Colonial Road Runners Membership Application
Name ______Age ______Date of Birth ______
Address ______
City/State/Zip ______E-mail ______
Phone - Home ______Cell ______Work ______
Family member names (and ages) ______
Membership status: 1 Individual ($15/year) 1 Family ($20/year) 1 Student ($10/year for one student)
1 New 1 Renewal 1 Additional donation to CRR Scholarship Fund ______
Volunteer: 1 Yes 1 No Circle volunteer areas where you can help:
§ CRR race finish line crew
§ Newsletter collating
§ Newsletter staff (articles, graphics, photos)
§ Distributing CRR race flyers (gyms, etc)
§ Race computer (data entry)
§ Beginner-runner group coach/adviser
§ Race course (marshal, water stop)
§ Hosting CRR socials or fun runs
§ Youth running program
§ Race director or committee chairman
§ CRR clothing sales
§ Group run organizer
Would you like to be placed on the CRR email list (for club functions or socials, club news, team opportunities, upcoming CRR race information, major race entry deadlines or entry limit closeouts, etc.)? 1 Yes 1 No
For future CRR newsletters, how would you like to receive your newsletter? (OK to check more than one box):
1 By postal mail 1 By email attachment (.pdf) 1 By email reminder (reminder email sent, then you go online to the CRR website to directly view the newsletter):
Make check payable to Colonial Road Runners, Inc., and mail to: Brenda Mitchell, Membership, Colonial Road Runners, 111 Hempstead Rd., Williamsburg, VA 23188. Please include a stamped, self-addressed envelope for mailing your membership card.
For questions or further info, contact Rick Platt (757-229-7375, 757-345-1431, )
Club Membership Application Waiver
I know that running and volunteering to work in club races are potentially hazardous activities. I should not enter and run in club activities unless I am medically able and properly trained. I agree to abide by any decision of a race official relative to my ability to safely complete the run. I assume all risks associated with running and volunteering to work in club races including, but not limited to, falls, contact with other participants, the effects of the weather, including high heat and/or humidity, the conditions of the road and traffic on the course, all such risks being known and appreciated by me. Having read this waiver and knowing these facts, and in consideration of your acceptance of my application for membership, I, for myself and anyone entitled to act on my behalf, waive and release the Colonial Road Runners, Road Runners Club of America (RRCA), USATF, and all sponsors, their representatives and successors from all claims or liabilities of any kind arising out of my participation in these club activities even though that liability my arise out of negligence or carelessness on the part of the persons named in this waiver.
Signature ______Date ______
Parent’s Signature (if under 18 years of age) ______Date ______