Detailed Descriptions

WCPA Board Positions


(Junior/Senior Parent of a Varsity Cheerleader)

The President(s) shall be the principal officer(s) of the WCPA and shall supervise the business and affairs of the WCPA. The President(s) shall preside at all meetings of the members and of the Board of Directors. They shall work with the WHS Administration, Athletic Director, Chap Club, etc. and will perform all duties incident to the office of the President and such other duties as may be prescribed by the Board of Directors from time to time.


·  Serve as the communicator between the coaches and parents

·  Prepare and run all Board and General meetings

·  Create budget over the summer with the Treasurer

·  Support each board member

·  Support each chair of each committee with budget, schedule, and actions

·  Secure airline reservations for National competition in Florida

·  Secure camp buses

·  MC cheer banquet


(Junior parent of a Varsity cheerleader)

The President Elect is a 2-year term. The first year consists of the following roles:

·  Varsity Liaison- The main purpose of this role is to keep the parents of the Varsity cheerleaders informed about the program activities and upcoming events. By this stage, most of the Varsity cheerleaders have a handle on program requirements and timelines but they don’t always pass that information along to the parents.

·  PTO Representative- Attend the monthly PTO meeting and act as our representative.

·  President’s Council- You and the Presidents decide who will attend the monthly meeting as the Cheer representative.

·  WCPA Board Meetings- You will attend the monthly WCPA Board meetings held at WHS during 5th lunch period.

·  WCPA General Meetings- You will attend the monthly WCPA general meetings held at WHS and give your report for the month.

·  Honor the outgoing Presidents at the Annual Banquet- This is really just buying (or in this year’s case the banquet committee is buying all gifts) or bringing a small gift to the outgoing Presidents at the annual banquet. The budget is $75 per President. The WCPA reimburses this cost via the banquet budget. You will present to the outgoing Presidents and say a few words at the banquet.

·  Running the nominating committee and election of the Board of Directors- Your job here is to run the election of the nominating committee and run the nominating committee election process for the election of the new board. See the Nominating Committee Tab in the President Elect binder for detailed timeline and instructions.

·  Assist the President(s) as requested.

The 2nd year you are President. You will begin as President after the slate of the new Board of Directors is elected at the April meeting.


(Sophomore, Junior or Senior parent)

The Secretary can give notice of meetings, shall keep and maintain the minutes of the meetings of the members and of the Board of Directors, will handle the correspondence of the WCPA, purchase the hostess gifts for parent social & Christmas party and, such other duties as from time to time may be assigned to him or her by the President(s) or Board of Directors.


(Sophomore, Junior or Senior parent)

·  Prepare yearly budget and input into Quickbooks

·  Prepare monthly financials and budget to actual financials

·  Present financials at board meeting and general meetings

·  Attend board meeting and general meetings

·  Issue all checks and deliver to appropriate party. Only issue checks if a receipt is attached

·  Balance bank account

·  Input all expenditures into Quickbooks

·  Input deposits into Quickbooks (assistant treasure will delineate what the deposit is for)

·  Reconcile the online credit card processing agency to what is deposited into the bank

·  Provide “cash” box for the various fund raising activities (cheer clinics, etc.) and for uniform fitting

·  Prepare yearly financials for the booster club (we are on a March 31st year end, they are on a June 30th year end, will have to reconcile)

·  Attend uniform fitting day to help with the handling of cash

·  Verify all invoices before making payment (very important in regards to the uniform invoice)

Assistant Treasurer

(Sophomore, Junior, Senior Parent)

·  Create invoices fortheuniform try-on date (getcarbonsmadeatKinko's).

Invoices will be slightly different for Varsity, JV, and Freshman.Also create invoices for mascots and push upsquad(although we may notknow whowill be on these teams until late summer).Remember to get invoicesoutto these groupsas soon as you know who theyare.

·  Create the "bible" with copies of the invoices arranged bysquads.This will be your go to book throughout theyear.

·  Create the uniforminvoicethatwillbe broken out by each cheerleader.The invoicewill includeall ofthe itemsordered throughVarsity plusanyextra itemssuch ascamp t-shirts, etc.Thiswillbe done ona spreadsheetthatyou willneed to maintain untilall themoney has been collected.You willbill out eachgirl with the optionofpaying half byMay 1and thesecondhalf by June 1.

·  Besureto apply the depositamountfrom the uniform fittingto the amountthey owe.

·  Makea "mum"spreadsheet. The mum orders willshowup onthe invoice from uniform fitting. We collect mum moneyatuniform fitting.The list of

girls(and pushup squad) will needtobesentto the"Mummoms" in September with payment. The list needs to be organized by squad,grade and officer title.

·  Deposit the checks yougetfor everything.Keep a record of whateach

deposit is for. I like to write on theactualdeposit receiptwhatthat deposit representsand I also writeon thedeposit slip. Please dividedepositsout by account-meaningonlydeposit uniformitemstogether and makea separate deposit for spirit letter,etc.Our quick books doesn'tallowforthedeposits to be broken out to our differentaccounts.Sometimes this cannotbeavoided, sojust communicate this to theotherco-treasurer. Assoon as youmakea deposit emailthe co-treasurerandlet her know what you depositedand whatthe deposit represents.

·  Collectmoneyfrommiddle school tryout clinics. You will getpaidfor the clinic itself and for tshirts/gear. A lot of the parents will pay online through Affinipay. You will needtogo onlineandprint out the names of folks that paid to makesureeverything matches.

·  Deposit SpiritLetterCampaign moneythroughoutthe summer. You will be contactedby theladiesonthiscommittee and they will bring you checks throughout the summer.

·  Deposit anychecksyou get from fundraising, etc

·  Deposit checks for spiritclinic.Again,youwill need to cross referencewith Affinipaysincetheycanregisteronline.You will need to beatthespirit clinic to take money for tshirts,walkins,bows, pictures, footballticketsetc. This can be kind of crazyso getsome help. We collectforthefootballticketsand then the athletic department will bill us in late spring. Be suretotry to keep really good accounting on the ticketsales – keep the money separate.

·  Collect and deposit spirit gift moneyforred and bluecompetitionteams

·  Deposit banquet money

Social Chair:

(Sophomore, Junior or Senior parent)

The Social Chair plans, organizes, and coordinates social activities. These social activities include the parent social in August, the homecoming breakfast and dinner in September and the holiday party in December.

Fundraising Chair:

(Sophomore, Junior or Senior parent)

The Fundraising Chair plans, organizes and coordinates all fundraising activities and any other duties as assigned by the President or Board of Directors including:

·  Spirit Letter Campaign – (May – August )

o  This fundraising event raises the majority of the money needed for the operations of the WCPA and Chaps Cheer Program. Responsibility include:

o  Recruiting a committee to help execute the campaign.

§  Strategizing with board on new ideas or changes to prior years campaign to increase both cash, in kind and community partner donations.

§  Evaluating sponsor levels from prior year and presenting current years sponsor levels to Board.

§  Working with Treasurer, Publicity and Web Board members to get donation site set up for current year and develop campaign marketing materials.

§  Updating existing donor database for e-mail blast through Mail Chimp and/or other e-mail type campaign.

§  Working with coaches and cheerleaders to solicit friends and family before the school year ends.

§  Maintain a spreadsheet of donations received and update regularly during campaign from Merchant account and checks received by the Treasurer.

§  Communicate fundraising results to Board and WCPA.

§  Send out Thank You cards to all donors.

§  Ensure incentives to sponsors per the established levels are delivered on a timely basis.

·  Supervise additional fundraising activities during year including:

o  Middle School Tryout Clinic (May)

o  Spirit Clinic (September)

o  Concession Stand Night (September or October)

o  Shopping Events

§  Lululemon/CPK (October, November or December)

o  Or other ideas in past have included local fast food spirit nights, golf tournament, sale of custom merchandise depending on fundraising needs of Chaps Cheer.


(Sophomore, Junior or Senior parent)

Provide publicity support to the Westlake cheer program.

This is includes but is not limited to:

Promotion of the Westlake cheer program and the program focuses throughout the year

·  Promoting the program via social media, currently Facebook and Instagram

·  Promoting events within the Eanes school newsletters (Weekly Reflections, Chap Connection, middle school as appropriate)

·  Submit requests for announcements on Jumbotron - promotion for spirit clinic

·  Promoting wins and other successes to local news outlets by sending press releases and photos

·  Assisting the fundraising chair with promotion of financial fundraising campaigns.

·  Management of cheer website, including updating team photos, sponsor information, calendar and all other pages of the website.


·  Ensure there are new squad photos taken the week after teams are announced

·  Ensuring the cheerleaders have professional photographs taken at the start of the new season (currently done by Photographers of Westlake)

·  Ensure cheer participates in media day for football

·  Ensure there is a photographer at most home games, playoff games and competitions for publicity to use throughout the season and for parents to purchase photos. (currently done by Nimai Malle)

·  Work with Eanes resource to ensure varsity cheerleaders are covered on the jumbotron for home games prior to the start of football season.

·  Ensuring there is a top sponsor Varsity poster created, printed and distributed to local business, put up in the school, and distributed to varsity families.

·  Work with football program POC to ensure the Chaps cheer program is covered in each football program.

·  Ensure there are photos taken at other big events such as competitions and preparation for nationals.

·  Ensure that a memory book is created at the end of the season for each participant.

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