2018-2019Innovation Grant Application
Deadline – Friday, February 16
The Mesquite ISD Education Foundation is requesting applications for Innovative Grantsin the following categories for the 2018-2019 school year:
Small Innovation Grants - $90,000 budgeted
(Campuses are eligible to apply for a maximum of $3.00 per student, or no less than $1,500.)
Large Innovation Grants - $160,000 budgeted
(Grant amounts must be a minimum of $10,000 and a maximum of $20,000. There is no limit to the number of applications a campus can submit.)
All applications must be approved by the following departments: Curriculum, Technology (if applicable), Facilities (if applicable). (See Guidelines for approval process)
Grant Category (Small or Large Innovation Grant):Title of Project:
Campus Name: / Total Dollar Amount Requested:
Has this grant been funded previously on your campus?
Subject: / English / LA / Mathematics / Science / Social Studies
Early Literacy / Bilingual/ESL / Leadership / Other:
Estimated Number of students involved:
Estimated Number of employees Involved:
Implementation date:
Completion date:
List name of employees responsible for implementing this grant:
First, Last Name: (List primary contact first.) / Email Address:I acknowledge that my principal has reviewed and approved this grant application.
Part 1. Summary of Grant Request: Describe who will do what, why, when, where and how.
Part 2. Description: Explain what you will do. Tell how the project has the potential to significantly impact student learning.
Part 3. Rationale: Explain the need this proposal will address and how it will improve student learning and performance.
Part 4. Desired Outcomes: List specific objectives. When possible, make objectives measurable. Please use bullets or numbers when listing.
Part 5. Activities / Implementation Plan: List activities that will be utilized to achieve objectives. Please use bullets or numbers when listing.If applicable, identify any school or community partners involved in the project and their roles.
Part 6. Evaluation: List measurable criteria to be used and state their relation to the objectives and activities. Please use bullets or number when listing.
Part 7. Budget: Detail your budget request in order of priority. Include specific information, such as what materials and equipment will be needed, sources of supply, cost, (including shipping/handling, etc...). List separately any additional materials that may be required from the District to implement this initiative.
If this grant is approved, all expenditure receipt copies must be attached to a written final evaluation and returned to the Mesquite ISD Education Foundation on no later than 10 days prior to the last day of school.
Item / Vendor / Unit Cost / Shipping / Quantity / Total cost(Continued on next page)
Section 7, Cont. Budget
Item / Vendor / Unit Cost / Shipping / Quantity / Total costTotal Grant Amount. This amount must match cover sheet.
Submission Instructions:
- Deadline to Submit Grant Application – Friday, February 16, 2017
- Grant Application must be submitted electronically.
- Create a folder in Google Drive with your name and campus.
- In the folder include only the following files:
- 2018-19 Innovation Grant Application (Do not upload until final. Once submitted changes may not be made.)
- Technology Approval Form or Facility Approval Form (if applicable)
- Share the entire folder with Randy Lewallyn()
For questions contact Randy Lewallyn at / extension 7513 or
Lori Bailey at / extension 8779.
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