St James Church


MARCH 2015

David Griffiths: Vicar

Susan Griffiths: Associate Priest & Rural Dean

Pat Smith: Assistant Curate


Dear Brothers and Sisters,

March is the month I look forward to. Lengthening days bring with them the real hope that 'Spring' is almost here. Perhaps not quite here but just round the corner. The snowdrops have been and gone, the crocus and daffodils are in bloom, the latter nodding their heads in the cold wind. March can be a very cold month, snow and ice often remind us that winter is not over just yet, but I hope you can agree that we begin to have a sense of optimism that winter is on its way out, nearly over, and that by the end of March we will be able to look forward to bathing in the light and warmth of Spring and Summer.

Paradoxically, in March we, the church, are in a season of starkness, one of sombreness as we are reminded that we are dust and that it is to dust we shall in time return.

Then there is the 'giving up'; although not encouraged by the vast majority of churches these days, giving something up for Lent can be a tool for witness, presenting opportunities to share our faith. Giving something up we feel we cannot do without, or something we really enjoy, helps us to grow closer to God as we identify with Jesus and the forty days he spent in the wilderness doing without his home comforts and resisting temptation.

We can, of course, still participate in taking something up or doing something extra during Lent. But, if we are living the gospel every day we should be 'going the extra mile' every day of the year not just during Lent. So what are you giving up: is it chocolate, alcohol, tobacco, meat, cake, lunch, not using the car!

I wonder what marks the season of Lent for you. Is it Pancakes, Ashes or Mothering Sunday. Each event has a different feel, saying something to each one of us and what it says will be different for each person.

As a child Shrove Tuesday marked the beginning of Lent for me and I think that has to some degree stayed with me. It's always risky sticking ones neck out in print, but I have to confess I do love pancakes, my favourite topping is caster sugar and freshly squeezed lemon juice: am I making you drool?

Perhaps Mothering Sunday comes to mind when you think of Lent. Mothering Sunday was traditionally a time for young girls in 'Service' who lived away from home to visit their mothers and their Mother Church. We say 'Mother Church' because it is the place where we find Christian nourishment and protection. A place where all people can find refuge, love and hope.

On Mothering Sunday we encourage our children to show love and concern by giving them flowers to distribute, usually a bunch of daffodils, first to their own mothers then to all the ladies in the congregation. We could look on this as symbolic of the love we share in our Church Family, and the love we are called to take out to others in our Community, our Nation and to the whole World.

Although Lent is a stark reminder of our physical mortality, where we came from and where we shall return, the lengthening days and the signs of new life around us in God's wonderful creation, help us to have a sure hope that through Jesus' death and resurrection, God has a new life waiting for us and it's not just for the hereafter but now too.

Easter awaits – Alleluia

God Bless you all, love from Pat


To help us keep in mind the JSP course that we did as a church last year and the very useful strands the course employed of - PEOPLE, TEAM BUILDING, TEACHING,PRAYER, PROPHETIC ACTION that Jesus life reflected our magazine is going to be set out using these strands. For some things it is difficult to label them as specifically one of these strands but it is a way of reinforcing these and seeing how ourbalance of these is being maintained as a church. See if you agree and come back to me. Love David.



Dear all,

As the editorial deadline for the March magazine is in mid-February just prior half term, our Valentine Day Coffee morning and February meeting have not actually taken place as I write this, so I will report on them in the April issue! (I hope this makes sense!!) and will just concentrate on looking forward to what is happening in March.

We are invited to attend a Quiet Day on Wednesday 18th March to be held at St. James, Baildon from 11.00 am to 3.00 pm (communion before this at 10.00 am). Tea and coffee provided. Bring along your own lunch. Please let me know if you are interested in attending and so that I can give numbers and we can arrange transport. This year's Lady Day Services will take place on 25th March 2.00 pm Holy Trinity Church Skipton, when we will be taking along our banner, and at 7.30 pm at Bradford Cathedral the same evening.

Our March meeting will take place on Thursday 19th March at 7.30 pm in the Church Hall when we will welcome Maureen Becket who will share her experiences as "An English woman in Israel." Please try to come along and support us. As always friends and visitors are very welcome.

Please check noticeboards for details of how you can join in the M U "Make a Mother's Day campaign" and also for details of other up and coming events.

With love, Jayne.


This year St James church is the host for Womens World Day of Prayer. It is being held in the church hall at 2 pm on Friday 6th March. It has been put together by Christian women of the Bahamas.


After the success of last year’s visit to Yorkshire (and Silsden) of the Tour de France,Welcome to Yorkshire, Amaury Sports Organisation (the organizers of the tour de France) and British Cycling have organized another cycle race on the international elite calendar to contribute to the cycling legacy for Yorkshire -the Tour de Yorkshire. Taking place over the three days of the May Day Bank Holiday weekend later this year, Sunday 3 May 2015 (the third day of the three day event) is the day that the race visits Silsden.

There will be some differences from the memorable Sunday last July when the Tour de France came through our town.

Firstly the cyclists will be heading in a different direction -coming over on the top road from Kildwick and arrivinginto Silsden down Skipton Road- before taking the chicane at Bell Square and thenheading out of Silsden up Bolton Road (so they will not be going past St James’).

Secondly there will not be a full, long term road closure – this time there will be a rolling closure only.

Thirdly, the cyclists are likely to arrive later in the day than the lunchtime arrival of the Tour de France peloton back in July. However, before the race arrives we are going to be visited by lots of amateur cyclists coming through Silsden, because the Sunday of the three days of the Tour de Yorkshire is also the day of the ‘sportif’ when the amateurs ride a large part of the race route (the roads won’t be shut for the sportif part of the day).

This event does promise to be another fun-filled community day for Silsden and no doubt we will give all the cyclists (professionals and amateurs) a big Silsden welcome.So let’s get our thinking caps on regarding what we as a church can do to mark the occasion.It is only 9 weeks away!



Silsden Methodist Church in conjunction with Bradford Met are starting a Well Being Café. This will be managed by our Café Facilitator Andrea Pickersgill. The café is looking for two things - Volunteers to work alongside Andrea and clients to attend the café. The nature of the café is that along with a "carer" individuals who are affected by dementia and other similar conditions will be able to meet in a safe environment. Over tea and cake they can engage in various activities and meet and be supported by those who are working in the café. If you know of an individual who might benefit from this commmunity venture or would like to volunteer to be an active volunteer in the café then please contact Andrea on 07956543031.

The Memory Tree.Meetings & support for people with dementia and their carers.Chat over coffee with other people facing the same issues as you. Reminiscence, music, simple cooking, crafts and other activities. Sharing, listening and advice.

Friendship Café – Come along for a cuppa, meet new friends and chat to others facing the same issues.Voluntary contribution £2.50 per person

Memory Clubs – 45 minutes ‘café time’ followed by45 minutes separate ‘memory support’ and ‘carer support’ groups. Voluntary contribution £2.50 per person

Day Centre – social activities in morning and afternoon with home cooked hot lunch; £7.50 per person


St Peter’s Memory Club (Tuesday Club)

St Peter’s Church, Moorhead Lane, BD18 4JH

1st& 3rd Tuesdays, 10.30 am – 12.00 pm

Kirkgate Centre Memory Club

Kirkgate Centre, 39A Kirkgate, BD18 3EH

2nd & 4th Wednesdays, 10.30 am – 12.15 pm


Keighley Memory Club

Keighley Shared Church Hall, Market St, BD21 5AD

2nd& 4th Fridays, 1.45 pm – 3.30 pm

For further information please contact:Elizabeth Milwain tel.01274 583364 :


Hi to all my friends! please excuse the fact that this is not exactly personal but given that time runs out each day even more quickly than I anticipate ,this seems the best way to keep in touch. It's what comes of so many house moves in one lifetime, thereby making wonderful friends and then up and offing.

So assuming that you accept my apologies, read on.
Well we are here still in Lancashire - not turned tail and retreated to the safety of Yorkshire - that was always on the cards, but now we have settled quite well, and are thankful for our new, if cardboard, home (not your strong stone of the past for us), easy to keep clean, warm and no painting crying out to be done as yet. We have a garden and the birds are now putting in a daily appearance for meal worms and sunflower seeds and I am looking forward to the Spring when stage two of the garden making can begin.

The local Booths is a ten minute walk away, as is the doctor (lovely), post office and bus stop. Preston is 40mins away by public transport and Southport 25. We tend to go to Southport as we enjoy walking along the promenade and to the end of the pier in the hope of spotting the sea!
Immie is 15mins away and we see her and the children a couple of times a week. We have seen more of Nat and co. Since being here, which is a treat, and lovely Lel comes regularly to see us and stay with Ollie the dog. She is doing so well and has moved out of Silsden to Sutton in Craven where she is very happy.
Brian likes the local Anglican church and has joined a growing Welsh group, watching the match with his cronies last Friday - enough said! That's as far as he has ventured, although we are both thinking of becoming friends of a local estate, with romantic Jacobean ruin and wonderful snowdrop covered grounds, which is a couple of miles away. Maybe we can contribute some time there to good effect - who knows! Which leads me to say does anyone know where I can buy snowdrops in the green please? Not here at Bank Hall I hasten to add.
I have joined two shared book groups, one is very good, and a regular read a book in a month group. I have also joined a community choir in Preston which I love and which taxes me as I have to THINK about the words and try to read the music.
We Have had lots of visitors, for the day and to stay with us and we are thrilled that they have made it to the edge of the world to see us. Thank you to you all and do come if you can if you have not yet visited us in the land of the red rose and can find your way here. I can give good directions to prevent you driving across farmland as one friend did! Don't trust your sat. nav.
At heart I shall always be an adopted tyke but never say never - the best laid plans and all that!
Be kind to yourself, you will never be forgotten nor your kindnesses to me!
Always with my love, Corinne xx


At the PCC meeting on 3 February the budget proposals for 2015 were agreed. These proposals look at both what I expect we will need to spend to cover our costs and where I hope the money will come from. This budget does not look at monetary growth or specific projects.


Share £45,544

Church plant £14,230

Services £4,600

Clergy expenses £1,500

Other £6,840

Total £72,714


Planned giving £35,000

Other giving £8,000

Hall income £19,000

Fund raising £5,100

Fees £2,500

Other £4,000

Total £73,600

You will see that my predictions show that we should be able to cover our costs – but only just! (and depending on no unexpected expenditure and that income stays as predicted).I will update you as to how we are going every few months. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask me. Deborah


SUNDAY 26JULY - be there! If you would like to enter a TUG of WAR team please see David and get registered and get training!

Silsden Town Council and Steeton with Eastburn Parish Council are currently working on a joint Neighbourhood Plan. The working committee is engaging with its residents, community groups and businesses to ensure that its Neighbourhood Plan properly reflects the wishes and concerns of everyone within its area.
There is more information regarding the Neighbourhood Plan onnews.silsden.netand also a questionnaire which may be downloaded or collected from the back of church, which has identified key issues e.g housing, infrastructure, transport links, employment, education, health, green belt, flooding, etc.
The Neighbourhood Plan is an important document and it will help decide and shape the future of Silsden over the next 15 years. It is therefore desirable that as many people as possible feed in their opinions as soon as they can.