Delegate List

Name / University / Contact email / Title
Sara Corcoran / University Campus Suffolk / / Director of HR
Sally Wilson / Sally Wilson Associates / / Senior HR Adviser - Organisational Development
Serena Yeo / SOAS / / Staff Development Manager
Emily Hopkinson / The University of Sheffield /
Nia Meacher / Bangor University / / Deputy Director HR (Development)
Alan Amaira / Coventry University / / Business Process Consultant
Andrea Lechner / Anglia Ruskin University / / HR Manager (Development & Diversity)
Hilary Groombridge / Middlesex University / / Staff Development partner
Natasha Bennett / Middlesex University / Head of Staff Development
Cathy Anderson / UniversityofSurrey / / Head of Staff Development
Sarah Gray / Leeds Metropolitan University / / Assistant HR Director
Sharyn Rowat / University College Dublin / / Learning & Development Specialist
Nasreen Ahmed / Leeds Metropolitan University / / HR Quality & Policy Development Manager
Rody Bristow-jones / Goldsmiths, University of London / / Staff Development Manager
Ann Hartley / Aston University /
Marian Sample / Aston University / / Director of Human Resources & Organisational Development
Geoff Lang / UCL / / Director, HR Policy and Planning
Ann Kimbley / University of Wolverhampton / / Staff Governor
Roisin Cowan / University of Ulster / / HR Administration and Systems Manager
Rachel Libby-Chiaa / St Mary’s University College / / HR Director
David Nida / Queen Mary, University of London / / Organisational Development Manager
Margaret Bentley / St George's, University of London / / Staff Development Manager
Alex Brierley / The University of York / / HR Manager
Paula Keane / St Mary's University College / / IIP & Staff Development Manager
Steph Pinnock / City University / / Leadership Staff Development Advisor
Guest / City University
Lexie Bray / University of Greenwich / / Learning and Development Consultant
Juliana Choudhury / University of Greenwich / HR IT Project Manager
Paulina Babuchowska / The University of Lincoln / / Staff Learning and Development Project Officer
Gary Tindell / University of East London / / Information improvement manager
Greg Price / University of East London / / Senior HR Manager (Strategy and Change)
Richard Mojel
Trayton Vance
Guy Gregory / University of Bristol / / HR Director
John Brady / University of Reading / / HR Director
Caroline Bryan / University of Reading / / HR Partner
Ronnie Magee / Universtiy of Ulster / / HR Director
Nick Glossop / Simitive / / Business Development Director
Performance For All
Christian Carter / University of Bristol /
Theo Mason / Simitive / / CEO
Carlene Rogers / Simitive / / Client Relationship Manager
Lewis Clayton / Simitive / / Client Relationship Manager
Sandra Keith / Simitive / Organisational Development Consultant
Lisa Hegan / Simitive / Organisational Development Consultant

Performance For All working group meeting 28/11/2012 at University of East London