Name:Helge Bruelheide

Date and place of birth:12.01.1962 in Bielefeld


Family status:married to Dr. Ute Jandt, three children

Address:Institute of Biology / Geobotany and Botanical Garden
Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg
Am Kirchtor 1, 06108 Halle
Tel. ++49-345-5526222, Fax. ++49-345-5527228


1981Abitur at the Hans-Ehrenberg Gymnasium in Bielefeld-Sennestadt

1981 - 1985Biology and Geography at the University of Münster

1986 - 1988Biology at the University of Göttingen

1988 - 1989Diploma thesis in vegetation, with highest honours.

06.02.1995Dissertation, with Summa cum laude.

Civil Service

1982-1984Nursing ward at the geriatric home Klarastift in Münster

Academic positions:

1986 - 1990Scientific assistant in various courses and research projects

1990 - 1996Research assistant of the Department of Vegetation Science, Goettingen.

1995-2001Research assistant (Hochschulassistent, C1) in the Department of Ecology and Ecosystem Research, Goettingen University

19.04.2001Habilitation (venia legendi for botany

2001-2003Assistant Professor (Oberassistent C2) in the Department of Ecology and Ecosystem Research, Goettingen University

since 01.01.2004Professor for Geobotany (C4) at the Institute of Biology / Geobotany and Botanical Garden, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg


01.10.1989Award for Special Student Achievements by the Ministry of Science and Art of Lower Saxony

Editorial Boards

since 1999Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Vegetation Science

since 2001Associate Editor of the Journal of Vegetation Science

since 2005Member of the Editorial Board of Tuexenia

since 2005Member of the Editorial Board of Flora

since 2007Member of the Editorial Board of Hercynia

since 2007Associate Editor of the Journal of Plant Ecology

since 2010Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Arid Land

Committees and memberships

since 2012Vice-Director of the German Centre of Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv)

since 2008Elected member of the DFG Review Board „Plant sciences“ (Fachkollegium 202) in the discipline „Plant ecology and ecosystem research“

since 2007Elected member of the Advisory Council of the “International Association of Vegetation Science” (IAVS)

since 2004Council member of the Scientific Advisory Council of the Harz National Park (Wissenschaftlicher Beirat des NP Harz).

since 1995European Vegetation Survey (EVS)

since 1997Ecological Society of Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Liechtenstein (GfÖ)

since 1992International Association of Vegetation Science (IAVS)

since 1989Foristisch-Soziologische AG e.V. (Flor.-Soz.)

List of five important publications

Bütof A, von Riedmatten LR, Dormann CF, Scherer-Lorenzen M, Welk E, Bruelheide H. (2011) The responses of grassland plants to experimentally simulated climate change depend on land use and region. Global Change Biol.18: 127–137.

Schuldt A, Both S, Bruelheide H, Härdtle W, Schmid B, Zhou HZ, Assmann T. (2011) Predator diversity and abundance provide little support for the enemies hypothesis in forests of high tree diversity. PloS One 6:e22905.

Bruelheide H, Böhnke M, Both S, Fang T, Assmann T, Baruffol M, Bauhus J, Buscot F, Chen X-Y, Ding B-Y, Durka W, Erfmeier A, Fischer M, Geißler C, Guo D, Guo L-D, Härdtle W, He J-S, Hector A, Kröber W, Kühn P, Lang AC, Nadrowski K, Pei KQ, Scherer-Lorenzen M, Shi XZ, Scholten T, Schuldt A, Trogisch S, von Oheimb G, Welk E, Wirth C, Wu Y-T, Yang XF, Yu MJ, Zeng XQ, Zhang SR, Zhou HZ, Ma KP, Schmid B. (2010) Community assembly during secondary forest succession in a Chinese subtropical forest. Ecol. Monogr. 81:25–41.

Vonlanthen B, Zhang XM, BruelheideH. (2010) Clonal structure and genetic diversity of three desert phreatophytes. Am. J. Bot. 97:234–242.

Bruelheide H, Luginbühl U (2009) Peeking at ecosystem stability - Making use of a natural disturbance experiment to analyse resistance and resilience of a beech forest community. Ecology 90:1314–1325.