Steering Committee Meeting
July 15, 2015
4:00 to 5:00 pm
Present: April Rezendes (Public Health), Julie Neyhart (NAMI-Juneau), Bill Martin (SSPC), Gus Marx (JYS), Ginny Hayes (self), Hilary Young (JYS), Esther Smith (AWARE/Juneau Violence Prevention Coalition), Kevin Ritchie (CCS), Cori Stennett, Lt. Lance Walters (Salvation Army), Leslie Wood (SAIL), Steven Howard (Salvation Army), Romelia Howard (Salvation Army), Rev. Sue Bahleda
1. Introductions
2. State Suicide Prevention Grant update
a. Update on Strategic Planning process: Discussed the meeting on June 17, and the progress on strategic plan since then.
b. Updates on the “Trauma and Suicide: Breaking the Link” Summit/Conference: The conference was generally very well received by attendees.
3. Training and Public Awareness Committee Update
a. QPR Training Opportunities: Kevin Ritchie discussed with the Coalition other training avenues—faith organizations, the Glory Hole, businesses, youth groups, Sealaska, etc. We should continue the momentum of these trainings in an effort to train more people in Juneau.
b. WordPress Training for new websites: The JSPC contracted with Clear Mind Graphics to update the two websites. They are hosting a training on how to use the WordPress interface. Hilary invited Coalition members to attend and act as back-up webmasters.
c. Possible ASIST training opportunity: Free five-day training for trainers. Anchorage, August 3-7. We are exploring the Coalition’s interest in learning another suicide-prevention method. Hilary will research the costs for the training materials. Are CEUs available? There are only fifteen seats available.
4. School-based Services
a. Sources of Strength Update:
i. Partnering with Discovery Southeast through the BAM program, figuring how to best collaborate.
ii. We are looking at developing our own Sources of Strength website in an effort to promote the holistic focus of the program.
b. Signs of Suicide Update: little happened this month because of the summer.
5. Postvention Update: The Postvention group has not met in June.
6. Partner Reports/Other Business:
a. Esther presented some of the Social Norms campaign, which asked teens about their perceptions vs. reality. AWARE can give their posters to agencies.
b. State Suicide Council is holding their conference in two weeks. Walter and Alice will be presenting our Needs Assessment.
c. NAMI Juneau attended the national meeting. NAMI will be looking into a project that involves a kid presenting her story (with an adult).
7. Next Meeting: Wednesday, August 19, 4:00-5:00 p.m. at Bartlett Admin. Bldg.