Assessment Submissions /Re-submissions

Guidance Note

This guidance was developed due to an initial recommendation being instigated by the Quality Reviewer during the Edexcel BTEC College Quality Review of Feb 2013, and North Lindsey College learners who suggested a lack of consistency and confusion in the expectations for submissions and re-submissions

The document recommends a consistency in approach across college for all learners submitting / re-submitting assessments on all programmes. The document recommends that all learners submit work to an agreed deadline and follow the procedure indicated for any re-submissions ensuring that all learners have an equal opportunity to gain as high a grade as possible. The document recommends a consistent application of the process with regards to all programmes and all awarding organisations within college, unless any awarding organisation states differently.

E.g.Edexcel BTEC has made it a mandatory requirement from Sept 2014 for their entry Level to Level 3 qualifications to have 2 clear deadlines for assignment submissions.

  • One for formative feedback
  • One for a summative decision.

They have stated that providing initial deadlines have been met a student has one opportunity to re-submit after a summative grade has been given.

Impact on Learners/Teaching, Learning & Assessment

  • Learners will have a consistent message regarding submission deadlines. Learners will need to be responsible for meeting deadlines.
  • Learners will be encouraged to reach their full potential and achieve the highest grade possible, to be motivated and prepared for the world of work/Higher Education.
  • Learners will all have equality of opportunity to achieve a high grade.
  • Teaching staff will be able to mark work and give feedback in a more timely manner.

Formative feedback

Formative feedback is given to learners when it is required. This can happen from an informal hand –in or during assignment progression classes.

Summative feedback

Learners should be reminded of deadline dates previously given to them on assessment schedules at the beginning of the academic year. The suggestion is that in future the learners will be given a specific date, time and venue for handing in their work.

Each learner is given feedback on their submission. This can range from how to improve the work to achieve a pass or how to improve it to achieve a higher grade. All learners should be encouraged to strive for higher grades to achieve their full potential. Feedback should be motivational and should include comments on how to improve literacy skills as appropriate to the individual learner.

Each group of learners will be given a period of time to make improvements, as determined by the course tutor. The tutor will need to take into consideration the final date for claiming qualifications as determined by the college schedule for any given academic year. Once the work has been re-submitted the work is given a final grade.


The learner may liaise with the tutor to discuss the opportunity to upgrade some of their work at any time. The tutor should encourage learners to upgrade their assignments wherever possible to reach their full potential and raise aspirations. The opportunity to upgrade and the time limits for doing so are at the discretion of the tutor. The tutor will need to take into consideration the final date for claiming qualifications as determined by the college schedule for any given academic year.

Extenuating circumstances.

A record should be kept for any learner not adhering to the deadline for submissions. The attached is the college document for this. Learners will need to be advised at the beginning of the academic year that this is the procedure to be followed..

September 2013 / Page - 1 - / Ref:GUID0013

Assessment Submissions /Re-submissions

Guidance Note

Application for Extenuating Circumstances

Name: / Course: / Course Tutor:
Unit Title:
Unit Lecturer: / Assignment Hand-in Date: / Today’s date:
Reason for application for Extenuating Circumstances:
To be filled in by Course Tutor/Manager.
Outcomes from application meeting:
Extenuating Circumstances
[please circle outcome] / Approved / Not Approved
Course tutor signature: / Course tutor name: / Date:
Curriculum Leader/Head’s signature: / Curriculum Leader/Head’s name: / Date:
Learner’s signature: / Learner’s name: / Date:
September 2013 / Page - 1 - / Ref:GUID0013