January 2018
Amarillo-1215 S Coulter, Suite 405
English-Faye Usala H: 806-358-2880 C: 806-683-5561
Jan. 7 Sunday 12:00 pm Marquette Method
Amarillo-St. Thomas
English-Chrissy Acker 806-654-2057
Jan. 25 Thursday 6:30 pm #1 of 3 sessions, Sympto-Thermal Method
*online classes available
February 2018
Amarillo-1215 S Coulter, Suite 405
English- Faye Usala H: 806-358-2880 C: 806-683-5561
Feb. 18 Sunday 12:00 pm Marquette Method
Amarillo-St. Thomas
English-Chrissy Acker 806-654-2057
Feb. 22 Thursday 6:30 pm # 2 of 3 sessions, Sympto-Thermal Method
*online classes available
Hart-St. John’s
Spanish-Lupe Morales 806-938-2665
Feb. 24 Saturday 9:00 am Ovulation Method
March 2018
Amarillo-1215 S Coulter, Suite 405
English-Faye Usala H: 806-358-2880 C: 806-683-5561
March 11Sunday 12:00 pm Marquette Method
Amarillo-St. Thomas
English-Chrissy Acker 806-654-2057
March 22 Thursday 6:30 pm #3 of 3 sessions Sympto-Thermal Method
*online classes available
April 2018
Amarillo-Blessed Sacrament
Spanish-Lillie & Nicolas Robles 806-220-7179
April 7-Saturday 10:00 am Ovulation Method
Amarillo-1215 S Coulter Suite 405
English-Faye Usala H: 806-358-2880 C: 806-683-5561
April 22-Sunday 12:00 pm Marquette Method
May 2018
Perryton-Immaculate Conception
English-Faye Usala H: 806-358-2880 C: 806-683-5561
May 6-Sunday 12:00 pm Marquette Method
Amarillo-1215 S Coulter Suite 405
English-Faye Usala H: 806-358-2880 C: 806-683-5561
May 20-Sunday 12:00 pm Marquette Method
June 2018
Hart-St. John’s
Spanish-Lupe Morales 806-938-2665
June 2-Saturday 9:00 am Ovulation Method
Amarillo-1215 S Coulter Suite 405
English-Faye Usala H:806-358-2880 C: 806-683-5561
June 3-Sunday 12:00 pm Marquette Method
July 2018
Amarillo-1215 S Coulter Suite 405
English-Faye Usala H: 806-358-2880 C: 806-683-5561
July 8-Sunday 12:00 pm Marquette Method
August 2018
Amarillo-1215 S Coulter Suite 405
English-Faye Usala H: 806-358-2880 C: 806-683-5561
Aug. 5-Sunday 12:00 pm Marquette Method
Amarillo-St. Thomas
English-Chrissy Acker 806-654-2057
August 23-Thursday 6:30 pm # 1 of 3 sessionsSympto-Thermal Method
*online classes available
September 2018
Amarillo-1215 S Coulter Suite 405
English-Faye Usala H: 806-358-2880 C: 806-683-5561
Sept. 9-Sunday 12:00 pm Marquette Method
Amarillo-St. Thomas
English-Chrissy Acker 806-654-2057
Sept. 20-Thursday 6:30 pm #2 of 3 sessions Sympto-Thermal Method
*online classes available
Amarillo-Blessed Sacrament
Spanish-Lillie & Nicolas Robles 806-220-7179
Sept. 22-Saturday 10:00 am Ovulation Method
Hart-St. John’s
Spanish-Lupe Morales 806-938-2665
Sept.29-Saturday 9:00 am Ovulation Method
October 2018
Amarillo-1215 S Coulter Suite 405
English-Faye Usala H: 806-358-2880 C: 806-683-5561
Oct. 7-Sunday 12:00 pm Marquette Method
Perryton-Immaculate Conception
English-Faye Usala H: 806-358-2880 C: 806-683-5561
Oct. 21- Sunday 12:00 pm Marquette Method
Amarillo-St. Thomas
English-Chrissy Acker 806-654-2057
Oct. 25-Thursday 6:30 pm # 3 of 3 sessions Sympto-Thermal Method
*online classes available
November 2018
Amarillo-1215 S Coulter Suite 405
English-Faye Usala H: 806-358-2880 C: 806-683-5561
Nov. 11-Sunday 12:00 pm Marquette Method
-NEW ONLINE SYMPTO-THERMAL Self-paced NFP Class, English only, cost is $99, access at Contact Chrissy Acker 806-654-2057
-Creighton Model FertilityCare series of 8 classes is now available. Contact provider Sarah Dawes 806-676-7839 or for scheduling and costs.
Teachers do not travel out of town for fewer than 2 couples registered and paid 1 week before a scheduled class
Natural Family Planning methods have efficacy rates of 97-99+ percent. NFP is useful for both achieving and avoiding pregnancy. The fee for the Marquette Method or the Ovulation Method class is $50 for English, which includes a 1 year subscription to the CCL NFP magazine Family Foundations, and all materials, and $25 for Spanish, no Spanish magazine available, or $50 if the Spanish class book is requested, and all materials. The Marquette Method first month’s hormone monitoring kit will be about $30 available locally or online if the couple intends to use the methodology. Sympto-Thermal Method class fees are $50. Some parishes pay all or part of the fees and couples may inquire about fees from their marriage preparer. If the couple cannot afford the fee, it will be reduced or waived.
Registrationshould be done at least one week before the first class to allow for the required teaching materials to be gathered or preferably as soon as the wedding date is set. Registration is done through the individual teachers (phone numbers listed) or Faye Usala( H: 806-358-2880 C: 806-683-5561).
Additional classes may be added to the schedule at a future date. Cancellations or date changes of classes are occasionally necessary to accommodate scheduling conflicts which arise. All marriage preparers will be notified promptly of schedule changes. The teachers are willing to speak about NFP at Mass, group sessions, altar societies, guilds, or circles if requested in any parish. Please contact Faye Usala.