English Unit Plan Template Level 1
Year(s) / Level(s) / Duration / Teacher / Classroom1
Listening Reading Viewing
Processes and strategies
- Acquire and begin to use sources of information, processes, and strategies to identify, form, and express ideas.
Uses the sources of information (meaning, structure, and visual and grapho-phonic information) and prior knowledge to make sense of a range of texts with some confidence.
Associates sounds with letter clusters as well as with individual letters.
Uses processing and comprehension strategies with some confidence.
Is developing the ability to think critically about texts.
Is beginning to monitor, self-evaluate, and describe progress.
Purposes and audiences
- Show a developing understanding that texts are shaped for different purposes and audiences.
Can identify the purposes of simple texts.
- Recognise and identify ideas within and across texts.
Makes meaning of texts by identifying the ideas and language in them.
Makes and supports inferences from texts with some guidance.
Language features
- Show an initial understanding of how language features are used within and across texts.
Begins to recognise that oral, written, and visual language features are used for effect.
Shows an increasing knowledge of the conventions of text, such as capital letters, full stops, and word order; volume and clarity; and simple symbols.
- Recognise that the structure and organisation of text is important for making meaning.
Recognises some text forms and some differences between them.
Speaking, Writing, Presenting
Processes and strategies
- Begin to acquire and use sources of information, processes, and strategies to identify, form, and express ideas.
Is able to create texts by using meaning, structure, and visual and grapho-phonicinformation with some confidence.
Seeks feedback and makes changes to texts.
Is becoming reflective about the production of their own texts.
Is beginning to monitor, self-evaluate, and describe progress.
Purposes and audiences
- Show a developing understanding of how to shape texts for different audiences andpurposes.
Expects the texts they create to be understood and appreciated by others.
Is beginning to develop and convey personal voice.
- Form and express ideas on a range of topics.
Begins to support ideas with some detail.
Language features
- Use language features, showing an initial understanding of their effect on textmeaning and impact.
Begins to use oral, written, and visual language features to create meaning and impact.
Spells some high-frequency words correctly.
Gains increasing control of the conventions of text, such as capital letters, full stops,and word order; volume, clarity, and tone; and simple symbols.
- Begin to use structure and organisation to communicate meaning in texts.
Begins to sequence ideas and information.
Uses simple sentences with some variation in beginnings.
May attempt compound and complex sentences.
Additional Curriculum areas (only tick those that apply)
Technology Learning Languages Health & P/E Science Te Reo The Arts Social Sciences Mathematics Digitech
Specific Learning Outcomes
By the end of this unit, students will be able to:
Context for Learning (briefly describe the context for this learning)
New Zealand Rekohu (The Chatham Islands) Asia Space
Australia Americas Global Arctic Regions
The Past (History) The Present (Current Issues) The Future.
Multicultural Indigenous people Equality Rights Gender
Key Competencies focus: (Select only those being focused on)
managing self relating to others participating and contributing
thinking using language, symbols, and texts.
How are you specifically focusing on those competencies? (Deliberate acts of teaching)
Values Focus (if any) (Choose those that you have a focus on and delete the rest)
See here for the Hokotehi Values foci .
excellence, by aiming high and by persevering in the face of difficulties
innovation, inquiry, and curiosity, by thinking critically, creatively, and reflectively
diversity, as found in our different cultures, languages, and heritages
equity, through fairness and social justice
community and participationfor the common good
ecological sustainability, which includes care for the environment
integrity, which involves being honest, responsible, and accountable and acting ethicallyand to respectthemselves, others, and human rights.
How are you embedding the values in the learning?
(be specific- what is it that you are doing that will enforce these values AND what is it that the learners will be doing that will reinforce the values to them?)
Teaching and Learning Activities (Sequenced)
Setting objectives
(Share the specific learning objectives)
(What learning took place?) / Resources / Time needed
*Annotate the opportunities for Technology integration in this unit
*Annotate differentiation
Additional Resources
(Books – titles, Urls, Images, movies, soundbites, podcasts, physical media – List them all)
Links to websites:
(copy and paste URLs in here)
Assessment Rubric
Key /criteria1= Cause for Concern
2= Below Standard
3= At Standard
4= Above Standard
5= Excellence
Students Names / SLO #1 / SLO #2 / SLO#3 / SLO #4
Cee Worthy
Herbie Voor
Ali Gaiter
Al Dente
Carnie Vorr
Anne Teak
Brocke Lee
Gene Poole
Unit Evaluation
English Unit Plan Templates Lesson Plan Templates Level 1