event must be non-athletemembersof USASwimmingormembers of other FINAmember organizations.

Allmeet directors formeetssanctioned byUSA Swimmingmust bemembers of USA Swimming.Except forcoaches

accompanying athletes participating under the provisions of 202.6 or USASwimming’s“open border” policy,all personsactinginany coachingcapacity inasanctionedevent mustbea coachmemberof USASwimming.

12. Officials and MeetMarshalsmust sign inand present proof ofcurrent membershipand/or training respectfully,tothe

MeetRefereepriortothe startofeach session ofcompetition.If requested, ArizonaOfficials and Meet Marshals must present their AzSIissuedPictureID’s to theMeet Referee

13.Coaches must signin andpresentproof ofcurrentmembershipat the Clerk of Course prior tothe start of each session ofcompetition.If requested, ArizonaCoachesmustpresenttheir AzSIissued PictureID’stotheClerk ofCourse.

14. All Officials, Coaches and Meet Marshals shall display their valid ArizonaSwimmingPicture ID badgeinavisible manner at all times. Meet Marshal’sshall wear their identifyingvests.

15.Swimmerswith adisabilityarewelcome.TheSwimmer(orswimmers coach) is responsible fornotifyingtheReferee,

priorto thecompetition, of anydisabilityof the swimmer andoftherequestedmodification.Theswimmer/coachshall provideany assistant(s) orequipment (tappers,deck mats,etc.)if required.

16. Operatonofa drone,oranyother flyingapparatus,isprohibitedoverthevenue (pools,athlete/coachareas, spectator areasand openceilinglockerroos)any timeathletes,coaches,officialsand/orspectatorsarepresent.

Eligibility: 1. Opento anyUSAswimming athleteholding a current USA Swimmingregistrationcard

2. Thisisan A-B-C formatmeet.

3. Thiswill bea timedfinal meet.

4. Swimmers arelimitedto FIVE(5)eventsper day not includingrelays.

5. Entry timesshouldbea swimmers short course yardtimes. NT ispermitted.

6. Time Trialsmay be offeredat the discretion of themeet referee.

Entries: Online commitment due Monday, October 9th by 11:59 PM

Entry Fees: LSCSurcharge $7.00

Individual Events $5.50 (25’s are $3.50)

Relay Events $10.00 (100 yard relays are $6.00)

Schedule: Session I 8:00AMwarm-up,8:45AMstart

SessionII Warm-upwillbeavailableattheconclusion ofSession Afor45min.Warm-upwill start nosooner than

11:00amandthe meet will not start prior to12:00 pm

SessionIII 9:00AMwarm-up,10:00AMstart

Scoring A,B,Cmeetwill be scoresseparately.Individual Events: 6-4-3-2-1(No more than2swimmersmay scoreperteam per event). Relay events:12-8-6(nomorethan1relaymaybescoredperteamperevent)

Awards: Prize awards for heatwinners.A and B achievement certificates will be awardedtothose athletes achievinga first time Arizona SwimmingA orB time.

Concessions:Concessionswillbe availablethroughoutthemeet. Hospitalitywillbe providedforcoaches,officialsand other meetworkers.Glasscontainersarenotpermitted.

Time Trials: Time trials are at thediscretionof themeetreferee. If timetrails are offered,the costperevent would be $6/event and aresubjectto thedaily event limit.

Distance Events:Positive checkin is required by10:30 AM,Sunday,October22ndforthe 1000Free.The1000 Freewillbeswum fastest toslowestalternating womenandmenheats.Swimmers shouldpreparetoprovide their own timersand countersforthe1000 Free.


Saturday,Oct 212017 Warm-up8:00AM MeetStart8:45AM

Women / Event / Men
1 / 9-10 200 Free Relay / 2
3 / 8&U 100 Free Relay / 4
5 / 9-10 100 Free / 6
7 / 8&U 100 Free / 8
9 / 7-8 25 Free / 10
11 / 6&U 25 Free / 12
13 / 10&U 50 Back / 14
15 / 7-8 25 Back / 16
17 / 6&U 25 Back / 18
19 / 10&U 50 Breast / 20
21 / 7-8 25 Breast / 22
23 / 6&U 25 Breast / 24
25 / 10&U 50 Fly / 26
27 / 7-8 25 Fly / 28
29 / 6&U 25 Fly / 30
31 / 10&U 100IM / 32
33 / 8&U 100IM / 34

Saturday,Oct 21,2017


MeetStart: 45min followingsession I but not priorto12:00PM

Timelineto bepublished prior tothe meet to help teams with planning

Women / Event / Men
35 / 11-12 200 Free Relay / 36
37 / 13 & over 200 Free Relay / 38
39 / 11-12 200 Free / 40
41 / 13 & over 200 Free / 42
43 / 11&Over 50 Back / 44
45 / 11-12 100 Back / 46
47 / 13& over 100 Back / 48
49 / 11 & over 50 Breast / 50
51 / 11-12 200 Breast / 52
53 / 13 & over 200 Breast / 54
55 / 11 & over 50 Fly / 56
57 / 11-12 100 Fly / 58
59 / 13 & over 100 Fly / 60
61 / 11-12 100 Free / 62
63 / 13 & over 100 Free / 64
65 / 11-12 100 IM / 66
67 / 13 & Over 100 IM / 68


Sunday,Oct22,2017 Warm-up9am Meet Start10am

Women / Event / Men
69 / 10&U 200 Medley Relay / 70
71 / 11-12 200 Medley Relay / 72
73 / 13& over 200 Medley Relay / 74
75 / 10& under 50 Free / 76
77 / 11-12 50 Free / 78
79 / 13 & over 50 Free / 80
81 / 10&U 100 Back / 82
83 / 11-12 200 Back / 84
85 / 13 & over 200 Back / 86
87 / 10&U 100 Breast / 88
89 / 11-12 100 Breast / 90
91 / 13 & over 100 Breast / 92
93 / 10&U 100 Fly / 94
95 / 11-12 200 Fly / 96
97 / 13& over 200 Fly / 98
99 / 10 & under 200 IM / 100
101 / 11-12 200IM / 102
103 / 13& over 200IM / 104
105 / 11 & over 1000 Free / 106

*PositiveCheckin required for1000 Free.Positivecheckin will closeat10:30 AM