
Alternative Media (Braille, large print, tactile graphics, e-text)

1. Eligibility

  • Determined by the Services to Students with Disabilities (SSWD) Counselors/Specialists and/or Coordinators.
  • Based upon professional documentation provided by the student who has a documented print disability that prevents him/her from using standard instructional materials.A print disability is a disability that prevents a student from utilizing standard print materials, and may include blindness, other visual impairments, specific learning disabilities, or the inability to hold a book.
  • Concerns regarding eligibility and the process or provision of accommodations should be discussed initially with the SSWD Counselor/Specialist. If unresolved, the student can meet with a Coordinator of SSWD. Students who wish to appeal above the Coordinator level can be referred to William Bishop, Office of Equal Opportunity.

2. Criteria for Receiving Materials in Alternative Format

  • Student must be currently enrolled (not on the waitlist) and/or finishing an incomplete in the course for which they are requesting alternative media.
  • Student must own a physical copy of the textbook or other course material and provide their original receiptverifying that the student has purchased the printed instructional material. (Assembly Bill 422 (California, 1999) AB 422 requires every publisher of printed instructional materials to provide those materials in electronic format for students with disabilities attending University of California campuses, California State Universities, California Community Colleges and provide them in a timely manner at no additional cost upon the receipt of a written request and evidence of a student's receipt of purchase)
  • Rental from the CSUS Bookstore is also acceptable and if a scanned copy is needed the rented book can be cut and bound with guaranteed return to the CSUS Bookstore at the end of the semester. Receipts from the CSUS Bookstore will be stamped with “SSWD – NO RETURNS.” If violation occurs, student may be referred for disciplinary action by the Associate Vice President for Student Affairs/Student Conduct Office.
  • Requests for conversion of optional course materials will be determined individually. The decision of whether or not to fill a request for optional course materials will be made through consulting with the student and/or course instructor.
  • Immediate notification must be given to the High Tech Center staff if student drops a class or if a required textbook is changed by the professor.
  • Requests will be considered on a case by case basis at which time determination will be made on the specific media format (only one format will be provided).

3. Timeline for Requests for Textbooks:

  • Student submits a Textbook Summary obtained from My Sac State – Student Center as soon as the required books are identified, to the High Tech Center Specialist.
  • At least 10 business days must be allowed in advance of anticipated need (For specialized formats or during peak periods of high demand and finals preparation, textbook conversion may take longer.)
  • Late requests may cause a delay in receiving materials.

4. Textbook and Material Conversion

  • Textbook binding may be cut for scanning purposes but will be reassembled with a spiral binding and returned to student within three business days. Upon pick up of conversions, student signs form acknowledging receipt of materials.
  • SSWD will not be held responsible for any damage to the materials that occur as a result of the conversion.
  • It is the student's responsibility to contact High Tech Center staff for status on completion of their alternative media.
  • An updated Textbook Summary must be submitted if student’s class schedule changes due to adding and dropping of classes, if the status of textbooks by a professor changes, etc.
  • To facilitate conversions of instructional materials into alternate formats, SSWD professional staff may need to contact course faculty and departments on campus to obtain or release information on students' course material needs.
  • Handouts - Students requesting a scan of less than 20 pages of clean, original and scan ready handouts may incur a 5 business day turnaround. Handouts of 20 pages or more may incur a 10 business day turnaround. Student can also receive training on how to scan documents and self-serve for one day turnaround.(For specialized formats or during peak periods of high demand and finals preparation, alternative media conversion may take longer).
  • Exams - Students receiving the accommodation of exam conversion into an alternative format (e.g. Braille, tactile graphics, enlargement, electronic text) are responsible for informing professors of the following policy procedure: Exams are to be received at least 5 business days before the scheduled exam. They may be e-mailed to R delivered to the High Tech Center unit located in the AIRC 2010. (During peak hours of high demand and during finals and for complex graphics/equations, Braille, etc. alternative media conversion may take longer.)

5. Copyright:

  • If the text is provided in electronic format, it is copyrighted.
  • Any further reproduction or distribution of the electronic format is a copyright infringement and will result in disciplinary action by the Associate Vice President for Student Affairs and will result in referral to the Student Conduct Office for disciplinary actions.

6. Accessing E-Text:

  • The High Tech Center will provide training and assistance in accessing the material using assistive technology.

7. Questions:

  • Questions or concerns regarding alternative media should be addressed directly to the student’s SSWD Counselor/Specialist, High Tech Center Specialist or High Tech Center Coordinator. Questions regarding specific accommodation requests must be addressed by the SSWD Counselor/Specialist.

8. Referred to Conduct:

  • Students who fail to comply with all the tenets of the Alternative Media Policy including but not limited to, the copyright regulations, verification of purchase or rental of textbooks by submittal of an original receipt and using the material for academic purposes only will be referred to the Associate Vice President for Student Affairs/Student Conduct Office.

I acknowledge that I have read and understand the Alternative Media Policy above. My signature is my commitment to adhere to these responsibilities and terms.

Student's Name

Student's Signature


Revised September 2017