Theme 1 Learn it, Don’t Sweat It

What kind of person is he? Do you think he is shy or outgoing? What qualities do you think he might be looking for in other people?

Starting Your Portfolio from NOW

During this course, you will be recording a lot of information about yourself and for yourself. Whenever you see this icon ⌘, be sure to place your completed information in your portfolio. Don’t forget to review your portfolio regularly. It will show you where you have been and the progress you’ve been making – evidence of your learning.

1) Take a few minutes to think of words or phrases that describe you. Write the letters of your name down one column. From your page of words, find those words that start with the letters of your name. If you don’t have a word that starts with the right letter, use a thesaurus to find one. Here is an example from me. The chart for you is on the next page.

Example from your teacher: my name is Xiao

Letters of Your Name / Word Starting with that Letter that Describes You / Why You Chose this Word
X / X-Men / I dreamed to be part of the X-Men who fought to keep the peace between normal humans and mutants in a world where anti-mutant bigotry is widespread.
I / Independent / Since I always like to try and do things on my own first, some of my friends think I am too independent.
A / Abroad / I’ve studied abroad since I was eighteen, I think that’s why I am an independent person.
O / Organic / The worst course I’ve ever taken was organic chemistry from the university. I still have no ideas about what it is.
Letters of Your Name / Word Starting with that Letter that Describes You / Why You Chose this Word

2) ⌘ Using paper and art supplies provided by your teacher or using the computer, make a “My Brand” poster advertising your qualities. Here is mine (below). You can use it as inspiration.

3) Select one personal quality you possess (e.g. thoughtfulness, resilience, stubbornness) that has helped you in the past at school or in life.

a)  In what situation did it help you?

b)  How did it help you?

4) On the first page, you can find a boy (let’s name him Dan) is thinking about who he is and what he enjoys. One of his thoughts is Web Surfer. Can you give Dan some tips on Internet safety and online communities? Send it to him at .