Digital Lesson for Computer Lab_K_and GRADE_1_6th_Six Weeks
Six Weeks: / Grade Level :Objectives for Six Weeks
Digital Citizenship and Internet safety / TEKS Addressed: (3) Research and information fluency. The student acquires and evaluates digital content. The student is expected to:
(A) use search strategies to access information to guide inquiry;
(B) use research skills to build a knowledge base regarding a topic, task, or assignment; and
(C) evaluate the usefulness of acquired digital content.
(4) Critical thinking, problem solving, and decision making. The student applies critical-thinking skills to solve problems, guide research, and evaluate projects using digital tools and resources. The student is expected to:
(A) identify what is known and unknown and what needs to be known regarding a problem and explain the steps to solve the problem;
(B) evaluate the appropriateness of a digital tool to achieve the desired product;
(C) evaluate products prior to final submission; and
(D) collect, analyze, and represent data using tools such as word processing, spreadsheets, graphic organizers, charts, multimedia, simulations, models, and programming languages.
(5) Digital citizenship. The student practices safe, responsible, legal, and ethical behavior while using digital tools and resources. The student is expected to:
(A) adhere to acceptable use policies reflecting appropriate behavior in a digital environment;
(B) comply with acceptable digital safety rules, fair use guidelines, and copyright laws; and
(C) practice the responsible use of digital information regarding intellectual property, including software, text, images, audio, and video.
Weeks / /Learning applied/ Applied to curriculum
1st week / Lesson 1: Using NetSmartz Videos Online:These video are kid friendly use music to introduce the internet and how to be safe in real life and online:Clicky’s Web World Fun tune to remind our Primary students to be safe online:
2nd week / Lessons 2:
Webville Outlaws Video
Outlaw Video Game – Checking fort Understanding of things that all students should look out for when using the internet.
3rd week / Lessons 3: Students will learn about the fun things the internet can do for them
After viewing the video the students can open Up Kid Pixs or web 2.0 drawing tool and draw what they like best about what they can do with the internet.
4th week / Lesson 4: Go Places Safely- Research and Information Fluency
A virtual field trip helps children experience thepower and excitement of the Internet by taking themplaces in cyberspace that might be impractical for aclass to visit. They also learn that, just as when traveling in the face-to-face world, they should always take an adult with them when traveling in cyberspace.
The instruction for this lesson is below. Use the link above to complete the lesson
•Tell children another way to visit interesting places around the world is through the computer.
•Take students to or click on Student Links, and then click on the circle. Find the title of this lesson, and open its links. Choose a site to explore with the class.
Allow the children to decide where to go in the site and in what order. Guide them in making choices and read aloud any relevant text.
5th week / Children explore and evaluate a children's Web site, concluding that people's opinions about the quality and usefulness of a site will vary.
•Distribute the activity sheet (good sites pdf), telling children they will use it to record what they like and do not like about the Web site.
•Explain that for each question, children should trace and color the happy face if their answer is "yes" and the sad face if their answer is "no."
•For "Do you like the words?" tell children to think about how well they can understand the text when it is read aloud.
•Follow the same procedure with the remaining four criteria. Help children consider whether the pictures are helpful and provide new information, if the colors and patterns are pleasing or jarring and distracting, how many links work or lead to dead ends, and whether they would recommend the site to friends.
6th week / Before Students leave for the summer please review this site and take them through the videos and activities.