The Internet of Things in the spotlight
JTC1 forms two new Special Working Groups
GENEVA, Switzerland, 2012-11-23– The IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission), the world’s leading standards body in electrotechnology, and ISO (International Organization for Standardization), through the JTC (Joint Technical Committee)1: Information Technology, have announced the creation of two new SWGs (Special Working Groups) on Management and IoT (Internet of Things).
IoT concerns the use of data capture and communications technology to inform an international network connecting physical objects with their digital equivalents. For example, it allows devices like Internet-linked thermometers to automatically provide data to associated websites and digital networks.
JTC 1 established the Special Working Group on the Internet of Things in response to the growing importance of IoT to the wider ICT sector. The SWG has the task of identifying IoT-related market requirements and standardization gaps, to encourage other JTC 1 Work Groups and subcommittees to address gaps in IoT standardization, and to promote IoT standards developed by JTC 1 to government, industry, and other organizations.
The new SWG on management will examine and make recommendations to improve the organizational effectiveness of JTC 1. This SWG will review JTC 1’s structure on a regular basis, and provide advice on management and operational efficiency. The SWG will also look at conflicts related to overlaps between JTC 1’s various projects and activities, and will work with the chairs of JTC 1 subgroups to address any issues.
The resolutions creating the SWGs were passed unanimously at JTC 1’s 27th plenary meeting, held November 5-10, 2012, on Jeju Island in South Korea.
Further information:
Gabriela EhrlichIEC Media contact
About JTC 1
The joint technical committee of IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) and ISO (International Organization for Standardization), ISO/IEC JTC 1, Information technology, is the place where the basic building blocks of new technologies are defined and where the foundations of important ICT infrastructures are laid. With more than 2,400 standards and related documents developed by over 2,000 national body experts from around the world, ISO/IEC JTC 1 brings innovative solutions and best practice to the marketplace.
About the IEC
The IEC is the world's leading organization that prepares and publishes International Standards for all electrical, electronic and related technologies – collectively known as “electrotechnology.” It brings together 163 countries and close to 13 000 experts on the global level. IEC International Standards include globally relevant specifications and metrics that allow electric or electronic devices to work efficiently and safely with each other anywhere in the world. IEC work covers a vast range of technologies from power generation, transmission and distribution to home appliances and office equipment, batteries, nanotechnology, renewable energy, to mention just a few. The IEC supports all forms of conformity assessment and manages Conformity Assessment Systems that certify that equipment systems or components conform to its International Standards.