Name: ______


Daily Unit Questions: Street Law

January 2
No School / January 3
I can explain the current and historical interpretations of the principles of due process. / January 4
I can form an opinion regarding the two general approaches to crime prescribed throughout history. / January 5
I can philosophically debate the merits of the “legalist” and “preventionist” approaches to crime. / January 6
I can simulate the compromising forces of political crime reduction.
January 9
VICE: “Fixing the System” or 13th / January 10
VICE: “Fixing the System” or 13th / January 11
I can prepare a 2 page essay for a Law School Application. / January 12
I can research “Stand Your Ground Laws” and determine if they are effective means of reducing crime. / January 13
I can research “Stand Your Ground Laws” and determine if they are effective means of reducing crime.
January 16
No School / January 17
I can read “Just Mercy Chapter 12: Mother, Mother”. / January 18
I can create a plan to make improvements to corrections facilities. / January 19
I can analyze the immediate and long term impacts of “Gideon vs. Wainwright”. / January 20
I can draw parallels to modern challenges of public defenders.
January 23
I can listen to Bryan Stevenson’s TED Talk on injustice. / January 24
I can form an opinion regarding the “opposite of poverty”. / January 25
I can simulate the compromising forces of political crime reduction. / January 26
JMLP Final Exam / January 27
No School
  1. Organize the elements of a “Criminal Procedure” along a continuum.
  1. Outline the “Legalist” and “Preventionist” Approaches to crime.
  1. As you watch the documentary, write down names, statistics, questions, draw and doodle, articulate your genuine reactions. Be present.
  1. Identify one action you as an individual can take in response to the documentary.
  1. What is “Stand Your Grand” and is it an effective means of reducing crime?
  1. In your own words, tell the story of Marsha Colby.
  1. Analyze the immediate and long term impacts of the Supreme Court case “Gideon vs. Wainwright”.
  1. Bryan Stevenson believes that “…in too many places in this country, the opposite of poverty is not wealth, but justice”. Do you agree or disagree? Explain your response.