Camrose Church of God


Annual Report

Table of Contents

Annual General Meeting Agenda...... 1

Leadership Team Chairperson Report...... 2

Lead Pastor Report...... 2

Youth Ministries Report...... 3

Worship Minister Report...... 5

SEISMIC Children’s Choir Report...... 5

Leader Connect 2012 Report...... 5

Gardner College Report...... 6

Meeting House Report...... 6

Sunday School Report...... 7

Wednesday Morning Mom’s Group Report...... 7

Warm Winter’s Welcome Report...... 7

Minutes from the 2011 Annual General Meeting...... 8

Camrose Church of God

Annual General Meeting Agenda

Wednesday, April 23, 2013

7:00pm Fellowship Hall

(1) Devotions

(2) Roll Call

(3) Reading of the Minutes

(4) Reports of Senior Pastor & Leadership Team

(5) Reports of Committees

(6) Unfinished Business – Report from the Next Steps building committee

(7) Election of Leadership Team, Nominating Committee, Financial Stewardship Committee, and AGM Delegates

(8) Original Resolutions and New Business – 2012-2013 Ministry Budget

(9) Adjournment

Leadership Team/Chairperson Report - Melanie Simmet

This year started with a T word: "Transition." We said good-bye to our friends, David Van Roon, and Kim and Greg Cooper. Recently, we have also saidthank you to Colleen Breker for her years of service with church. Transition is not easy. It makes us uncomfortable. It leaves us with questions such as, "What now?" "What are we going to do?" "What is God teaching us?" "What if . . .?" It sends us into a sense of grieving, but also a sense of anticipation.

In October the Leadership Team met with Ken Wiedrick for a series of “Visioning” discussions. The Leadership Team looked at our vision statement and our values. We were challenged to identify the values of our congregation and to align our vision with our values. We were reminded that our ministry must be conducted with our values in mind. Although the members of the Leadership Team thought we could identify what the congregation valued, we were led to hold our Warm Winter’s Welcome evenings in January. This was an opportunity for you, as a congregation member, to tell us what you valued and your vision for the church. I want to thank all those who participated. We had over 80 individuals giving input over the week. At the time of writing this report, we are still in the process of summarizing comments and clarifying those issues that are important to you. Going forward, the Leadership Team is anticipating using the information to guide us in our staffing and ministry plans.

The year has not been without its struggles as a Leadership Team. At times we felt like we operated in "maintenance" mode (keeping things going) or "reactionary" mode (fixing things) or even ‘forgetful" mode (things got missed? was it even important?). I want to thank you for praying for us through the challenges of this year.

In January, Pastor Brian and John Howard introduced us to another T word: Transformation. The words of Paul in Romans 12:2 challenge us to "be transformed by the renewing of your (our) mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is--his good, pleasing and perfect will." So, how can we renew our mind to know God’s will for our church? To quote Philippians 4:8, "Finally, brothers (and sisters), whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable --if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things." Let’s keep these verses in mind as we "re-think church." What is our vision? Our mission? Our values? How do these all fit together?

Despite the challenges we have faced and will continue to face as a congregation, my prayer is that "the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and you minds in Christ Jesus." Did you notice another T word? Transcend:to rise above the limits of, to exceed, to outshine, out do . .. is that our next challenge?

Lead Pastor Report - Brian Krushel

At the beginning of 2011 we prayed together as a congregation, “Lord, whatever it takes…to make us more like you.” Little did we know what that might mean. We didn’t know, for example, that within the year we would face some major challenges:

  • 4 staff members would move on to other opportunities
  • I would sustain not 1 but 2 concussions and be on medical leave for nearly 2 months
  • Our sister organization, Gardner College, would cease operation after approximately 80 years
  • We would be given first option to purchase Gardner College property
  • We would be threatened with a law suit

These and many other challenges brought us to our knees in complete dependence on God. I cannot count the number of times I have prayed, “God, if you don’t show up, I’m/we’re sunk!” And God has always shown up. And I believe God is always pleased when we are emptied of ourselves to be filled by Himself.

Nor did we anticipate the blessings to come:

  • That we would celebrate more than 20 baptisms
  • That we’d welcome 7 new babies (well, we knew about it – we just didn’t know exactly when!)
  • Or how enthusiastic a response we would get for our Warm Winter’s Welcome (WWW) re-visioning sessions
  • From mission trips to Haiti and Slave Lake
  • That we would get to welcome Diane Carlson as our Minister of Worship, along with her family
  • Or new ministries and teams would form – Young Moms Group, The Meeting House, Children’s Choir (Seismic), new worship teams
  • Jam packed worship services (many of you have commented how much you appreciate being together as “one congregation” again, despite how squished and very warm we feel)

We didn’t hit our targets on some tasks this past year. At our 2011 annual meeting we passed a resolution to take a break from our Capital Stewardship Campaign, but to continue giving those dollars to yet-to-be-selected mission projects. This task got lost in the shuffle to a large degree. The reasons are many, but I apologize for my part in not pursuing that task to its conclusion. I fear there may have been significant confusion and perhaps some loss of trust as a result.

We had also committed to providing a clear-cut plan for going forward regarding our building for the future. A Next Steps Building Committee has been working very diligently over the past months. We look forward to their report at our annual meeting.

We have not yet fully transitioned from our previous staffing model to a new one. We want to discern God’s leading in this area, align our values and your feedback through the WWW sessions, and be fiscally responsible. We need wisdom in addressing administrative/executive tasks, caregiving and small group ministries, children’s ministries, to name a few. Your patience, prayer, and participation (as Pastor David challenged us in his farewell sermon, “Bring it!”) are greatly appreciated.

On that note, I want to extend my appreciation to our staff, our Leadership Team members who have worked tirelessly at all the regular and added tasks this year, and to you as a congregation for allowing me to serve in my areas of giftedness – preaching, teaching, and community ministry.

A word of challenge - We must continue exploring our calling and mission, not our own personal preferences, as the guide to God’s good plans for our future (Jeremiah 29:11). The disruptions in our comfortable church life over the past year are for His purposes, if we receive them as gifts. We do not exist for ourselves; we exist for mission in God’s world.

We seek to be a church where God challenges us to be transformed.

Youth Ministries Annual Report –John Mize

God has continued to work in the lives of our young people here at the church and in the community over this past year, He is faithful! There is much to celebrate!

I am very thankful for the many hours poured in to the lives of the youth by the dedicated team of leaders that I am privileged to work with. They tirelessly invest their time and energy into building relationships with the youth sharing not only the gospel, but their very lives. This team included:

Ben Lyster, Leah McKay, Mike Blackmer, and my amazing wife Twyla. This group has served in the capacity of planning and carrying out Friday evening youth gatherings throughout the year.


It’s exciting seeing the addition of a youth worship team right at the end of the year. Tyler Schultz has helped the youth to kindle a fire in their hearts to give worship and glory to God as they lead in our


Sunday morning worship service. It’s great to see the youth sharing their gifts and talents with the congregation in this area of leadership.


In the CE department I am very thankful for Mark Baughman (Jr. High boys), and Sandy Mize (Jr. High girls). I have had the opportunity to be with the Sr. High guys and gals on Sunday mornings.

Murial Bartel and Mike Blackmer have helped lead a youth bible study this past year, hosted in Bartel home. We have enjoyed studying together the bible as well as other faith-building books.

What an outstanding group of men and women who have a passionate desire to see our youth flourish in relationship with one another and their creator. I am extremely thankful to this group as their sacrificial service has allowed for fantastic ministry opportunities.I am also thankful for the parents and others who have made themselves available as chaperones as well as shared the gift of hospitality, opening their homes to assist and allow for other events throughout the year!


I have been privileged to meet many of our students


as well as others throughout the week as I drive them to and from school in the big yellow bus. In addition to that I have been able to meet them more individually and in smaller groups around movies, coffee, board games, and meals.


I am also thankful for the opportunities afforded to me as a board member for the Open Door as well as a member of the Youth Task Force (a group which plans for Western Canadian youth gatherings and youth leadership training within the Western Canadian Church of God).

Some activities and service in our community and in the larger church our youth have been involved in over the course of the year include:

-Assisting the Open Door in the Bed Race

-Painting over graffiti behind Liquidation World

-Assisting with Neighbor Aid truck unloading

-Community wide Youth worship gatherings (Emmaus Road)

-Winter retreat at DVM with Jeff & Diana Doornbosch


-YC Alberta

-30 hr. famine (World Vision)

-Sponsoring child through recycling and other giving

-Multiple community garage sales

-Kodiaks bake sale fundraiser

-Jaywalkers outreach/fund raiser

-Mission Trip to Slave Lake, Alberta, serving the community through disaster relief


Summer mission trip opportunity coming soon!

Details to this point include:

-Ministry alongside the Regional Church of God in Jamaica to paint and clean around a home they have for single mothers and senior citizens.

-Providing a Summer Bible School for community members in nearby neighborhood.

-Sharing in worship with one (possibly two) local church families in Jamaica on their Sunday morning worship celebration time.

-Departure…July 6, 2012

Return…July 16, 2012

-Approximate cost $940

-*15 spots available (5 remaining)

Thank-you again for allowing me to share in the lives of the young people of our church and Camrose wide in 2011! Moving into 2012 and walking through transition I am anticipating that God will continue in His faithfulness, allowing for challenge and growth as a community of faith.

Minister of Worship Report- Diane Carlson

"I will exalt the Lord at all times. His praise will continually be on my lips.

Oh magnify the Lord with me. Let us exalt His name together.

Taste and see that the Lord is good." taken from portions of Psalm 34

Thank you for your warm welcome and acceptance in the short time I have been in this position. Most of my time so far has been taken up with meeting with people involved in the different areas this ministry encompasses and starting to build relationships, along with leading worship and planning some services.

I look forward to what God has in store for us as a body as we are transformed, day by day, into the image of Jesus.

SEISMIC Children’s Choir – Carolyn Hartman

In September of 2011, a choir program was offered at Camrose Church of God to children ranging in age from 7 through 12.

Our team of Carolyn Hartman, Faith Olsen and Carol Wideman wishes to provide a faith-based program with Biblical content open to all children in the community. The program is offered at no cost to the students, and it seeks to support discipleship and spiritually transformational experiences using the fine arts as the teaching medium. The mission-oriented aspect of the program includes visitation to senior’s homes and other venues as led by the Spirit.

The paramount ingredient is the learning process involved during the weekly sessions, but having opportunities to serve the congregation in assisting with worship also comprises a significant component of the choir program.

The children seem to enjoy the play-acting facet of the program, so in the future we hope to facilitate even more creative dramatics, role playing and puppetry. Musical skills, visual arts experiences and even science investigations are components that reinforce the current themes we are studying. Vocal and physical warm-ups are directed at the beginning of each session, and activities with a game-like structure are very popular with the children. Biblical themes are introduced utilizing a variety of storytelling tools, and exploring scripture is regularly incorporated.

Recently, we have acquired a title for our choir –SEISMIC– to represent the ever-changing energy and earth-moving character that is an integral part of children’s ministry. May God continue to bless our endeavours.

LEADER-CONNECT 2012 – Delegates Doug Ezeard, Randy Kvill, Gary Mize

Stop doing church! Start being church!

That was the gist of our three sessions by guest presenter Dr. Scott Hagley.We saw cultural and church consumerism at its worst in several videos. The world markets to the emotions of people to get them to buy into a product or perceived culture of community. Marketers say and do whatever will get people to buy in, but only out of self-interest.

Many churches and church leaders have produced consumers of religious goods and services byoffering easy Christianity, feeding the consumer mindset of“what's in it for me?”Or, “What is God going to do for me now?”

Instead we need to produce not consumers of religion, but Missionaries of the Gospel.

Go ye into all the world making disciples and baptizing then in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost.

Jesus took people out of the “temple” and put the focus on himself and his example of going out into the world! We live in isolation from the world, instead of in the world but not of it.As Gary Mize put it,

We Christians never figure out how to communicate with people outside the church, yet they have questions to which we have the answers. But we never talk to them to find out the questions.

We make easy Christianity. Jesus made tough Christianity.Jesus made faith in Him about servanthood. Go give of self as I have. I am your example.We are called to be missional people not religious consumers.As we see the Spiritdisrupt things around us, we need to ask,“What is He doing?” And, “How do I become part of that as a missional person, to see the lost come into the body?”

So, where is God sending you? What does that look like? And how can we help one another reach our missional goals and objectives? Let's be like Jesus. Go and make disciples to fill His Kingdom. The Lord of the Harvest is looking for missional workers, not pew warming consumers.

EDITOR’S NOTE: Reports of the business session of Leader-Connect 2012 are available from your pastors or any of our three delegates.

Regarding Gardner College –

It is not operating. The Church of God in Western Canada is launching a new Leadership Development Initiative (LDI) wherein local congregations are to identify potential ministry candidates, ideally in 10th grade, and they will be invited into a minimum 3-year introductory process for leadership development. These “fellows” may then apply for and receive resources for post-secondary education in ministry tracks at a select number of schools. A Director for this new LDI is yet to be appointed.

The Meeting House – Leaders, Dan & Emily Gillespie

The Meeting House started up in the fall of 2011. The first few months we met were a time to enjoy fellowship with one another through a dinner meal and faith discussion. This was a great opportunity to begin building relationships and hearing about each other’s faith journeys. We had a fresh start in 2012 as we began to read the book “Crazy Love” by Francis Chan. We have been able to dive into deep discussion each week and have enjoyed using a DVD resource which aids in generating discussion. The group has continued to grow, from 8 students in the beginning to now a group of 15 students. The Meeting House has been a wonderful opportunity for students to meet in a safe place where they can openly share their faith with others. The Meeting House plans to continue running in the fall of 2012 and may branch into more than one group depending on how many students continue to join. Various ideas have been brought forth and we are excited to see God’s vision of the Meeting House as it continues to unfold.