Wellness Committee Meeting

April 13, 2004


Present:Sharon Sneddon, Arlene Strong, Matt Orlando, Sam Bess, Joanne Warner, Jamie Smith, Barb Fiske. (Jamie & Barb were co-notetakers).

1.Review of the March 9th Minutes was tabled since a quorum was not present. It was decided the meeting would continue as an unofficial assembly. Jamie and Barb jointly developed the notes for this meeting (April 13).

2.Old Business

Wellness Fair:

Tables - We have at least 25 tables; however, we are not sure what size or if they are all the same size. Joanne will put in a work order and coordinate the details of what it will all look like (sizes, tablecloths, and placement arrangement) with Greg Angus.

Poster – Arlene is working with Mary Bonar to get a disk to make copies of the poster (50 posters). The plan is to get the posters up no later than the 29th of April. Jamie will be backup, if Arlene is gone. The committee will be placing posters around various buildings on campus. Joanne will put them up in Administration, Finance and Budget, Business, and the Library. Sharon will put up a couple in Lake Forest Park. Sam will do the PUB, the 800 building and Facilities (lower 900). Jamie will send out an e-mail when the posters arrive, and committee members can selectively volunteer to distribute the rest of the posters to the remaining buildings. Also, a couple of posters will be saved for sandwich boards in front of the PUB. Joanne will place some in the PUB hallway entrance to the Fair. Michelle in the Library will possibly laminate the posters.

Day @ a Glance – Joanne will try for a news flash by April 29th, and attach a short bio about the vendors planning to attend. Again there will be a reminder on May 6th, and a notice again on the 11th and the 12th. Also, if it is not too late, it is planned to include an additional notice in the next edition of Net News.

Listserves – Joanne will also submit a notice to the listserves.

Note Pads – These are all ready to go. They are in Paulette’s office.

Massage Therapists – The subject is dropped for now. Linda B. will coordinate this, if it happens.

Give Aways – Matt and Joanne sent out about 45 letters to area businesses to solicit freebies, and will follow up with phone calls. Joanne spoke with Kae regarding gifts from previous donors. Mary K. has offered to donate plastic bags from the bookstore (to hold vendors brochures and other handouts). Also, she said she thought she could come up with a couple of gift items to contribute.

Demonstrations – Sharon has arranged for a couple of performers to come to the Fair. Thus far, a belly dance and a Tai Chai demonstration are scheduled. Joanne is trying to contact Terrina Caver for some dance demos.

Suggestion Box and Forms – Matt will organize the suggestion box and suggestion forms to state “What are your suggestions for the Wellness Fair in 2005?”

Disclaimer Poster – “The Wellness Committee is not endorsing any vendor.” Paulette is drafting a sign to display at the Fair.

Covers for Video Games – Joanne will speak to Lisa Smith about covers for the video games in the PUB.

Table Signs – Arlene will do the table signs for the vendors that we already have, and Sharon will add any other vendors’ names to signs, letters, sign in sheet, etc.

Set-Up – The following is a list of suggested volunteer participants to help set up on the day of the Fair: Michele D., Matt O., Joanne W., Jamie S., Paulette F., Sam B., and Nora N. Joanne said they should begin early, about 7:30 am. Food will be monitored to ensure there will be some left by the 10:00 official opening time.

Emcee – Paulette will ask Ken Burris if he would be willing to be the host/ announcer.

Decorations – Sam will figure out if the air compressor in Facilities will be able to blow up the balloons. The dart board (in Paulette’s office) will be the main eye catcher and the Grand Prize, which fits in with the theme “Target Your Health!”

Thank You Notes – Paulette will be in charge of these. Jamie will assist if need be.