Directed Reading A- Ch 20 Sec 1

Section: Land Biomes

The Earth’s Land biomes

1.Features of an environment that are not alive, such as soil, water, and climate, are ______factors.

2.The living parts of an environment, plants and animals, are ______factors.

3.A large area characterized by its climate and the plants and animals that live there is a(n) ______.


4.Name the three main types of forest biomes.




5.Why do deciduous trees shed their leaves?



6Forest made up of tress that keep their needle-shaped leaves year-round are called ______forests

7.What are two traits of conifers?




8.What are the three functions of the waxy coating on conifer leaves?




9.What are two reasons that few large plants grow beneath the trees of a coniferous forest?




10.Why do tropical rain forests have more biological diversity than other places on Earth?


11.Where do most animals live in the rain forest?


12.Where are most of the nutrients in a tropical rain forest?



_____13.Which of the following terms is NOT a name for a grassland?

a.steppe c. canopy

b.prairie d. pampa

_____14.What prevents temperate grasslands from having trees?

a.too much rain c. deep roots

b.grazing animals d. rolling hills

_____15.A biome with clumps of trees and seasonal rains is a

a.temperate grassland. c. desert.

b.savanna. d. tropical rain forest.

_____16.Which animal is NOT an example of a large herbivore that lives on the African savanna?

a.zebra c. horse

b.wildebeest d. elephant


_____17.A region with few plants, little rain, and extreme temperatures is called a

a.prairie. c. desert.

b.grassland. d. savanna.

18.Name four adaptations of desert plants.





Match the correct description with the correct term. Write the letter in the space provided.

_____19.stores water from plants under its shell

_____20.recycles water from foods it eats

_____21.uses huge ears to get rid of body heat

_____22.buries self in ground during dry season


23.A biome with very cold temperatures and little rainfall is called a(n) ______.

24.The layer of soil in polar tundra that is always frozen is called ______.

25.Why are shallow-rooted plants, such as grasses and small shrubs, common in polar tundra?



26.What is the main way alpine tundra differs from arctic tundra?



27.Define the term tree line.



Ch 20 Sec 2

Section: Marine Ecosystems

1.Ecosystems in the ocean are called ______.

Life in the Ocean

2.What are the largest animals on Earth?


3.Tiny organisms that float near the surface of freshwater and marine environments are called ______.

4.How do plankton get their food?




_____5.How does the temperature of ocean water change as it gets deeper?

a.It decreases.

b.It increases.

c.It does not change.

d.It varies from day to day.

_____6.Which ocean temperature zone has the warmest water?

a.deep zone


c.surface zone

d.middle layer

_____7.How does ocean temperature affect whales?

a.They can only live in cold water.

b.They can only live in warm water.

c.They cannot stand sudden temperature changes.

d.They migrate from cold to warm areas to reproduce.

Depth and sunlight

Match the correct description with the correct term. Write the letter in the space provided.

_____8.warm water and a lot of sunlight; ocean floor starts to slope downward

_____9.sea floor drops sharply; contains deep water of the open ocean

_____10.ocean floor; deepest parts get no sunlight

_____11.where the ocean meets the land; exposed to air part of the day

A closer look

12.Name three ways life on Earth depends on the ocean.




13.Name three kinds of intertidal areas.




14.Name two ways certain organisms have adapted to living on rocky shores.



15.Name three marine organisms that live on coral reefs.




16.A place where fresh water from rivers mixes with salty ocean water is a(n) ______.

17.Estuaries are rich in nutrients, so large numbers of ______live there.

18.How do animals in the Sargasso Sea hide from predators?



19.Why are fishes, birds, and mammals able to survive in the polar ice ecosystem?




Ch 20 –Sec 3

Section: Freshwater Ecosystems

Stream and river ecosystems

1.Water in rivers, brooks, and streams may flow from which three sources?



2.A strong, wide stream is a(n) ______.

3.A stream of water joining a larger stream is a(n) ______.

4.What is one important abiotic factor in freshwater ecosystems?



Match the correct description with the correct term. Write the letter in the space provided.

_____5.attach to rocks under rocks

_____7.use suction disks

pond and lake ecosystems

Match the correct description with the correct term. Write the letter in the space provided. that goes as deep as sunlight can reach; home to many photosynthetic plankton where no sunlight reaches; organisms feed on dead organisms from above closest to the edge of a lake or pond; sunlight reaches the bottom

11.What makes it possible for algae and plants to grow in the littoral zone?




12. Name three organisms that live in the deep-water zone.




Ch 20 – Sec 3

wetland ecosystems

Match the correct description with the correct term. Write the letter in the space provided.

_____13.a wetland ecosystem with trees and vines area of land that is sometimes underwater or has very moist soil

_____15.a wetland ecosystem that has no trees but has other plants

16.Name three reasons that wetlands are valuable.




17.Where are freshwater marshes often found?





18.Where are swamps found?




From a lake to a forest

_____19.What happens when plants and animals at the bottom of a lake decompose?

a.Animal life in the lake increases.

b.The lake has more water.

c.Oxygen is lost, affecting the animals that live in the lake.

d.Living conditions for fish improve.

_____20.How does a lake start to become a forest?

a.Plants grow farther from the center of the lake.

b.Sediment and leaves settle at the bottom of the lake.

c.The lake becomes a stream.

d.Fishes die off due to increased oxygen levels.

CH 18 - Vocabulary Activity

Environmental Enigma

After you finish reading the chapter, try this puzzle! Use the clues below to figure out what key terms go in each space of the puzzle on the next page.

1.a symbiotic relationship in which both organisms benefit

2.the study of the interactions between organisms and their environment

3.long-term change that takes place in two species because of their close interactions with each other

4.a group of individuals of the same species that live together in the same area at the same time

5.two organisms that have close interactions that either help both, harm one, or help one at no expense to the other

6.a consumer that eats only animals

7.nonliving factors in the environment

8.symbiotic relationship in which one organism benefits and the other is not affected

9.the number of organisms an ecosystem can support factors in the environment

11.diagram that represents how energy in food flows from one organism to the next

12.consumer that eats both plants and animals

13.triangle-shaped diagram that shows the loss of energy at each level of a food chain

14.the part of Earth where life exists

15.a consumer that eats plants

16.several populations living in the same area

17.symbiotic relationship in which one organism benefits while the other is harmed

18.diagram that represents the many energy pathways in a real ecosystem

19.the organism that is hunted by a predator organism that eats prey

21.a community of organisms and their nonliving environment

Write each of the numbered letters in the correct space below to decode the hidden message.

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Holt Science and Technology1The Earth’s Ecosystems