Roving Reporter News

Jack Watkins

December 10, 2012

Today, I woke up and got ready for school. I had “Lucky Charms” for breakfast. My Mom told me it was going to be a rainy day, so I packed my BeyBlades and then, she took me to school.

I went to classroom #31 and Mr. Frost didn’t do a “Morning Greeting” today. I sat on the floor and finished reading “Diary of a Wimpy Kid”, “The Third Wheel”. It’s a really good book and I would recommend reading it.

Next, the class sat in a circle and we did “Bear Greeting”. When we do “Bear Greeting” we each toss the bear and say “Good Morning”. Conner was the leader, and I tossed the bear to Kayla.

After that, we read “Stone Fox”. I really like the book. It’s about a boy that cares for his Grandfather. We only read a little bit of the book today, so I’m not sure how it will end.

Then, we watched a movie about words. We learned about five new words today. We learned “Conflict”, “Theme”, “Setting”, “Character” and “Plot”. “Plot” means event.

Next, we had to write our own story. My story was about a kid at the zoo that finds an old house. I forgot to hand in my paper!

Wow, before we knew it, it was time for lunch. I sat next to Jacob and had a PB&J. Then, because of the rain, we had indoor recess, and I played BeyBlades with Javier and Mathew. After recess, we were off to Gym. I went jogging with my partner Mathew. In Gym, we did “Butterflies”, “Pushup’s”, “Stretches” and then, we practiced Basketball.

After Gym we went back to Mr. Frost’s classroom and learned about multiplication (times). The times sign means “rows of”. If you have rows of something you can multiply them. Then, we worked in our “Math Journals” and played a math game.

Jason told me he’s reading a really good book called “Dude Diary”, number 3. I think I might want to read that too.

Mr. Moore announced it was time to go home. I was a pick up so I met my Mom in the cafeteria. I couldn’t wait to tell her about Jason’s book, and that I’d finished the Diary of a Wimpy Kid book.

It was another fun day!