My Guide to remote access for a Swann CCTV system from a DSL-3780

Below settings are for:

D-Link DSL-3780 router (Supplied bt TalkTalk)

Swann CCTV DVR4-1200/1300 system

Is your ISP router fixed IP (e.g. Virgin cable) or dynamic (e.g. TalkTalk ADSL)

If fixed your remote devices will connect direct to your ISP/Router via its fixed IP address.


If Dynamic you will have to setup some form of DDNS link (Dynamic DNS)

There are various co's on the net that offer this, but if you are a Swann user they provide a FREE DNS portal service see:

Basically to access your router the remote device (iPhone) has to get the current IP address from the DDNS portal. Your CCTV device continually updates the portal with its current dynamic IP address.

Idiots guide as to how it works.

·  Remote device sends access request to DDNS portal

·  DDNS portal forwards request to Router using current IP address

·  Router gets request & Port Forwards the request to the CCTV system

·  CCTV system sends the video transaction via the Router, to the remote device

Setup details:

·  Create an entry on the Swann DDNS portal, just set up as new user, give yourself a name (e.g., completed the details

·  Setup details in Swann DVR
First thing make sure Firmware is latest version, as older versions (pre 2012) did not have option for "swannddns". Swann remote support is EXCELLENT, they downloaded firmware via remote access to my PC for me.
Settings: (these can be done from PC, or on the Swann DVR box)
First time setup was done on Swann DVR box, then I update via PC using the Swann CCTV Viewer utility.
Remote Settings
Display - default
Record - default
Alarm - default
Alarm- default
Type: DHCP
IP Address: e.g. (static in router)
DNS1: as above
DNS1: not used
UPnP: Enable
Media Port: 9000 as recommended by Swann
MAC: Auto
Netmask: Auto
GAteway: (address of router)
Bandwidth: 512K default
Web Port: 85 as recommended by Swann

PPP0E: Disable
DDNS: Enable
Service: From pull down menu select SwannDDNS
Host Name: Your name e.g. olphind.swanndvr

(Note once running this changes to (no idea why!)

User Name: Your Swannddns name e.g. olphind

Password: Your Swannddns password

Email setting: Disabled.
Hdd info : Info only
PTX Parameters: Default
User Name: e.g. admin
Password: as req'd
Service Port: 18004 this is Swann recommendation
System settings:
Language: English default
Video System: PAL (as req'd)
Time Zone: GMT (as req'd)
User settingds:
Mainly info, you can set password here
DST: I do not use

Information: Info....

Local Settings:

Used default settings:

You can change these settings on the Swann box or use the CCTV Viewer supplied by Swann on your PC. The odd one you have to do on the Swann box.

Note there is a LOT of confusion over DDNS portals, Swann used to recommended the use of "" this is no longer free & has been replaced by Swann's own DDNS portal. The Swann guides still refer to the old method & there are lots of articles about how to set up Swann with a TP portal like dyndns. Just IGNORE them & follow my details above using the Swann DNS portal its so easy to use.


Swann CCTV is connected to Router/PC via Ethernet cabling running over a Home 13amp power LAN network using D-Link AV500 "Powerline" adaptors.

Setting up the DSL-3780 Router.

Wireless Setup,Defaults, not used by CCTV. LAN setup:

Advanced settings;

Note above are the three Port Fowarding settings for WEB, Media & Mobile access.

Ports 85, 900, & 18004 as recommended by Swann.

Applications: Default

DMZ: Default

Parental Controls: Default

Filter: Default

Advanced ADSL: Default

Firewall: Default

Dynamic DNS settings:

DDNS server is showing this on my router, but it seems to work even though I use SwannDDNS!?

Networking Tools: Default

Routing: Default

Notes for fixed IP Routers (e.g.Virgin Media via cable)

You do not need to setup a SwannDDNS account, as your remote device will access your Router directly as it knows its IP address.
In simplistic terms where ever I have entered "" in the router setup, or on remote devices, you use the IP address of the router instead. You also DISABLE Dynamic DNS Settings in the above screen.

It's simpler than the Dynamic IP setup.

The above setup works for access from:
Local PC - via the Swann CCTV viewer

Remote PC - via URL:

iPhone (using Swann App.)

Android tablet (using Swan App.)