Monthly Progress Report no.7Page 1

Project Ref No / 14400/2005/005-2006/066 – CS 1
Acronym / X-DIS/XBRL
Full Title / X-DIS/XBRL Pilot Project
Reporting Period / 1stof November 2006 – 30thof November 2006
Code name / QM08 / Date of issue / 02/12/2006
Project Officer from Eurostat / Name: Giuseppe Sindoni
Institution/Company: Eurostat
Address: BECH A3/143 Jean Monnet-Building, L-2920 Luxembourg-Kirchberg
Phone: +352 43 0137291
Public project web site:
Project Officer from Software AG España / Name: Pedro J. Jiménez
Institution/Company: Software AG
Address: Ronda de la Luna, 22 – Tres Cantos (Madrid) zip 28660 Spain
Phone: + 34 91 8079778
Public project web site:

Table of Contents


1.1Statement of progress______

1.2Project Meetings______


2.1Issues or Problems______

2.2Red Flags______

2.3Deviations from Plan______




4.1Status and schedule of Deliverables______

4.2Cumulative Resources______

5.Plan for the next Period______

X-DIS/XBRL XBRL Pilot ProjectContract Number:14400/2005/005-2006/066 –CS1

Monthly Progress Report no.7Page 1


1.1Statement of progress

The following table indicates the activities and achievements during the period of November 2006.

Achievements / Note
XBRL Architecture requirements defined / Note 1
XBRL Architecture document released / Note 1
Delayed / Note
Mappings of IFRS terms against Insurance and Pension Funds SBS Characteristics / Note 2
In Progress / Note
Overview of state of arts on XBRL products / Note 3
Minutes for Task Force Meeting / Note 4

1.2Project Meetings

The following project meetings have been held in this period:

Date / Issue / Place / Description
22/11/2006 / INE workshop / INE’s venue – Madrid / Workshop between Software AG and INE to define the Spanish Testing phase
24/11/2006 / Progress Meeting / Video Conference / Meeting between Software AG and Eurostat to review the project status


2.1Issues or Problems

Task / Issue description / Action Items
Inexistent insurance and pension funds data on IFRS-GP / Software AG Spain to provide further information

2.2Red Flags

2.3Deviations from Plan

The main delay is related to the testing phases.

Spanish Testing Phase:

INE’s pace does not fit with the required pace to meet the project deadline.

Belgian Testing Phase:

Due to the decision made (not to use Sofista), the new software development (to be developed so that STATBEL can carry out their testing) will affect the project end date, as it is a task initially not planned.


Note 1 – Implementation of the software pieces required by Statbel. A document was released explaining a proposed architecture and including a preliminary overview about the implementation.

Note 2 – For the SBS European taxonomy based on IFRS and for the sectors insurance and pension funds, we noticed that the taxonomy used as reference (IFRS-GP) which was providing the source for extension for C&I and credit sectors does not include the IFRS 4 for “Insurance Contracts”. This issue enforces a replanning strategy about how to arrange the insurance and pension funds taxonomies. A document will be worded by Software AG Spain Team to allow discuss further the issue.

Note 3 – As a request of Statbel, we are working on the wording of a document comprising a review of the state of arts of XBRL tools currently on the market. The document is based on another document released by AICIPA called XBRL Implementation Task Force focusedin providing a compilation of requirements and functionalities mandatory or desirable for each XBRL product type. The document has been also based on a document provided by the XBRL Spanish Groups and will be completed within the scheduled tasks of the current project.

Note 4 – The Project Team has sent to Eurostat the minutes for the Task Force Meeting. Eurostat will complete it and issue thefinal release. The document will include the conclusionsabout the Task Force Meeting and hopefully will expose the expected future strategy for XBRL adoption, after the feedback obtained of the European NSIs.


The following table indicates the total effort per Partner and Work-Package in the reporting period:


4.1Status and schedule of Deliverables

The deliverables initially scheduled for this period and their current state are:

Status of deliverables
Current status / On schedule / Original completion date / Actual/planned completion date
First version of the XBRL Architecture proposed by Software AG Spain / 17/11/2006 / Delivered

4.2Cumulative Resources

5.Plan for the next Period

Plan for the Next Period
To deal with NTP on how to create IFRS SBS instances
To carry on with the Statbel software implementation
To receive feedback on INE’s Taxonomy and start arranging the Testing phase (preliminary tasks)
To carry on with document on state of arts of XBRL products
To deliver Project Plan for the tasks related to the XBRL architecture

X-DIS/XBRL XBRL Pilot ProjectContract Number:14400/2005/005-2006/066 –CS1