
Chapters 1, 2, & 3: Origins of a New Society

Ch. 1 Sec 1: The Native American World(p. 2-9)

Terms & People




Main Ideas

1)How did people settle the Americas and adapt to the environment of North America?

2)How did trade and beliefs about land affect the Native American economies?

Ch 1 Sec. 2: The European World (10-16)

Middle Ages:



Middle Class:


Magna Carta:



Main Ideas

1)What was life like in Europe during the Early Middle Ages?

2)What changes took place during the Late Middle Ages?

Ch 1 Sec. 3: The World of the West Africans (p. 17-21)

Main Ideas

1)How did West Africans and Europeans first meet?

2)How did a trading relationship develop between Europe and the kingdoms of West Africa?

Ch 1 Sec 4: The Atlantic World is Born (22-28)

Terms & People

Columbian Exchange:

Treaty of Tordesilles:


Cash Crop

Main Ideas

What did the Spanish hope to gain from Columbus’s voyage?

1)What long-term positive and negative effects did Columbus’s voyages have?

Positive / Negative

Ch 2 Sec. 1: Spanish Explorers & Colonies (36-41)

Terms & People



Encomienda System:


Pueblo Revolt of 1680:

Main Ideas

1)Why and how did the Spanish build an empire in the Americas?

2)Why did the Spanish push for settlement in regions in North America?

Ch 2 Sec 2: Jamestown

Terms & People



Joint-stock Company:

Royal Colony:


House of Burgesses:

Indentured Servant:

Bacon’s Rebellion:

Main Ideas

1)What were the goals of England’s Explorers?

2)What Challenges did Jamestown’s early settlers face?

Ch 2 Sec 3: The New England Colonies (49-57)

Terms & People


Mayflower Compact:

Great Migration:

Salem Witch Trials:

Main Ideas

1)What economic activity shaped the growth of New France?

2)What were the goals of the Plymouth and Massachusetts Bay colonies?

3)How did the rapid spread of English settlements affect Native Americans

Ch 2 Sec 4: The Middle and Sothern Colonies (59-63)

Terms & People

Proprietary Colony:


Main Ideas

1)What was the early history of the Dutch in New York?

2)What were the characteristics of the other Middle Colonies?

3)Why did people settle in the Southern Colonies?

Ch 3 Sec 1: An Empire and It’s Colonies (70-75)

Terms & People


Balance of Trade:


Salutary Neglect:

Staple Crop:

Triangular Trade:

Main Ideas

1)Why did England prize its North American colonies?

2)What was Britain’s colonial policy in the early 1700’s?

3)What farming, trade, and settlement patterns defined the diverse economies of the colonies?

Ch 3 Sec 2: Life in Colonial America (77-82)

Main Ideas

1)How was colonial society organized?

2)What were some common trades and occupations in the colonies?

3)What rights and responsibilities did colonial women have?

4)What was the nature of work and education in the colonies?

Ch 3 Sec 3: African Americans in the Colonies (83-88)

Terms & People

Middle Passage:


Stono Rebellion:

Main Ideas

1)How did the experience of slavery differ from colony to colony? (Fill in graphic organizer below)

South CarolinaGeorgia / VirginiaMaryland / New England & the Middle Colonies

Ch 3 Sec 4: Emerging Tensions (89-93)

Terms & People


Great Awakening:

Main Ideas

1)What drove the western expansion of colonial settlement?

2)How did Native Americans and the French react to the expansion of the colonies?