Non-Core Vocabulary in Ovid’s Amores, Poem 15
Accius -iī m.: Accius
adedō -ere -ēdī -ēsum: consume
Aenēius -a -um: of Aeneas
Aesonius -a -um: of or descended from Aeson
animōsus -a -um: bold, spirited
Apollō -inis m.: Apollo
arātrum -ī n: plough
Arātus -ī m.: Aratus
arcus arcūs m.: bow; arch, arc
Ascraeus -a -um: belonging to Ascra
aurifer -era -erum: gold-bearing
Battiadēs -ae m.: descendent of Battus (the founder of Cyrene)
benignus -a -um: kind, generous
blandus -a -um: flattering, caressing
cantō -āre: sing
Castalius -a -um: Castalian
Cerēs -eris f.: wheat
cothurnus -ī m.: buskin
cultus -a -um: elegant, polished, sophisticated; cultivated
Cupīdō -inis m.: Cupid
dēns -ntis m.: tooth
dēpereō -perīre -periī: destroy completely
edāx -ācis: voracious, greedy
ēdisco -discere -didicī: learn thoroughly, study
Ennius -iī m.: Ennius
Ēōus -a -um: of the east, of the dawn
exitium -ī n.: going out; destruction, death
fallax -ācis: deceitful, treacherous, false
falx -cis f.: scythe, sickle
flāvus -a -um: golden; fair-haired, blonde
frīgus -oris n.: cold, coldness
frux -ūgis f.: crops, fruits, grain
Gallus -a -um: Gallus
Hesperius -a -um: of the west, western
iactūra -ae f.: loss (of stature/prestige)
Īdē -ēs f.: Mount Ida
ignāvus -a -um: lazy, idle
improbus -a -um: inferior, bad; shameless
incurvus -a -um: bent, curved
iners -tis: crude, lacking skill; lazy, idle
lēna -ae f.: brothel-keeper, procuress
līvor -ōris m.: envy
Lucrētius -iī m.: Lucretius
Lycōris -ĭdis f.: Lycoris
Maeonidēs -ae m.: Homer
Menandros -drī m.: Menander
meretrix meretricis f.: prostitute
mīlitia -ae f.: military service, warfare
ministrō -āre: serve, attend to, take care of
mustum -ī n.: must
myrtus -ī m./f.: myrtle
obiciō -icere -iēcī -iectum: throw in the way, reproach; charge, accuse
pascor -ī: feed, nourish
patiens -ntis: long-suffering, patient; hardy
perennis -e: continual, perpetual
poculum -ī n.: drinking-cup, goblet
prostituō -stituere -stituī -stitūtum: prostitute
pulverulentus -a- um: covered with dust, dusty
rapidus -a -um: swift, tearing
ratis -is f.: ship
resecō -secāre -secuī -sectum: cut, cut back
Rōma -ae f.: Rome
silex -icis m.: flint; any hard stone
Simoīs -oentis m.: a small river near Troy, flowing into the Scamander
sollicitus -a -um: troubled
Sophoclēus -a -um: Sophoclean, of Sophocles
strēnuus -a -um: brisk, prompt, vigorous
sublīmis -e: lofty, elevated
superstes -itis: surviving, remaining alive after death
suprēmus -a -um: highest, uppermost; final
Tagus -ī m.: the river Tagus (in Lusitania) produced much gold and provided Rome with great wealth
Tenedos -ī f.: Tenedos
Tibullus -ī m.: Tibullus
Tītyrus -ī m.: one of the shepherds in Virgil’s Eclogues and actually the first word of Eclogue 1
triumphō -āre: triumph, have a triumph
triumphus -ī m.: triumph, triumphal procession
tueor tuērī tūtus sum: look at, behold; watch over, protect
tumeō tumēre tumuī: swell, puff up
ūva -ae f.: grape
Varrō -ōnis m.: Varro
verbōsus -a -um: wordy, verbose
vīlis -e: cheap, worthless; contemptible; of inferior rank
vīvus -a -um: alive, living
volvō volvere volvī volūtum:roll, wind, twist round