Log College Middle School Student Handbook
School Year 2016-2017
This handbook belongs to:
(Homeroom Teacher)
My Log College Contacts
Principal-Mr. Andrew Doster● / Assistant Principal-Mr. Andrew Drago
My Mentor-
● / Social Worker-
School Nurse-
● / Secretaries-
My Teachers-
● / FCS
● / Music/Band/Chorus-
● / Art-
Social Studies-
● / Tech Education/STEM-
English/Language Arts-
● / Business Computer & Information Technology-
Reading/Foreign Language-
● / Physical Education/Health-
Guidance Counselor
Table of Contents
Introduction / 3Centennial Diversity Pledge / 3
Bell Schedules / 4-6
School Communication / 6
Attendance – District Policy / 6
Absence / 7
Lateness / 7
Early Dismissals / 7
Educational and Family Trips / 7
Emergency Closing/Late Openings / 8
Visitors / 8
Library / 8
School Nurse Services / 8
Elevator Policy / 9
Breakfast Program / 9
Homework / 9
Honor Roll / 9
Progress Reports / 9
Student Responsibilities / 9
Discipline / 10
Dress Code / 11
Cell Phones/Electronic Devices / 11
Telephone Usage / 11
Guest Teachers / 11
Sexual Harassment / 11
Food and Beverages / 11-12
Locker Time / 12
Safety Drills / 12
Textbooks / 12
Guidance Services / 12
Withdrawals / 12
Personal Data / 12-13
Student Assistance Program / 13
Parent-Teacher Conferences / 13
Athletics and Co-curricular Activities / 13
Transportation / 14
Late Busses / 14
Bus Behavior / 14
Computer Use / 14-15
School-Wide Positive Behavioral Intervention & Support / 16
Code of Behavior / 12-24
Code of Behavior Contract / 25
The faculty and staff at Log College Middle School welcomes you! We look forward to another exciting and challenging school year. We want you to become an integral part of our Log College Middle School traditions and activities.
Everything that is offered to you is meant to assist and lead you in reaching the following goals: to develop academic skills, to apply what you have learned to real world situations, to assist in the development of character and good citizenship, and finally, to develop physical well-being and social skills which will enhance the quality of your life and prepare you to participate successfully in the world of tomorrow. We are here to help you reach these goals in any way we can.
As middle school students, we encourage you to be active learners and participants in all that we do. We want the years you spend with us to be the best middle school experience possible. Our success as a group and your personal success depend on your efforts. The following pages in this handbook explain what you will need to know to make your year a success. Take time to go over these pages with your parents/guardians.
The opportunity to work with you as you prepare for your future is an opportunity that is important to all of us. We hope the experience we share here at Log College Middle School will enrich your lives, and that the person you become will be better than the person you have been. Have a great learning year!
Centennial Diversity Pledge
“I pledge to treat everyone as I would like to be treated. I will be accepting of people from all backgrounds and show them respect. I pledge to learn about other cultures and develop an appreciation for everyone's uniqueness.” Do your part to help make Log College Middle School a friendlier, safer place. Think before you speak or act….and put yourself in the other person’s shoes. There is no place for “bullying” or “put-downs” at Log College Middle School. Any act that threatens, causes injury, property damage, or is abusive in any way, is unacceptable and will not be tolerated.
School Communication
There may be times when your parent or guardian has a question or concern and would like to speak with a teacher or administrator. The following is a list of the telephone extension numbers for the school office personnel. The school phone number is 215-441-6075.
Principal………………..14001Assistant Principal………14002 Security Desk………14013
(Secretary)...... 14011 (Secretary)……………….14012
School Counselor……...14030Attendance………………14040
Library………………...14055School Nurse…………….14025
Bell Schedules
‘A’ Schedule Resource Schedule (M-W-F):
(6 minute HR / 45 minute Class Periods / 30 minute Resource)
*This is with a combined HR/Resource and a separate Period 1.
1st Lunch / 2nd Lunch / 3rd LunchHR / RESOURCE / 8:00 – 8:36 / HR / RESOURCE / 8:00 – 8:36 / HR / RESOURCE / 8:00 – 8:36
Period 1 / 8:39 – 9:24 / Period 1 / 8:39 – 9:24 / Period 1 / 8:39 – 9:24
Period 2 / 9:27 – 10:12 / Period 2 / 9:27 – 10:12 / Period 2 / 9:27 – 10:12
Period 3 / 10:15– 11:00 / Period 3 / 10:15– 11:00 / Period 3 / 10:15– 11:00
LUNCH / 11:03 – 11:33 / Period 4 / 11:03 – 11:48 / Period 4 / 11:03 – 11:48
Period 4 / 11:36 – 12:21 / LUNCH / 11:51 – 12:21 / Period 5 / 11:51 – 12:36
Period 5 / 12:24 - 1:09 / Period 5 / 12:24 - 1:09 / LUNCH / 12:39 – 1:09
Period 6 / 1:12 - 1:57 / Period 6 / 1:12 - 1:57 / Period 6 / 1:12 - 1:57
Period 7 / 2:00 – 2:45 / Period 7 / 2:00 – 2:45 / Period 7 / 2:00 – 2:45
‘B’ Schedule Regular Schedule (T-R)
(7 minute HR / 49 minute Class periods / No Resource)
*This is with movement out of HR and TO Period 1.
1st Lunch / 2nd Lunch / 3rd LunchHomeroom / 8:00 – 8:07 / Homeroom / 8:00 – 8:07 / Homeroom / 8:00 – 8:07
Period 1 / 8:10 - 8:59 / Period 1 / 8:10 - 8:59 / Period 1 / 8:10 - 8:59
Period 2 / 9:02 – 9:51 / Period 2 / 9:02 – 9:51 / Period 2 / 9:02 – 9:51
Period 3 / 9:54 – 10:43 / Period 3 / 9:54 – 10:43 / Period 3 / 9:54 – 10:43
LUNCH / 10:46 – 11:16 / Period 4 / 10:46 – 11:35 / Period 4 / 10:46 – 11:35
Period 4 / 11:19 – 12:08 / LUNCH / 11:38 – 12:08 / Period 5 / 11:38 – 12:27
Period 5 / 12:11 – 1:00 / Period 5 / 12:11 – 1:00 / LUNCH / 12:30 – 1:00
Period 6 / 1:03 – 1:52 / Period 6 / 1:03 – 1:52 / Period 6 / 1:03 – 1:52
Period 7 / 1:55 – 2:45 / Period 7 / 1:55 – 2:45 / Period 7 / 1:55 – 2:45
Half-Day Bell Schedule
Period / TimeHR / 8:00-8:06
1 / 8:09-8:50
2 / 8:53-9:34
3 / 9:37-10:18
4 / 10:21-11:00
2-Hour Delay Bell Schedule
1st Lunch / 2nd Lunch / 3rd LunchHR 10:00-10:06 / HR 10:00-10:06 / HR 10:00-10:06
1st Period-10:09-10:41 / 1st Period-10:09-10:41 / 1st Period-10:09-10:41
2nd Period 10:44-11:16 / 2nd Period 10:44-11:16 / 2nd Period 10:44-11:16
Lunch 11:19-11:49 / 3rd Period 11:19-11:51 / 3rd Period 11:19-11:51
3rd Period-11:52-12:24 / Lunch 11:54-12:24 / 4th Period 11:54-12:26
4th Period 12:27-12:59 / 4th Period 12:27-12:59 / Lunch 12:29-12:59
5th Period 1:02-1:34 / 5th Period 1:02-1:34 / 5th Period 1:02-1:34
6th Period 1:37-2:09 / 6th Period 1:37-2:09 / 6th Period 1:37-2:09
7th Period 2:12-2:45 / 7th Period 2:12-2:45 / 7th Period 2:12-2:45
Attendance - District Policy
It is important that you try to be in school everyday. Absence is one of the causes of low grades and failure in academic subjects. Realize that a good student attends school on a regular basis and is punctual. Your attendance record is accurately kept and recorded on your report cards and on your permanent record from the time you enter school until you graduate from high school. Any student who is absent may not attend any school function after school that day.
Unexcused (unlawful) absence or tardiness will be declared for the following reasons: illegal employment, truancy, oversleeping, missing the bus, shopping, baby-sitting, hunting, fishing, remaining home to do school work and other similar reasons. Any student who accumulates an excessive number of absences may be required by school authorities to present a medical excuse from his/her physician for any or for each subsequent absence.
When a student is absent from school or from a class, he/she is responsible for contacting his/her teacher to make up the work. The work must be made up immediately and within the time period prescribed by his/her teacher. If a student is absent from school for an extended period of time (several days or weeks), he/she must make special arrangements with his teachers to make up missed work.
*** Perfect attendance is defined as attending school every day for the full student day. School sponsored activities that must commence prior to dismissal are considered part of the school day. ***
It is important to participate in your classes every day. All Log College Middle School students are expected to have an excellent attendance record. School hours are 8:00 a.m. – 2:45 p.m. When your teacher takes attendance, make sure you are there to be counted!
In the event of absence the Skyward system will generate an e-mail home if the option is selected on the parent profile. On the day you return to school a written note by your parent/guardian mustbe presented to the guidance secretary. Failure to present a signed and dated note within three school days will cause the absence to be recorded as “illegal”. Three recorded “illegal” absences will result in an initial truancy notice. Parents may also email an absence note to the guidance secretary at .
School begins with your first period class at 8:00 a.m. sharp! You are expected to be in your seat and ready to work when the bell rings at 8:00 a.m. If you arrive between 8:00 a.m. to 8:10 a.m. you should still report to your homeroom class.
After 8:10 a.m., students are to report to front security desk. Students who are more than 10 minutes late should present a note from a parent or guardian to the main office upon arrival. Unexcused lateness to school and/or classes will result in disciplinary action. Each instance of lateness will be recorded as part of your attendance record. This also means lateness will jeopardize your eligibility to receive a Perfect Attendance Award.
Early Dismissals
Log College Middle School is a closed campus. This means that you may not leave the school building during the day unless supervised by a faculty member, or excused by the main office. If you must leave school early for any reason, please inform the front security desk with a written note from your parent/guardian. The note must state the reason for an early dismissal, date, and time.
When your parent/guardian comes to pick you up, ask them to come in to school to meet you at the front security desk on the first floor. They must sign the Early Dismissal Notebook at the front security desk before you are permitted to leave the building. Students returning on the same day need to check in at the front security desk before returning to class.
Educational and Family Trips
If you are scheduling a family trip during school time, prior approval must be requested. The principal/assistant principal may approve student absences due to a family trip up to, but no more than, three (3) days during the school year. Requests for approval must be submitted to the principal in writing prior to finalizing arrangements, but at least two (2) weeks prior to the scheduled trip. You should pick up a form in the guidance office, or download it from theLog College Middle School website, and have it completed by your parent or guardian. Included on the form is a request for the date(s) of absence, the destination, a statement of the educational benefit of the trip to the student, and the names of the adult(s) responsible for the student while on the trip. Upon the completion of the form, it should be submitted to the guidance officefor approval.
Approved trips will be recorded as excused absences. Students will be responsible for arranging for the completion of assignments and make-up tests within five school days upon return to school. If you are absent for a trip that has been disapproved, the provisions of the Centennial School District Student Attendance Policy will apply.
Emergency Closing/Late Openings
When you hear the number 753 on your local radio station, school is closed. If schools should need to open late, you will hear the number 5753. This information can also be seen on cable channel 27, on the district’s website, and the school twitter feed
All visitors are required to check in with the front security desk when they enter the building. First time visitors will have their state issued ID scanned using the Raptor system. After presenting the ID and signing in, they will be issued a “Visitor’s Pass” to be worn at all times while in the building. Visitor’s badges must be returned to the front security desk prior to your departure.
The library is a place intended to provide materials needed for class work and leisure reading. Log College Middle School’s library contains thousands of books selected to enhance your school program, introduce you to fine literature, and foster a love of reading. It is a privilege that we hope you will use and enjoy. The library is open every day from 8:00 a.m. – 3:15 p.m.
School Nurse Services
The nurse’s office is located at the bottom of the ramp, near the gym. If you are not feeling well during the school day, your teacher will give you a pass to see the school nurse. You will not be admitted to the health room without a signed pass from a teacher or administrator. Early dismissal due to illness will be handled by the Nurse’s Office. The nurse will contact the parent/guardian to coordinate student pick up procedures.
All medication taken during school hours must be dispensed by the school nurse. Prescription medication must be in the original container and hand delivered by a parent/guardian to the school nurse or principal. Your parent must also bring a note that includes the following: student’s name, name of medication and strength, dosage, date/time of administration, reason for the medication, possible side effects, the name of your doctor, and the doctor’s phone number. Failing to store prescribed medication in the nurse’s office is a violation of Centennial School District Policy 3.1.
If you are restricted from participating in school activities, including physical education, for one class period, you must present a note from your parent or guardian to the teacher-in-charge of the class or activity for that day. If you are restricted for three or more days, you must present a written request from your family physician to the guidance secretary describing the condition and advising the length, kind and type of restriction. This note will be forwarded to the school nurse and all required teachers.
If a student has an injury or physical problem that requires use of the elevator, a note from the student’s doctor must be on file in the guidance office. A staff member will operate the elevator between classes for the student.
Breakfast Program
Breakfast is served in the cafeteria daily, and begins at 7:35 a.m. Monthly menus are placed outside of the cafeteria and posted on the district Nutritional Services web page,
Students will be assigned homework on a regular and consistent basis. Homework is a natural extension of the educational program and is assigned for the student’s benefit. It contributes to the development of independence and responsibility on the part of the student.
Honor Roll
●Distinguished Honors- A numerical average of at least 95%, with no more than one grade below 90%.
●High Honors- A numerical average of at least 90%, with no grade less than 80%.
●Honors- A numerical average of at least 85%, with no grade less that 75%.
A / 90-100%B / 80-89%
C / 70-79%
D / 60-69%
F / 0-59%
Progress Reports
Progress reports occur at the end of the fifth week in each of the four report periods during the school year. The Centennial School District no longer issues paper progress reports to all students as grades are available online via Skyward. If paper copies are desired, please contact Debbie Glover at 215-441-6075 ext. 14040.
Student Responsibilities
Students share with the faculty a responsibility to develop a climate within our school that encourages a positive learning environment. Students whose behavior disrupts the school day and the learning process shall receive appropriate attention from teachers, counselors and administrators.
Adherence to Policy/Procedures
One of the most important lessons that underlie education is adherence to policy/procedures. It is the shared responsibility of the home and school to accomplish this goal. This training develops self-control, character, organization and efficiency. Appropriate behavior is the key to good conduct and proper consideration for other people.
Students are expected to behave in an appropriate manner and follow all policies of the Centennial School District as well as the Log College Middle School Code of Behavior. The policies are posted on the district’s website. The Code of Behavior is included in this handbook. You should read the policies and the Code with your parents, giving special attention to the following:
●Policy 3.1~ / Drug/Alcohol●Policy 3.14~ / Sexual Harassment of Students
●Policy 249 ~ / Bullying/Cyberbullying
●Policy 3.7~ / Student Responsibility/Discipline
●Policy 3.8~ / Exclusion
●Policy 7.15~ / Possession and Use of Tobacco by Students
●Policy 7.19~ / Weapons/Explosive Devices and Caustic Substances
Thoughtfulness, cooperation, consideration for others, and a friendly attitude will help you get along with your classmates and teachers, and provide a suitable climate for learning. Your positive behavior and respect for the feelings of others will insure you the best possible school and learning environment for a successful year.
Dress Code
Students are expected to show good taste and common sense in dress when in school. Appropriate dress reflects pride in your school and yourself. It is inappropriate to wear anything that distracts and/or disrupts the learning environment or interferes with the educational process. Attire that might be acceptable for home, leisure, or other situations might be considered unacceptable school attire. If your dress is not appropriate for school, you may be removed from the school population until the situation is corrected. Parents may be asked to provide a change of clothes, or the nurse may provide a more suitable clothing item if available.
The following guidelines outline attire that is not permitted to be worn in school:
- Short shorts and skirts – bottom hem of garment MUST REACH to finger tip of the hand in length when the arm is fully extended at the side.
- Garments with exposed midriffs, inappropriately low-cut, of sheer materials, or with holes.
- Muscle shirts, tank tops, pajamas, and sundresses are not permitted without a shirt underneath or over the top. Shoulders must be covered by all shirts.
- Form-fitting shorts or pants worn as outer garments (e.g. elastic, spandex, yoga pants).
- Garments promoting inappropriate and unsavory slogans, expressions, etc.
- “Sagging” pants that reveal undergarments are not permitted.
- Pieces of jewelry that are inappropriate (e.g. spike necklaces, bracelets, chains).
- Coats and jackets considered as outdoor wear.
- Upon entering the building, any type of head covering, including hats, visors, bandannas, and sweatbands, may NOT BE WORN or CARRIED in the building unless warranted by a medical, safety, or religious circumstance.
- Two-piece bathing suits for physical education classes are not permitted. One-piece bathing suits are required.
- Dress style or appearance that creates, or is likely to create, a disruption to the educational process will be ruled unacceptable.
Cell Phones and Electronic Devices
As CSD middle schools transition to a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Environment, Cellular Phones and Electronic Devices may be used during instructional time at the teacher’s descretion. In all other cases, cell phones and electronic devices should be turned off and kept away. Log College Middle School provides wireless internet access for all students. Students will be encouraged to utilize devices within classes to deepen their learning in the classroom when directed/ permitted by the classroom teacher. Devices may not be used for any reason in class without permission of the instructor. Please see the Code of Conduct for consequences relating to inappropriate/unathorized use of cell phones or devices. The school is not responsible for the security of these devices.