Dear Grade 4 Kids and Families:
On Tuesday, May 18, 2010 our fourth grade kids of Hayes will be up on stage singing and moving and showing us what great kids as they present their FINAL program as a Hayes kid. I want to invite you all to this special night and to give you some more information you need to know. So please, read on and if you have any questions or concerns, please contact me at Hayes! Thank you and we will see you on Tuesday, May 18th at 7:00 p.m. in the District Auditorium.
Karin Beckstrand
Hayes Music
TUESDAY, MAY 18, 2010
7:00 P.M.
Ø The show will be in the District Auditorium at Fridley High School.
Ø Also singing on the show will be the Early Bird Choir of Hayes.
Ø Kids will be learning the songs in school. Each child has received a word packet that can be kept at home for practice and singing.
Ø Each child MUST purchase or request a scholarship for a t shirt. These t shirts are worn for the concert and for the year end field trip and picnic. These shirts will be kept by the kids. An order form is attached. The cost is $7.00 per shirt.
Ø We will be practicing the day of the show at the high school in the morning. Help will be needed that day and night for a show so if parents can help, please mark that on the attached form.
Ø More information will be coming home throughout the months of April and May. Please take time to read these letters and memos and return forms as needed.
Ø The t shirt form MUST be turned in by Friday, April 23rd to your child’s CLASSROOM teacher. The classroom teachers will pass the forms to me. The first classroom that turns in all their forms will get to pick their color of shirt.
Ø The t shirt order form and volunteer form is attached. If you cannot afford a shirt for your child, please mark the spot “scholarship” and we will assist you with the cost. Each child MUST have a t shirt. This form must be turned back in by April 23rd.
Ø And let’s see if any class can upset Mrs. Utley’s class – they are the 3 time defending champion in t shirt orders. Will it be four years in a row?!?!?!??!
This form is for ordering your child’s t shirt for the show. The cost of the shirts is $7.00.The t shirts will be kept by your child – you are buying it! If you cannot pay for a shirt, please mark the SCHOLARSHIP line at the bottom of this form.
Child’s Name:______
Homeroom Teacher:______
We will size your child at school for their shirt.
Payment included - $7.00 per shirt:______
(make checks payable to Hayes PTO)
Scholarship needed for t shirt purchase:______
Parents may also purchase a t shirt if you wish to.
Please mark your adult size and include $7.00 per adult t shirt order with your child’s order. Adult shirts CANNOT be purchased through scholarship.
Size of ADULT t shirt: S M L XL XXL($8.00)
(circle size please)
A show of this size cannot happen on it’s own. Parent help and volunteers are always needed and very welcomed. If you can help with any part of the show, please fill out this form and return it by April 23rd along with your t shirt order form (which is on the other side).
Here are some of the areas needing help…
_____Creating and typing the program.
_____Coming in from 9:15 – 10:15 a.m. to help size for t shirts.
_____Creating the set items (backdrops, scenery, etc.)
_____Chaperoning the day before the show (morning rehearsal)
_____Assisting in setting up the auditorium for the show.
Anything else you can think of…write it here!
Child’s Name:______
Best way to reach you:______
Thank you for your help!