The Building of the Wall
1. List the characters in the play, and list each character’s description.
2. Odin tells the story of the creation of the world. What is the story?
3. What were the first man and woman formed from?
4. What is the name of the land of the giants?
5. What is the name of the Norse pantheon of gods?
6. What is the name of the home of the Norse gods?
7. What was the original price the stranger/giant told Odin?
8. How long did Odin allot for the wall to be completed?
9. Who did most (if not all) of the work on the wall?
10. Who is Loki?
11. What did the giant tell Odin his real price for the wall would be?
12. How did Loki stop the giant from finishing the wall?
Freya the Bride
1. List and describe any character NOT listed in the first play.
2. What is Freya’s weakness?
3. What is the name of the Land of the Dwarves? SVARTHEIM
4. What is the name of the legendary necklace? BRISINGAMEN
5. What was its purpose? BAIT FOR WOMEN
6. How did Freya disgrace herself to get the necklace?
7. Once she had paid the price for the necklace, what did she do with it? HID IT IN SHAME
8. Who found out the gossip first? LOKI
9. What does Odin require Freya to do with the necklace?
10. Where did Heimdall find Loki ?
11. What was stolen from Thor?
12. What is the NAME of the item which was stolen?
13. What did Freya give to Loki?
14. Who stole the item? THRYM
15. What did he want in exchange for the item?
16. How did they get the item back?
17. What is the name of Odin’s eight legged horse? SLIEPNIR