ITU Child Helpline International Campaign
“Partnering to Protect Children and Youth”
Members are encouraged to prepare a2-pageWord document in English(about 1,000 words) which will expand on the questions below. Please submit contributionswith the attachment option in the online form below.
The submission deadline is26September, 2016(Deadline extended).
1. Are you familiarwith the child helpline(s) in your country?
2. Are you supporting the child helpline(s) in your country? If so, which one(s)? If not, would you like to support the child helpline in your country?
3. When did yoursupportorcollaborationwith thenationalchild helpline(s) in your countrystart?
4. What does the support you provide entail? (e.g. waivingcosts, raising awareness in local media, providing training, infrastructure support, issuing supportive regulation)
For question 2,if you would like to start supporting the child helpline in your country, we will send you acustomized email with the contact details of yourlocal child helpline.
1. There are a few child helplines in Cyprus.
- Safer Internet European Programme helpline
o Χρηματοδότηση
§ Until June 2016 -> CyberEthics GV project (partners: CNTI, CPI, MTN, YouthBoard, PCCCWC) - > helpline CNTI – tel. 70000116
§ From June 2016 until December 2018 -> CyberSafety project (partners: CPI MOEC, OCECPR, CNTI, PSP, UCY, OCCCP, CYTA, MTN) -> helpline CNTI
- Γραμμή 1440 -> Παρατηρητήριο για τη Βία στο Σχολείο του Υπουργείου Παιδείας και Πολιτισμού -> Σύνδεσμος για την Πρόληψη και Αντιμετώπιση της Βίας στην Οικογένεια
- Cyprus Youth Board 1410 Helpline
The 1410 was the first Help line that was operated in Cyprus, since it offers its services since 1190. It concerns everybody who want to receive responsible answers about issues that concern their everyday life, but even more complicated issues such as addictive substances , issues about sexuality, eating disorders etc
- “Hope For Children” UNCRC Policy Center:
-« Support line for children and adolescents 116111” and Program 116000
2. Support of the Safer Internet European Programme helpline
As project partner in the Project Cybersafety [Connecting Europe Facility (CEF)], OCECPR will support the Activity concerning the Helpline, which is targeted to children, adolescents and their families, providing advice and support on issues related to the safe, responsible and ethical use of the internet. The Helpline services will continue the existing work providing one-to-one conversations online and on telephone by trained qualified helpers/supporters. The Helpline partner leader will ensure that operating guidelines are in compliance with national law, including data protection rules and that reporting mechanisms are interoperable both with the core platform and with reporting via service providers such as Social Networking Services. Communication with the relevant bodies/commissioners in Cyprus will be established so as to ensure the right procedures. Qualitative and quantitative reporting will be given to the relevant bodies. Users personal data is strictly confidential. The operation of the Helpline will be interwoven with the Awareness aspect and activities of the project.
3. When did yoursupportorcollaborationwith thenationalchild helpline(s) in your countrystart?
Our direct support started in September 2016. However, we were cooperating with the people on charge whenever needed (since 2005).
4. What does the support you provide entail? (e.g. waivingcosts, raising awareness in local media, providing training, infrastructure support, issuing supportive regulation
The support from all of the Partners of the Project according to the Project Plan entails training of helpline supporters (training programme description and accompanying material, helpers operating guidelines handbook), helpline tools (chat tool specifications and guide, mobile app tool specifications and guide, chat tool, mobile app tool) providing help support (helpline schedules and time sheets), reporting (monthly reports), synergies between relevant bodies (synergies strategy and plan).