Minutes of the Public Meeting – Tuesday 28th June 2016 at 7.30pm
Wylde Green Community Centre, Emscote Drive
In the Chair: Town Cllr. Terry Wood
Present: Residents 48
Cllr. Ken Wood, Town Cllrs. Joanne Ellis and Rachel Toussaint-Okello.
Apologies: Cllrs. Barrie and Yip, George Walters, Town Cllrs. Leeford Allen, Derrick Griffin and John Perks.
1. Welcome and Introductions. The chairman opened the meeting, welcomed everyone and covered the house keeping rules. He thanked all the volunteers and helpers who had delivered flyers and supported the Queen’s 90th Birthday Celebrations. He asked anyone who thought that they could help in any way or who wished to volunteer to see any committee member.
2. Fiona Alexander – Director of Communications, Heart of England NHS Trust.
The Chairman welcomed the speaker Fiona Alexander who introduced herself as Director of Communications at the Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust (HEFT) and would be talking on the past, present, and future of Good Hope Hospital. In her post she hoped to have conversations with people in the Sutton area, and to regularly communicate with its many representative bodies.
She said that questions would be welcomed and then gave a short history of Good Hope which began as a two storey house which became a 2-Ward hospital for Birmingham in the event of a nuclear war! The hospital was taken over by Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust (HEFT) in 2005 due to the poor quality of care and the large annual deficit.
A Power Point presentation was then given of the many aspects of the hospital’s organisation such as Emergency Dept (A&E) and Ambulance, Bed Numbers, Targets, Staff, Surgery and Infection Rates, and the significant investment of £5.4M spent on refurbishment and two new Theatres.
There were questions from the floor on the setting of the A&E 4hr targets, who makes decisions about replacement equipment, the practical skills of the planners and media coverage of missed appointments among others. She stressed the cost of various appointments e.g. Pharmacy visit costs £5, GP - £25, hospital - £65.
The Chairman thanked Fiona for her informative presentation and added that we should welcome her back for an
update in the future.
3. Pam Powis – Safer Neighbourhood Partnership Manager – Birmingham North. Pam introduced herself as the co-coordinator of the various organizations involved with community safety. Her role is to liaise with the Fire Service, Environmental and Housing Services, the 3rd Sector e.g. WMCA, the Youth Service etc. Essentially her work falls into four categories:-
· Domestic Abuse – working with families etc.
· Youth Groups.
· Vulnerable Persons – NHS, Mental Health, Drop in Groups etc.
· Neighbourhood Tasking – e.g. parking and speeding issues, supporting community groups and working with residents.
The following comments/concerns were raised from the residents:-
· Parking issues in the area of schools and Chester Road station, there was concern that a serious accident could happen and whether emergency services could access areas during such parking conditions. Pam said that fire engine access had been looked at and at that time was OK. A safety video was being planned which would heighten this issue on a city wide basis.
· The state of two derelict houses in Florence Road was raised.
· Could road calming measures or a one way scheme be put in place at the dangerous bend in |Florence Road?
· Pam emphasised that it is important to report all incidents on 101 so they are on record.
· Trees on Penns Lane are overgrown and create a danger – Cllr. Ken Wood said he would investigate.
Pam concluded her talk by promoting the next Neighbourhood Tasking Meeting on Thursday 22nd September 2pm in Wylde Green Community Hall when all would be welcomed.
The Chairman thanked Pam for her informative and interesting talk and hoped she would be able to make this
meeting on a regular basis.
4. New Sutton Town Council – Cllr. Terry Wood. Terry introduced two of the new Town Councillors representing New Hall ward present tonight - Cllrs. Joanne Ellis and Rachel Toussiant-Okello who would be pleased to talk to residents at the end of the meeting. There will be further opportunity to engage with the Town Councillors once the website is set up and running. The Town Council had provided funding for the hanging baskets and railing flowers in Wylde Green which together with the free standing planters provided by the traders, WGNF, and Sutton Charities has created a wonderful display in the High Street.
5. Local updates and concerns in Wylde Green – Councillor Ken Wood: Cllr. Wood began by congratulating all the newly elected councillors to Sutton Coldfield Town council. He also congratulated all who had worked hard to make the Queen’s 90th Birthday Celebrations in Wylde green such a success.
· We have worked closely with Pam Powis to improve the area and tackled speeding by involving the police in confiscating offending quad bikes, crushing them and putting them on display as an example. If you see anyone speeding phone 101 giving registration number if possible. There is a pilot scheme using cameras to record events.
· The WG Community Hall is well used but is under threat of closure/funding withdrawal; there are problems with lack of maintenance affecting structure, heating and windows. Everything will be done to save the hall, currently meetings are in progress looking at community asset transfer.
· Parking issues around school – double yellow lines are expensive due to legal costs (£15K) and must be enforced to be effective.
· Residents’ parking is difficult to get done as all have to agree and then there are costs involved.
· Speed checks are being carried out in Green Lanes and Wylde Green Road.
The following questions/comments were raised by residents:-
· It’s difficult to reverse out of the parking bays opposite the church due to parked cars, can DYLs be installed? Karl Randall to be asked about this.
· DYLs also needed on corner of Boulevard/Green Lanes as a safety issues.
· The railway foot bridge and service road need overhanging bushes trimmed and drug use in the area prevented. Police to be contacted.
· Can anything be done about the vandalism to cars along Orphanage Road? Pam Powis said she would follow up.
· Is it possible to get wifi in Community Hall?
The Chairman and residents thanked Cllr. Wood for his update on local issues.
Power point presentation – was on display at intervals during the meeting showing the photos from the Queen’s 90th Birthday celebrations in Wylde Green.
The Chairman closed the meeting at 9.20 pm and expressed his thanks to all present; residents, councillors and presenters.