Minutes of Meeting held on
Wednesday 18 January 2012
7pm Earlston High School
PresentJoanne Connington, Dean Sewell, Fiona Donaldson, Sheelagh Aird, Isla McQuarrie, Darren Todd, Sarah Leslie, Michelle Strong, Caroline Keefe, Linsey McGillivray (Clerk), Ruth Magowan, Angie Henney, Louise Ogilvie, Siobhan McDermott, Avril Tobin, Kate Warner, Fiona McQueen
1. / Apologies for absence
Carol Reid, Catharine Fletcher and Lynn Milligan
2. / Minutes
The Minutes of the Meeting held on 2nd November, 2011 were approved, proposed by Fiona McQueen and seconded by Sarah Leslie.
3. / Matters Arising
33 period week
Ruth and Fiona attended a meeting of the PC Forum on 8 November. This was well attended; they were welcomed by Jackie Swanston who opened the meeting with an apology & acknowledgement for the lack of consultation time.
There has since been a letter out to all parents explaining that the 33 period week will not be introduced until August 2013 and further time would be given for consultation.
Six Groups will be formed to look at the different aspects of the implication of the 33 Period Week ie: Transport, Senior Phase, Timetabling, Virtual Learning, Engaging With Pupils, Engaging With Staff & Options. These groups will meet up monthly.
Fiona joined the ‘Options’ group and Ruth ‘The Senior Phase’.
The first meeting for ‘Options’ took place on 5 January and was attended by reps from; Gala, Hawick, Peebles & Jedburgh; all were teachers with children at school.
Firstly; it was agreed the original proposal would not work due the travel costings at approximately £300k. After discussion, it was agreed that schools all had completely different needs and had adapted their timetables to cope with these. Jedburgh, Peebles, Hawick and Gala all wanted shortest lunch breaks - due to trouble in streets in lunch break. All schools started/ended at different times.
Different models were looked at ie: with/without registration, 30/32/33 periods/week also timetables from other schools who had adapted the 33 period week to their own needs. It was agreed that several sample timetables be drawn up and taken to the Head Teachers meeting next week. The final approved version would then be distributed to parents via Survey Monkey with pros & cons as the next step in the consultation.
Virtual learning was discussed, but very much as a future option - bearing in mind that the infrastructure is not currently in place.
It was suggested that it might be more constructive to align timetables for part of the week ie; mornings, in localities as opposed to across the board
There would also eventually be staff efficiencies.
Fiona received various options recently and will email them out.
Ruth was not able to attend the first Senior Phase meeting but will pass on the minutes as soon as they are distributed.
Action: FMcQ
Further meetings of PC Forum
Thursday 26 January
Monday 6 Feb 6.30pm
4. / Assertive Mentoring Programme
An excellent presentation was given by Susan Lawrence and Susan Wood on the new Assertive Mentoring Programme. Susan Lawrence attended an Assertive Mentoring course in London last summer. This new initiative was introduced in response to a 7% dip in Credit Standard Grade passes. The programme builds on previous mentoring schemes and ties in with present monitoring and tracking systems within the school. The aim is to raise attainment and to challenge under achievement. There are 45 pupils involved and 39 staff involved (the staff volunteer to do this in their own time). Staff have been matched to pupils & meet up on a weekly basis. Pupils are encouraged to look at homework, planning, organisation, revising, work ethic, recognise what & where they do well & apply the same techniques to other subjects etc. Pupils will address weaknesses and improve their confidence, self-esteem & motivation. The mentors will liaise with parents and Guidance Teachers. Prelim results will be analysed and a lunchtime study skills session is planned with Mr Roxburgh. The programme is evaluated by tracking on SEEMIS, assessing the impacts, receiving feedback from pupils, parents and staff. A full review will be conducted following analysis of the results in August. Positive feedback has already been received from pupils & staff.
The programme has great support by Michelle Strong & the Senior Management. Team
Fiona thanked Susan L and Susan W for their presentation. Their enthusiasm, passion and drive is much appreciated and the Parent Council are once again impressed with the commitment & good will of the staff. The Parent Council look forward to the results of the evaluation in the autumn term.
5. / Head Teacher’s Report
Since the last meeting on 2nd November the school has had a very busy time:
Talent Night – this was organised by the Sub group and raised £981.07. The winner of the competition was Dharan (S1).
Accessories Night – the Handbags and Gladrags event was very successful raising £1,665.54. This brought the total raised to £4,989.03 which has enabled a plasma screen to be ordered. The screen will be fitted in the next few weeks.
S4/5 Careers Evening – Borders College and Reiver recruitment attended this evening as well as current and former pupils.
Challenge options – Mountain biking, hill walking, orienteering, survival skills, candle making, Italian, land sculpture, curling, wooden planters, knitting.
S4 Prelims – took place before Christmas break
Arnold Clark bus – good use has made of the bus for basketball, curling, rugby, T&T
Anti-bullying week – Stop and think – ‘words can hurt’ wristbands, Youth commissioners delivered assemblies on Cyberbullying
Rugby win – Scottish schools plate –EHS have qualified for the semi finals at Madras College, Fife
Glow Meet –
Kenny Macaskill visit
Fashion show
World Aids Day
Amnesty Day
Salvation Army visit to S2 RMPS
Christmas Dances – ran smoothly and the After Dance went ahead – all much enjoyed.
Concerts – great success & sell out as usual
Christmas lunch – flashmob by senior staff was appreciated by the pupils!
Church services – huge thanks to Rev Julie Woods for the recent services held in the church.
Cinderella: A great successs
Forthcoming events:
Senior prelims start at the end of January.
Burns Supper – tickets went on sale at the end of last week and are now sold out.
S2 course choice – pupils will make their choices with a view to National 4 and National 5’s.
Other Information:
International schools award – EHS has achieved foundation level and will be working towards the next level.
33-period week – 3rd Years set up a petition and presented this to Michael Moore on 16 December. They are the only school pupils in Scotland to have ever taken such action. Michel Moore drafted a letter to Glen Rodger.
- Laura MacDouglal became a full time member of the English Department on the day before the Christmas holidays.
- ANA post – Cheryl Connor has returned
- Modern languages
- there is a vacancy for a Home Economic teacher due to maternity leave
15 February holiday
Queens’s Diamond Jubilee – this is being celebrated on Monday 4 June so the school will now have a casual holiday 5 June (as well as 4 June).
6. / Sub Group report
7. / Correspondence
Fiona has received the following emails from Gillian Simmonds.
Staff Recruitment Training: This training is free, and Parent Councils are entitled to have a member present on the recruitment team for head teachers. To qualify, PC members must have received the training. The training takes place on 31st January 6.30-8.30pm. Louise Ogilvie has expressed an interest in attending. Action: LO
Parental involvement survey has been sent out.
Parents as Partner in Learning Award. Go to scottisheducationawards.org if you wish to nominate someone.
Public meeting – Commission on Rural Education on 31st January 7pm at Council headquarters. Open to all.
8. / PC Group photo was taken (to update website)
9. / AOCB
Young Scot Awards 11-26 various categories – any nominations?
Co-operative Group is running Green Schools Revolution. Earlston Primary registered but EHS is not. There are numerous organisational type schemes. The school is registered with Eco Schools which has various accreditation ratings you can gain and is the considered the bench mark accreditation for schools.
It was recalled that we used to invite councillors to attend our meetings and it was decided to email the minutes and give an open invitation to John Paton Day, David Parker and Nicholas Watson to meetings in an informal email.
Action: FMcQ
Fiona will ask Lynn to give a Treasurers Report at the next meeting.
Suggestions for future presentations – Tree of Knowledge
10. / Date of next meeting
Thursday 16th February 2012