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Board Room, Assynt House,
Inverness /

20 September 2016–12.35pm

Present: / Rev Dr Derek Brown (In the Chair)
Iris Clarke
Alison Hudson (from 12.45pm)(Videoconference)
Kerrie MacLean
Claire Wood
In Attendance: / Brian Mitchell, Board Committee Administrator


Apologies werereceived from Diane Brawn, Dr Helen Bryers, Mary Burnside, Linda Currie, Stephen Loch, Margaret MacRae, Heidi May, Iona McGauran, Margaret Moss, Kayrin Murray, Evelyn Newman, Susan Russel and Caroline Tait.


The Committee Approved the Minute and Action Plan of the meeting held on 19 July 2016.


There were no matters discussed in relation to this Item.


4.1NHS Board Meeting – 27 September 2016

The Committee was advised there was to be held a meeting of the Area Clinical Forum (ACF) on 22September 2016, prior to the meeting of the NHS Board on 27 September 2016.

The Committee then considered the topics and circulated reports relating to the following NHS Board Meeting Agenda Items:

Item 4.3Developing Community Partnerships in the Highland Community Planning Partnership Area – Local Partnership Boundaries

Members noted the circulated report recommending the NHS Board support the position of Operational Units in relation to preferred options for proposed boundary changes for a number new local Community Partnerships. Members were advised further development of the role of Community Partnerships was likely.

Item 4.4Transforming Urgent Care in Highland

Members noted the circulated reportwhich outlined, and sought NHS Board approval, in relation to a direction of travel for proposed changes in relation to Out of Hours Primary Care provision in Highland. This would involve moving from 22 sites providing doctor-delivered services to a model that comprised 17 sites providing a multi-disciplinary team service approach. Implementation of change was to be phased. Members were advised service model sustainability was at the heart of proposals, through use of new models and alternative staff skill profiles. The embedding of support workers in the community had been welcomed and this brought the added value of creating opportunities within communities that may not have existed otherwise in remote and rural areas. Mrs Hudson emphasised the importance of developing community resilience in remote and rural areas and making the most efficient use of available resource. Ms MacLean suggested taking learning from elsewhere in the world, through adoption of measures such as location of emergency medicines in remote areas to enable easy access for trained personnel etc.

Item 4.6 Infection Prevention and Control Report

Members noted the circulated report updating NHS Board members of the current status of Healthcare Associated Infections (HAI) and Infection Control measures in NHS Highland and further noted progress in relation to the associated Action Plan.

Item 4.6 Chief Executive and Directors’ Report – Emerging Issues and Updates

Members noted the updates in relation to feedback from the NHSH2015/16 Annual Review, Reach Out Highland campaign, national survey into hospital care, an update on the North Coast (Sutherland) Public consultation exercise, Hospital Standardised Mortality Ratios (HSMR), review/renewal of the NHSHGaelic Language Plan, and a series of hosted study tours to Highland.

Item 5.1 Assurance Reports from Meetings of the Highland Health and Social Care Committee held on 7 July and 1 September 2016

The Committee noted the circulated Assurance Reports.

Item 5.2 Minute of Meeting of the Argyll and Bute Health and Social Care Partnership Integration Joint Board (IJB) held on 22 June 2016

The Committee noted the circulated Minute.

Item 5.4 Minute of Meeting of the Area Clinical Forum held on 21 July 2016

The Committee noted the circulated Minute.

Item 5.4 Assurance Report from the Meeting of the Staff Governance Committee held on 23 August 2016

The Committee noted the circulated Assurance Report.

The Committee otherwise Noted the circulated reports.


There had been circulated the Chief Medical Officer for Scotland Annual Report for 2014/15, which raised the subject of Realistic Medicine as well as including an Executive Summary of the “Health of the Nation”. The document had been circulated to members, on behalf of the Area Clinical Forum, seeking comment and positive examples, prior to the meeting. It was reported that the Area Clinical Forum had preferred the wording of “Realistic Healthcare”. It was reported that Mr M Wilson, Consultant Physician had been leading work in relation to Feeding Policy considerations, based on a realistic healthcare approach, and which provided a focus on aspects such as in relation to patient capacity issues.

Members raised issues in relation to the need to manage the expectations of both clients and clinicians and ensuring a multidisciplinary team approach to providing clients with the right care at the right time and in the right place. Appropriate conversations and a shared decision making approach, that also respected both the patient choice and rights were highlighted as very important although it was accepted this would not be appropriate for all clients. Evidence had shown that appropriate and early conversation with clients had the potential to reduce the eventual number of those clients who would require face to face consultations. The key was to apply a person-centred approach.

The Committee

  • Noted the circulated document.
  • Agreed a form of words in relation to the Feeding Policy be provided to the Chair ahead of the Area Clinical Forum meeting.


There had been circulated report in relation to the refresh of the previous Policy for Clinical Supervision and Reflective Practice and the development of a refreshed approach to embedding supervision in the everyday work practices of Health and Social Care professionals. The circulated draft Guidance document represented the refreshed vision of key elements of reflective practice and supervision that should be accessible by all staff and highlighted the organisation’s responsibility in ensuring that staff werefacilitated to participate in a supervisory relationship. The circulated document had previously been considered by the NMAHP Leadership Committee. It was noted a survey was underway of the current uptake of supervision by staff across the organisation, staff perceptions of the benefits of supervision or if they are not engaged in supervision then the barriers to accessing it.

During discussion there was concern the refreshed document did not provide sufficient clarity for front line staff and it was suggested that a minimum standard should be outlined and applied. Noting that defining ‘supervision’ had proved problematic, Ms Wood advised the Policy that had been adopted in Northern Ireland was being considered, by NES, in terms of which elements may be applied in a Scottish context. Members were of the opinion that the circulated document required further development, including in relation to relevant training requirements, prior to formal ratification and adoption.

The Committee otherwise Notedthe draft Guidance document.


There had been circulated a report providing updates in relation to the application of workforce tools, supplementary staffing, draft Education Plan, governance and regulation structures, recruitment and retention, workforce intelligence and risk register elements. The report had previously been considered by the NMAHP Leadership Committee.

During discussion, Mrs Hudson advised that the applicable predictable absence rate (22.5%) was a National Standard and Ms Wood added this would also to be built in to AHP workforce tools. The issue of CPD definition was also discussed and this was noted as being 450 hours working, across a three year period, with 35 hours of Continuing Professional Development of which 20 hours was to be participatory.

The Committee otherwise Noted the content of the circulated report.


There were no matters raised in relation to this Item.


9.1Draft Minuteof Meeting of the Area Clinical Forum held on21 July 2016

The Committee Noted the circulated draft Minute.


10.1Provisional Committee Meeting Dates 2017

The provisional Committee meeting dates for 2017 were Agreed as:

24 January

21 March

23 May

18 July

19 September

21 November

10.2Position of Committee Chair

Rev Brown took the opportunity to advise as to his intention to resign from the position of Committee Chair, after serving for years in the role, adding that whilst the Area Clinical Forum had welcomed the Committee approach to engaging with front line staff, he felt the role of the Committee was unclear at this time and required further discussion. Ms Wood suggested this point should be raised with the Leadership Committee.

The Committee


The next meeting of the Advisory Committee was scheduled to be held on Tuesday 22 November 2016 in the Board Room, Assynt House, Inverness at 12.30pm.

The meeting closed at 2.00pm