Snohomish Lacrosse Club

Meeting MinutesMarch 26, 2012


The regular meeting of the Snohomish Lacrosse Club Board was called to order at 7:09at the MAC Library by Nathan Lawless.


Rob Vanderwall, Wayne Burns, Brandy Sawyer, Lesley Kovar, Kapena Wong, Kevin Coryell, Casey Davis, Dan O’Hern, May Tupua, Nathan Lawless, Casey Davis

A.Review of Agenda

The agenda was adjusted to include: Flat Bed trailer, and Harvey Field Port-a-potties.


  • $59,000 before paying for fields is in account.
  • The lights have been paid for, as well as referees, and game fees.
  • ½ of the equipment budget has been used.
  • We need to make a purchase of balls. Kapana will contact H&L and Steve Sawyer will check with Play-it-again in Marysville.
  • Can we create a paid position for a bookkeeper? Still have a treasurer and split duties. This will be considered by next board.

C.Butter Braid Fundraiser

Summarize provided by Kevin Coryell, event coordinator




Give away

Total for event:

In future need at least 2 week with pre-notices.More effective list of emails.

Are there other options? Pizza kits. General feeling is that these would not be as effective.

April 5th will be distribution from 6 to 8pm at Harvey field. Kevin will send out multiple emails. Need access to fields. Dan O’Hern agreed to provide keys to field and trailer.

D.Field Use

Fields were not useable before April. Suggestion that next year we don’t use Harvey field until at least April.

Snohomish District Athletic Director: Mark Alberteen. The club needs to make contact with him for field access. We need to get fields early and book them then cancel if necessary. Encourage grass roots lobbying. The Snohomish lacrosse program is a larger percentage of Snohomish Students then the Snohomish United program.

There will be 5 turf fields available for next year. We may be able to use rental lights on some fields.

A committee will be created to contact Mark. Lesley Kovar volunteered to head up group. The committee wiwll include Dan O’hern, Kapena Wong, Chris Cote and Ktie Carroll.

They will complete the initial during April

E.Airfield air space

We need to ensure that we stay away from the airfield area. Consider making signs for entrance with rules for jamborees. Also make signage for 150 years away from grass runway.

F.Injured player procedures

Concussions: Kapena Wong

Management of concussions is a serious issue. We have forms and training for coaches.

Progression process

  • Creating list
  • How many practices before player can return
  • Still working on outline

Coaches need to take very seriously it will trickle down. Parents need to become more aware.

G.Coach Training

Kapena Wong

  • Did pre-season training with coaches.
  • Provided continuation of training with documentation
  • Put training on website for access by parents

A proposal that a Parent meeting be required starting next year. The parent’s must attend a team meeting for the high school and middle school, as well as, the 5-6 boys. All other youth parents will be invited but it is optional. Special attention will be paid to safety and parent decorum.

Nathan Lawless called for a vote, Dan O’Hern 2nd. Passed by voice vote.


We are having issues with lack of volunteers. A discussion was opened and comments included:

  • Nathan suggested $100 fee instead of $50 but this may be too pricy.
  • The concern is price versus need for help.
  • Team managers need training and should have more control
  • Give team managers a fee discounts.
  • Consider paying students to assist with activities or give them volunteer hours. Do not pay over $600 to avoid need for 1099. They could help prep fields, run scoring tables.
  • Have parents who volunteer for entire season to do major jobs and receive discounts on player’s cost.

There were no final decisions made and the topic was tabled.


Brandy Sawyer is coordinating the website. There is a volunteer tracking page which is getting some use. She has cleaned up the site by adding requested pages and removing empty pages and broken links.

Coaches need to take very seriously it will trickle down. Parents need to become more aware.


Meeting was adjourned at 9pm by Nathan Lawless. The next meeting will be at 7pm on May 11 in MAC Library.

Minutes submitted by:Casey Davis

Approved by: