Safety Rules for Bus Stops and Bus Transportation

Most of our students begin their school day at the bus stop. In order to ensure safety of our students until they arrive at school, we ask that you review the following rules with your child(ren):

Rules for the bus stop:

1.Arrive at the bus stop at least five minutes early.

2.Wait quietly away from the roadside until the bus arrives. Do not distract other drivers by waving at them. This could cause an accident.

3.Wait for the bus to come to a complete stop and for the driver to open the door before boarding the bus.

4.KEEP OUT OF THE DANGER ZONE. This includes behind the bus, around or behind tires, bending over to pick up something, or being close enough to touch the bus.

5.If you drop something while outside of the bus, ask your driver for assistance.

Rules while riding the bus:

1.Follow the rules posted inside the bus.

2. Follow the driver’s directions the first time that they are given.

3.Stay in your seat at all times while the bus is in motion.

4.Keep all parts of your body inside the bus.

5.Keep hands, feet, legs, arms, personal property, and your voice to yourself.

No eating, smoking, drinking, or vulgar language is allowed on the bus at any time.

The Bus Crossing Policy:

1.Before the bus arrives, students are to be on the side of the road where the bus stops.

2.Students getting off the bus are to WAIT on the side of the road where they get off.

3.Students MUST STAND AWAY FROM THE SIDE OF THE BUS UNTIL THE BUS PULLS AWAY, leaving better clearance for vision in both directions.

When traffic is cleared and it is safe to cross, students should proceed to the other side of the road. Perry Hall Elementary expects for all students to adhere to the BCPS Office of Transportation rules for bus stops, bus transportation, and bus crossing policy. In order to provide a safe and orderly environment for all students, bus transportation services can be denied to students that are unable to follow the BCPS rules and policies.

School Hours

The school day for students begins at 9:20 AM and concludes at 3:50 PM. Adult supervision begins at 9:05 AM Children should not arrive to school prior to 9:05AM. We appreciate your support with keeping our children safe!

Attendance is Key!

BCPS strives to prepare our children for college or a career. Therefore students are expected to attend school regularly and on time. Research has shown that this life skill will lead to greater academic and career success. If your child is sick and not in school, it is important that you send an absence note upon their return. We will call home to see how they are doing if they are absent more than 3 days.

Student Dismissal Changes

If your child is going home from school in a different manner than usual, please write a note to his/her teacher informing them of this change. If your child is a bus rider and doesn’t have a note, we will put them on the bus as usual. In addition, only people listed in your child’s emergency information are able to pick up your child; however, a note must be sent in about any dismissal changes and we will ask for ID. Please do not call the school after 2PM to make a change in your child’s dismissal procedures. If there is a change in your address, phone number(s), email, or emergency contacts, please let the teacher and office staff know immediately so that we can make this change in our records.

Emergency Closing

During the school year there may be an instance where the school needs to close early due to inclement weather. It is imperative that every family talk with their child about your plan for your child in the event of an emergency closing so they are aware. Please contact the office if any emergency information changes during the school year.

Flexible Seating______

This year American Education Week is November 13th-November 16th. You will have the opportunity to visit your child(ren)’s classroom(s). While you are visiting, you may notice some seating that looks a little different than what you are accustomed to seeing in classrooms. Over the past couple of years, our teachers have learned about creating student-centered classrooms. Flexible/alternative seating is one of the features of a student-centered classroom.

Brain research confirms that physical activity – moving, stretching, and walking – can actually enhance the learning process. Eric Jensen (2000), in his articleMoving with the Brain in Mind,protests against the sedentary classroom style and suggests a better way to spend the long days in our classrooms, not only for students, but for teachers. Teachers need to engage students in a greater variety of postures, including walking, lying down, moving, learning against a wall or desk, perching, or even squatting. The brain learns best and retains most when the organism is actively involved in physical activity.

Teachers should regularly engage students in movement. “The data suggest that exercise is the best overall mood regulator” (Thayer, 1996). The brain learns best and retains most when the organism is actively involved in exploring physical sites and materials and asking questions. “Merely passive experiences tend to attenuate and have little lasting impact” (Gardner, 1999. pg. 82). Active learning has significant advantages over sedentary learning, which are: more can be remembered, they can have more fun, the styles can be more age appropriate, and can be more intelligence independent and that reaches more learners. Active leaning is not just for physical education teachers – that notion is outdated. Active learning and flexible seating are for educators who understand the science behind the learning; this is why teachers across the United States are switching daily to flexible seating in their classrooms. Teachers and students love it!


Wednesday, October 18th 6:30-8:00 PM

Do you ever feel like you don't know what to ask at a parent-teacher conference?

Melissa Metzger, Regional Director at the Huntington Learning Center, will share strategies for preparing for your conference, questions to ask at the conference, what to do during the conference, and the follow-up required after the conference. Join us to make sure your child's next parent-teacher meeting is a successful one!

Perry Hall Branch • 9685 Honeygo Boulevard • 410-887-5195

Wednesday, October 11th 6:30-8:00 PM
All ages - children under 8 with adult

Perry Hall Elementary Kids and Parents

Join us for a night of fun at the Perry Hall Library! Activities will include

Black-Eyed Susan Plinko, a Scavenger Hunt, LEGO Fun with Bricks 4

Kidz, Minecraft, Airbrush Tattoos, Story Time with Ms. Stephanie, and


Perry Hall Branch • 9685 Honeygo Boulevard • 410-887-5195