19th Annual Public Works Conference

November 18th and 19th, 2015

Speaker Presentation Proposal

Extended Deadline Due June1, 2015(No Exceptions)

Email form in word (not pdf or handwritten) format to:

APWA Northern California Chapter

Attn: Gigi MacTaggart


Phone: (510) 932-3203

SPEAKER: (No more than 2 speakers per presentation. Preferences are given to topics that include a Public Agency included as a reference point and as a co-speaker)





DATE AND TIME REQUESTED (i.e. November 18 or 19, 2015 Morning, afternoon or no preference)

We will try to accommodate all date/time requests but cannot guarantee your choice. Please be available for both days at all times if you submit. You will be notified in July of the committee’sdecision.

SESSIONS ARE 1 HOUR. Please discuss with your committee contact.




____ Engineering / Management____Streets / Roads

____ Stormwater / Water / Sewers____Creek / Flood Control

____Surveying____Maintenance / Safety

____Environmental / Sustainability

Presentation description for review committee:

Presentation description for advertising (60 words or less) Please notethat what you write here will appear in the conference handouts verbatim and attendees will base their class selection on this description:

Brief Speaker professional biography for Session Speaker Introduction purposes:

Submission Guidelines and General Information

The Public Works Conference is a two-day conference featuring the latest procedures, projects, issues and new technologies in street and sewer maintenance, engineering and management. Over 350 Public Works practitioners from Bay Area Public Works agencies attend, in addition to exhibitors displaying the latest methods and technologies available.

Submission Guidelines:

  • Submission must include fully completed “2015 Mandatory Presentation Form” in order to be considered and must be submitted as a typed word document or pdf document must not be hand written.
  • Submittals must include the track your topic falls into.
  • Submittal documents must be saved by adding the following information in the extension: 2015_Track_Title_Speaker/Speakers

EXAMPLE: 2015_EngManage_EthicsandPWGoHandandhand_Lorick/Ruiz

  • Admission and lunch are free to speakers the day they present. No more than 2 speakers per topic (unless a panel has been approved by the selection committee). Additional speakers/guests will be charged a full day admission fee.
  • Direct promotions of a speaker’s products, services, or monetary self-interest are not appropriate for education sessions. Case studies of product applications, project management systems and services, etc. should include co-presentations from user agencies and organizations. Preference is granted to those including Public agencies in the selection process for speakers.
  • Session lengths are 45 minutes with 15 minutes for Q and A included.Please check in with the reception desk at least one hour prior to your scheduled time.
  • We try to accommodate date and time requests but due to the complexity of determining topic placement, we may not be able to do so.
  • Presenters are encouraged to provide 50 double sided and preferably 3 -6 slides per page to the attendees. Handouts must be made available in pdf form for posting on the APWA NorCal website. APWA can create the pdf for you if needed.Presenters must provide a copy of their presentation in a pdf form for posting to the website by September 15, 2015.

We encourage your involvement in this gratifying experience to share your expertise in your chosen