

/ Distr.
7 April 2003








First session

Geneva, 28 April to 2 May 2003

Item 5 (a) of the provisional agenda [(]



Decisions VI/1 and VI/2: Strategic Plan for the implementation
of the Basel Convention (2003-2004 Activities)
Note by the secretariat


1.  In its decision VI/2, the Conference of the Parties requested the secretariat to organise and compile the project proposals submitted by Parties or the Basel Convention Regional Centres (BCRCs) for submission to the Open-ended Working Group for consideration.

2.  In the same decision, the Conference of the Parties requested the Open-ended Working Group to consider the proposals submitted and choose those that qualify for funding in accordance with criteria set out in the appendix to the decision.


3.  In order to assist and guide Parties and the Basel Convention Regional Centres in the formulation of their project proposals, the secretariat prepared a call for submission of project proposals taking into account:

(a)  The relevant decisions of the sixth meeting of the Conference of the Parties;

(b)  The need for a standardised format;

(c)  UNEP formal requirements regarding funding of the proposals.

4.  Proposals were submitted by Belarus, Cambodia, Croatia, Egypt, Ethiopia, Germany and Jordan and by BCRCs from Argentina, China, Egypt, Senegal, Slovak Republic, South Africa, Trinidad and Tobago and Uruguay. The proposals submitted are contained in the documents UNEP/CHW/OEWG/1/INF/3 and Add.1.

5.  To facilitate the selection of the proposals that qualify for funding in accordance with the approved criteria, the secretariat has prepared a summary sheet including all the proposals received, which is contained in annex I to the present note. Next to each proposal, the secretariat has made a number of observations in relation to the criteria adopted by the Conference of the Parties at its sixth meeting. In this regard, it should be noted that the Conference indicated that, to be acceptable, projects must meet all the group 1 relevant criteria and that for the purposes of prioritisation, projects should meet one or more of the group 2 value criteria. Group 1 criteria are relevant for all project proposals, while group 2 criteria are intended to assist in the selection of project proposals of particular priority interest. Group 1 and group 2 criteria are reproduced in annex II to the present note.


6. The Open-ended Working Group may wish to adopt a decision along the following lines:

The Open-ended Working Group,

Recalling decisions VI/1 on the Strategic Plan for the implementation of the Basel Convention (to 2010) and VI/2 concerning project proposals under the Strategic Plan for the implementation of the Basel Convention,

Acknowledging with appreciation the projects proposals submitted by Parties and by the Basel Convention Regional Centres,

Recognizing the need to initiate activities for 2003-2004 as soon as practicable,

Further recognizing the limited financial resources available to implement activities for 2003-2004 under the Strategic Plan,

Having considered the project proposals submitted by Parties and the Basel Convention Regional Centres,

1. Selects the project proposals contained in the appendix to the present decision as those qualifying for funding under the Strategic Plan for 2003-2004 in accordance with the criteria adopted by the Conference of the Parties at its sixth meeting (decision VI/2, appendix);

2. Approves the level of funding from the resources of the Basel Convention Trust Fund for the year 2003-2004 for each project proposal selected as indicated in the appendix to the present decision;

3. Invites interested Parties and the Basel Convention Regional Centres that have not submitted project proposals to do so for consideration by the Open-ended Working Group at its second session in November 2003;

4. Invites those Parties or Basel Convention Regional Centres that have submitted project proposals for which no funds have been allocated under the Strategic Plan at this session to resubmit their respective proposals taking into account comments made by the secretariat and the Open-ended Working Group;

5. Requests the secretariat to finalize the arrangements for funding of the project proposals selected for implementation through further consultations with the originators of the selected proposals in order to satisfy, as necessary, United Nations Environment Programme formal and substantive requirements associated with the management of the Basel Convention Trust Fund;

6. Requests Parties and Basel Convention Regional Centres whose proposals have been selected to ensure their effective implementation and report, through the secretariat, on progress and outcome in time for review by the third session of the Open-ended Working Group in April 2004;

7. Also requests the secretariat to prepare a progress report for consideration by the Open-ended Working Group at its third session in April 2004 on the implementation of activities under the Strategic Plan, that are funded from the Basel Convention Trust Fund, for consideration by the Open-ended Working Group at its third session in April 2004;

8. Further agrees to review progress in the implementation of the activities selected and funded under the Strategic Plan at its third session in April 2004.



Annex I: Summary table of the project proposals

I - Proposals that meets all the Group 1 relevant criteria

BCRC/ Party / Title of Project / Total cost US$ / Funding requested SBC US$ / Counterpart and in kind contribution US$ / Geographical scope / Main outputs / Duration / Stakeholders / Field of Strategic Plan /
BCRC-Argentina / 1- Implementation of the control, detection and prevention of illegal traffic of hazardous waste / 100,000 / 50,000 / 40,000 / counterpart / Countries of Latin America. / The Regional workshop and pilot project on the development of a Regional network for the monitoring and control of illegal trade.Draft guidelines. / 12 months September 2003- September 2004 / JICA, Finland and Switzerland / (d), (i)
10,000 / in kind by (BCRC Argentina)
Comments from the Secretariat : Meets the following value criteria (b), (d), (f), (j), (h). The countries participating in the project and their role in the preparation and endorsement of the proposal should be clarified.
BCRC-China / 2- A new partnership with Local Authorities for the environmentally sound management of hazardous and other wastes in urban area / 150,000 / 150,000 / China, Qingdao. / Training on the ESM of HW in urban areas of high level representatives. Partnership with local authorities for ESM in urban areas. / 30 months July 2003- December 2005 / SEPA, Qingdao local government / (a), (e), (i), (h)
Comments from the Secretariat: meets most of the value criteria, in particular in, being innovative, having commonality within or between different regions, providing partnership with stakeholders and providing other relevant information.
3- Regional workshop on national strategic/ action/ implementation plan of hazardous waste management / 50,000 / 50,000 / India, Indonesia South Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Philippines, Vietnam and China, will be invited (10 countries) / Information exchange in management experiences in preventing ilegal traffic of hazardous wastes / 6 months December 2003- May 2004 / State Environmental Protection Administration of China, Tsinghua University / (a), (e)
Comments from the Secretariat: Meets the following value criteria: (a), (b), (d). Endorsement by the ten Asian countries to be clarified.
BCRC-China / 4- Regional workshop on customs or enforcement officers on preventing illegal traffic of hazardous wastes / 50,000 / 50,000 / India, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, the Public of Philippines, Vietnam and China will be invited (7 countries) / Trained customs or enforcement officers in preventing illegal traffic (management experience and information) / 7 months June 2003- December 2004 / State Environmental Protection Administration of China, China Customs, Tsinghua University / (c), (d), (i)
Comments from the Secretariat: meets the value criteria a), b), d), e), f), g), h), i) and j). There is a need to assure good coordination of this activity with the pilot project for the monitoring and control of transboundary movements of harzardous wastes in Asian region, so as to maximize its synergetic impact and potential for replication in other regions.
5- Life-cycle analysis of electronic products and environmentally sound management of electronic wastes / 20,000 / 20,000 / China / An analytical report of life-cycle management of electronic wastes. Recycle or reuses analysis. National and companies strategy on e-wastes developed. / 15 months May 2003.-July 2004 / The State Environmental Protection Administration of China, Tsinghua University / (a), (b), (e)
Comments from the Secretariat: meets the following value criteria (b), (d), (g).The geographical scope could be broadened.
BCRC - Senegal / 6. Inventory of Hazardous wastes in Guinea, Burkina Faso and Côte d’Ivoire / 45,000 / 30,000 / 15,000 / counterpart contribution / Guinea, Burkina and Côte d'Ivoire / Three national reports on the nature, quantity, type of hazardous wastes produced and recommendations. Follow up projects on ESM of h.w identified / 18 months July 2003 - Dec. 2004 / Dakar-BCRC, others / (a), (g), (h)
Comments from the Secretariat: meets the following value criteria (a), (b), (d).
BCRC- Slovak Republic / 7- “Implementation of waste minimisation – cleaner production project”- training. / 42,315 / 42,315 / 5,000 / in kind counterpart contribution / 19 countries from CEE Region. / Trained officials of governments in cleaner production. / 9 months April 2003- November 2003 / Slovak Cleaner production Centre Ltd. / (a), (b), (e), (f)
Comments from the Secretariat: Meets the folowing value criteria: (b), (d).
BCRC- Slovak Republic / 8- Implementation of cleaner production in hazardous wastes minimization by electrotechnical industries to achieve the Basel Convention objectives. / 172,456 / 172,456 / 10,000 / in kind counterpart contributions / Slovakia, Croatia, Bulgaria. / Trained implementation teams on cleaner production. Cleaner production project in 6 selected companies (2 in each country). / 17 months July 2003- November 2004 / Slovak cleaner production center, Croatia cleaner production Center, Thermal and nuclear energy department, Sofia, Bulgaria. / (a), (b), (e), (f), (h)
Comments from the Secretariat: Meets the following value criteria: (c).
9- Harmonization of the transportation and implementation of Annexes VIII and IX to the Basel Convention in Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia in relation to the existing disposal and recovery facilities and prevailing kinds of shipped wastes. / 39,070 / 39,070 / 11,500 / in kind counterpart contributions / Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia / National reports on main transboundary waste streams and respective disposal/recovery facilities. National reports on how to achieve higher level of colour lists of waste management. Draft regulation amending relevant legislation in the selected countries. / 6 months September 2003- March 2004 / Austria. / (a), (c), (e)
Comments from the Secretariat: Meets the following value criteria: (a), (d), (g). The countries are accession countries to the European Community. The preparation of draft regulations could be slowed down by the current legislative process.
BCRC- South Africa. / 10- Development of a database for use by the countries in the region. / 29,000 / 27,000 / 2,000 / in kind from the countries / 21 English speaking African countries. / A data base of information: waste management through life-cycle, hazardous waste management, projects related to HW. / 7 months / Focal Points of 21 countries / (f), (g), (e), (h)
Comments from the Secretariat: meets the value criteria a), c), d), g) and j). To show commonality within or between different regions, such a database should be prepared in consultation with other BCRCs and the SBC in order to avoid duplications of efforts.
11- Raising awareness of the Centre in various political bodies in Africa and MEAs. / 39,000 / 34,500 / 5,000 / other sources / Africa / Promotional material and awareness raising workshops / 18 months July 2003- December 2004 / SADC, EAC, ECOWAS, AMCEN, NEPAD, Stockholm, Rotterdam, Montreal conventions. / (f), (h)
Comments from the Secretariat: meets several of the value criteria. Is likely to meet the value criteria b), d), e), f) and g).
BCRC- South Africa. / 12- Review of the available documentation and websites relevant to hazardous waste management and other wastes. / 20,400 / 20,400 / Deskwork by the Centre for the 21 countries served by the centre / Consolidated source of information related to HW management. User friendly CD with information. / 11month July 2003- May 2004 / Focal points of the 21 countries / (f), (g), (h)
Comments from the Secretariat: meets the value criteria a), b), d), g), j). However, the proposal may duplicate existing web based tools on sources of information on hazardous waste management.
13- Needs assessment and development of a hazardous waste management curriculum for Africa. / 60,000 / 55,000 / 5,000 / other sources. / Selected institutions in Ghana, Kenya, Mauritius, Nigeria, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia / A report with assessment of courses delivered and their effectiveness. A report on the assessment of capacity of institutions to deliver long term HZWM courses. Development of a project proposal for a curriculum on HWM. / 11 months Jan 2004- November 2004 / Universities of Ibadan, Legon, Mauritius, Makere, Pretoria, Nairobi, Dar es Salaam, Zambia, others (UNITAR) / (a), (b), (e), (f), (h)
Comments from the Secretariat: meets several of the value criteria, in particular a), c), d), g). i), j).
14- Partnership for the management of Used Oil in Kenya. / 134,809 / 50,000 / 10,000 / in kind from Kenya / Kenya. / Comprehensive document on the status of used oil management in Kenya. (guidelines) Signed agreement for the launch of a national management plan. Infrastructure. / 18 months July 2003- December 2005 / NEMA, Petroleum Industry of East Africa, WASTECH, Oil Industry in Kenya, Rose Foundation / (a), (b), (h)
74,809 / Industry
Comments from the Secretariat: considered to be meeting all the value criteria. An activity promoting public private partnerships based on a successful national programme in an African country.
BCRC Trinidad and Tobago / 15- Assessment of the environmentally sound management of used oil in the Caribbean. / 401,828 / 100’000 / 40,000 / UNEP-UNCTAD (CBTF) / Antigua and Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Cuba, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Guyana, Jamaica, St. Kitts and Nevis, St.Vincent and Grenadines, St. Lucia, Trinidad and Tobago / Report concerning ESM of used oils in the Caribbean. Preliminary elements for the preparation of a regional strategy for the ESM of used Oliz / 13 months June 2003 – July 2004 / OECS, CEHI, UNEP-RCU and IMO / (a), (e)