Telephone: 01727 853047 Fax: 01727 834523
Headteacher: Mr. A. Wellbeloved B.Sc.

Monday 9th October 2017

Dear Parents/Carers

We are writing to you to offer you an opportunity to buy a CGP GCSE 9-1 Biology, Chemistry and Physics for OCR 21st Century revision guides for your Son/Daughter at a discounted price. The revision guides retail at the price of £5.95 however, as a School; we can purchase the books at a price of £2.75 each. We highly recommend that pupils get these books early in their GCSE study’s to help them secure knowledge that has been taught in lessons as well as enabling them to revise fully for exams. There is also the opportunity to purchase the Separate Sciences Exam Practice Workbook for £2.75 each (RRP£5.95) and the corresponding answer booklet for £1 each (RRP £2). This will help pupils prepare for exams by allowing them to apply their knowledge to an exam style question.

Although we highly recommend these guides they are not compulsory items. However, we do not want any child to be disadvantaged because of a financial need and we are aware for many of our families, finances is this present climate are tight. There are several copies of the revision guides that are available in the Discovery Centre to borrow and we also have several copies in our Science department that we can loan out. If your child wishes to have a ‘work book’ but it is not possible to provide the money for this please contact me in confidence and we will make alternative arrangements.

If you would like to purchase one of these revision guides or workbook then please complete the reply slip below detailing what you would like to order and return either a cheque or cash for the amount needed in a named envelope and give it to the office by Monday 16th October.

If you would like any further information regarding this please do not hesitate to contact us.

Yours Sincerely,

Mrs K McNeillis
Director of Learning, Science

RETURN FORM – This form is to be returned in a sealed envelope to the school office with payment no later than Monday 16th October. Please put your child’s name and form group on the outside of the envelope.

I enclose cash / cheque for £______to purchase:

Biology, Chemistry and Physics revision guides (£8.25)

Biology, Chemistry and Physics Exam Practice Workbooks (£8.25)

Biology, Chemistry and Physics Exam Practice Answer books (£3)

Childs name: ______
Childs year group and form: ______