M K 101Given numeral flashcards, each student identifies the numbers (0 – 100) and sequences ( 0 – 10).
M K 103Given manipulatives, each student counts from 0 – 100 using one-to-one correspondence.
M K 104Following a verbal cue, each student counts from 0 – 100 and backwards from 10 to 0.
M K 105Given an ordered set of five objects, each student identifies the specified position by stating the ordinal numbers .
M K 106Given manipulatives, each student sorts the objects according to similar attributes (size, shape, and color) and explains the reason for the classification.
M K 107Given a pattern, each student extends the pattern.
M K 110Given manipulatives, each student compares the items using descriptors such as long, short, tall, thin, fat, large, small, wide, and narrow.
M K 112Given two sets of objects, each student compares the sets and identifies the relationship as greater than, less than, more, less, or equal to.
M K 120Given a picture or an object, each student identifies it as a whole and a half.
M K 150Given manipulatives, each student places the correct number in
the “ones” and “tens” column.
M K 201Given manipulatives, each student gathers, counts, and tallies similar items.
M K 401Given manipulatives, each student identifies the basic geometric shapes and recognizes them in the environment (circle, square, triangle, rectangle, octagon, oval, and diamond).
M K 410Given plane or solid figures, each student identifies congruent shapes.
M K 521Given a standard or digital clock, each student states the time to the hour.
M K 540Given manipulatives as non-standard units of measurement, each student measures a specific item.
M K 575Following a verbal cue, each student states the days of the week and months of the year.
M K 601Given a penny, nickel, dime, quarter, and dollar, each student identifies the coin or currency by name.
M K 701Given sets of manipulatives, each student writes number sentences with addition facts (0-10).
M K 702Given sets of manipulatives, each student writes number sentences with subtraction facts (0-10).
M K 710Given a one-function story problem with pictures and/or words, each student states the answer to solve the word problem.
M K 771Using a two-colored counter or a multi-colored spinner, each student investigates and describes the probability of the results.
M K 801Given information and manipulatives, each student generates, reads, and interprets picture and bar graphs.
Revised – 8/2005
First Grade
M 1 105Given an ordered set of ten or fewer objects, each student identifies the specified position by using ordinal numbers.
M 1 108Given a set of numbers 0-99, each student identifies, arranges and writes them in sequential order
M 1 109Givenmanipulatives, each student identifies patterns of rhythm, color, shape, or number.
M 1 111Given whole numbers 0-100, each student states the number before and after the given number.
M 1 121Given a picture or an object, each student identifies it as either a third or a fourth, and writes the corresponding fraction.
M 1 150Given various models and representations, each student identifies and writes the corresponding number word and numeral.
M 1 170Given a number sentence, each student identifies the number sentence that represents it’s inverse .
M 1 171Given a number sentence, each student identifies the number sentence that represents the commutative property of addition.
M 1 202Given single and double digit addition problems, without regrouping, each student calculates the sum.
M 1 222Given single and double digit subtraction problems, without regrouping, each student calculates the difference.
M 1 403Given two or three dimensional shape representations, each student describes its attributes and locates its sides and vertices.
M 1 503Given a thermometer, each student writes the given temperature.
M 1 523Given a standard or digital clock, each student writes the given time to the half-hour.
M 1 541Given a measurement situation, each student identifies the instrument to be used.
M 1 542Given a standard unit of measurement, each student measures a specified object to its closest unit.
M 1 602Given sets of coins using pennies, nickels, and dimes, each student
writes the value of the set.
M 1 712Given a one-function story problem, each student determines which
operations are needed and writes a number sentence to find the solution.
M 1 773Given a variety of real life experiences, each student predicts the most likely or least likely outcome.
M 1 801Given a picture chart, tally chart, or bar graph, each student reads, interprets data, and identifies the appropriate information.
Revised – 8/2005
Second Grade
M 2 105Given an ordered set of up to thirty objects, each student identifies the ordinal position of the objects.
M 2 108After studying a unit on numbers, each student reads and writes numbers 0 – 999.
M 2 110Following a unit of study, each student counts by even numbers and odd numbers 1 – 100.
M 2 111Following a unit of study, each student counts by 1’s, 2’s, 3’s, 5’s, and 10’s to 100.
M 2 112Given any two whole numbers (up to 3 digits) each student compares the numbers by using the symbols (>, <, or = )
M 2 121Given a drawing, each student identifies the representation of halves, thirds, fourths, fifths, or sixths and writes the corresponding fractions.
M 2 151Given a number, less than 1000, each student identifies the place value of each digit.
M 2 171Given a number sentence, each student applies the commutative
property and calculates the sum.
M 2 204Given two whole numbers less than 1000, each student applies the
regrouping process to calculate the sum.
M 2 213Given two whole numbers less than 1000, each student applies the
regrouping process to calculate the difference.
M 2 250Given multiplication problems involving using the 0, 1, 2, 5 and 10
multiplication tables, each student calculates the product.
M 2 401Given plane or solid figures each student identifies and reproduces the geometrical figure.
M 2 403Given plane or solid figures, each student identifies similar shapes.
M 2 413Given plane or solid figures, each student identifies lines of symmetry.
M 2 503Given a specified unit of measurement, each student measures length, temperature, and weight in standard form.
M 2 601Given any set of coins, each student calculates the value of the set.
M 2 701Given one-function problems containing words and pictures, each student applies a four-step process to write an appropriate number sentence and solve the problem.
M 2 710Given story problems, each student calculates the elapsed time on the hour or identifies the finish time for each situation.
M 2 774Given a variety of real life experiences, each student chooses and writes the most likely, the least likely, or equally likely outcomes.
M 2 804Given a random set of data, each student graphs the data using a
picture or bar graph.
Revised – 8/2005
Third Grade
M 3 112Given a whole number up to 99, each student identifies whether the number is odd or even.
M 3 114Given any two whole numbers up to six digits, each student compares the numbers by using the symbols >, <, or =.
M 3 116Given six-digit numbers, each student writes the place value of any designated digit.
M 3 123Given fractions with like denominators, each student names, compares, and orders the fractions.
M 3 151Given six-digit whole numbers, each student writes the place value of any designated digit.
M 3 152Given a four-digit whole number, each student writes the number in expanded notation.
M 3 153Given a six-digit whole number expressed in expanded form, each student names the numeral representing the total value.
M 3 160Given decimals up to the hundredths place, each student compares and orders the decimals.
M 3 171Given a multiplication problem, each student applies either the zero property or the identity property to solve the problem.
M 3 190Given a whole number up to 999, each student rounds to the nearest ten or hundred.
M 3 206Given decimals valued to hundredths, each student calculates the sum or difference.
M 3 231Given 4-digit whole numbers, each student calculates the sum.
M 3 232Given 4-digit whole numbers, each student calculates the difference.
M 3 241Given two whole numbers between zero and twelve, each student
calculates the product.
M 3 251Given a repeated addition problem and the related multiplication problem, each student explains how the product and sum are equal.
M 3 261Given a whole number up to three digits divided by a one digit number, each student calculates the quotient.
M 3 263Given a multi-digit whole number and a single digit whole number, each student calculates the product.
M 3 273Given an addition, subtraction, multiplication or division sentence, each student writes the inverse operation.
M 3 410 Given a visual stimulus, each student recognizes a rectangular prism, pyramid, sphere, cone, cylinder, and cube.
M 3 412Given a straightedge, each student draws a representation of line
segments and angles.
M 3 413Given a visual stimulus, each student differentiates between plane and solid figures.
M 3 415Given geometric figures, each student identifies the geometrical components of each figure (sides, vertices, faces, edges).
M 3 525Given a clock visual, each student reads time to the minute.
M 3 530Given two different times, each student states the amount of
elapsed time
M 3 543Given a list of metric units, each student identifies the appropriate unit to measure an item.
M 3 607Given a monetary amount, each student finds equivalent amounts in change up to two dollars.
M 3 711Given word problems using addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division, each student identifies which operation to use to solve the problem.
M 3 776Given different situations, each student predicts the probability of the outcomes using words such as certain, possible, or impossible.
M 3 805Given either a pictograph, bar graph, circle, tally chart, or graph, each student reads and interprets the information.
Revised – 8/2005
MathematicsFourth Grade
M 4 108Given a set of geometric figures or numbers, each student completes the pattern by choosing the correct illustration or by continuing the pattern.
M 4 122Given a set of objects, each student identifies a fractional part of the set.
M 4 151Given a number line, each student identifies and graphs whole numbers.
M 4 155Given up to a 7-digit whole number, each student writes the value of each
M 4 163Given a set of decimal numbers expressed in thousandths, each student arranges the numbers in ascending or descending order.
M 4 181Given incomplete number sentences in addition and multiplication, each student applies the commutative property to solve each one.
M 4 191Given a set of whole number addition and subtraction problems, each student rounds and estimates to solve the problems
M 4 204Given whole numbers up to six digits, each student calculates the sum.
M 4 210Given a set of decimal numbers expressed in thousandths, each student calculates the sums or differences.
M4 224Given whole numbers up to six digits, each student calculates the differences.
M 4 411Given measured squares and rectangles, each student calculates the area and the perimeter.
M 4 416Given a set of polygons, each student identifies the quadrilaterals.
M 4 417Given illustrations of two-dimensional geometric shapes, each student differentiates between reflecting and rotating the figures.
M 4 543Given a set of objects, each student, using metric tools, measures to find the length or mass.
M 4 607Given a word problem, involving making change for a purchase up to $5.00, each student calculates the amount of change to be returned and determines the coins and bills that equal that amount.
Revised 8/2005
Fifth Grade
M 5 109Given an addition, subtraction, multiplication or division pattern with missing elements, each student identifies the missing element by determining the pattern.
M 5 125Given a set of fractions with unlike denominators, each student compares and orders the fractions.
M 5 127Given a list of fractions, whole numbers, and mixed numbers, each student identifies the reciprocal of each.
M 5 131Given a list of whole numbers, each student classifies each as a prime or composite number.
M 5 151Given a ten-digit whole number, each student identifies the place value of each digit.
M 5 165Given two-digit divisors, each student calculates the quotient and expresses remainders as whole numbers, decimals or fractions.
M 5 246Given a four digit whole number and a three digit whole number, each student calculates the product.
M 5 249Given a four-digit decimal number and a three-digit decimal number, each student calculates the product.
M 5 254Given two or more whole numbers less than twenty, each student lists five common multiples.
M 5 285Given addition, subtraction, and multiplication problems with whole numbers and decimal numbers through hundredths, each student estimates the sum, difference or product.
M 5 405Given a set of polygons having five to eight sides, each student names each polygon and identifies the number of sides and angles.
M 5 406Given a set of angles, each student classifies each angle as right, acute, or obtuse.
M 5 411Given a set of ordered pairs, each student plots each point.
M 5 440Given an identified point on a graph, each student names the point using an ordered pair.
M 5 504Given a set of activities, each student identifies the temperature range on the Celsius scale at which each activity is appropriate.
M 5 508Given a problem solving exercise using standard units of measurement, each student makes calculations to find the sum or difference.
M 5 778Given simple experiments and test predictions, each student solves problems by identifying the probability of the outcome and making a prediction
M 5 806Given a chart, graph or table, each student reads and interprets the information to draw conclusions.
Revised – 8/2005
Sixth Grade
M 6 129Given a set of fractions and decimal numbers, each student converts the fraction to its decimal equivalent and each decimal to its fractional equivalent.
M 6 133Given a set of improper fractions or mixed numbers, each student expresses the number in its equivalent form, and orders the fractions.
M 6 154Given a six digit whole number or a number with three decimal places, each student rounds the number to a given place value.
M 6 155Given a set of decimal numbers up to five places, each student identifies the place value of each digit, compares the values, and arranges the numbers in ascending or descending order.
M 6 160Given a number line, each student compares and orders positive and negative numbers.
M 5 162Given a number in exponential form, each student expresses the number in the equivalent standard form.
M 6 174Given incomplete number sentences, each student applies the
distributive property and calculates the product
M 6 207Given fractions and mixed numbers with or without common denominators, each student calculates the sum.
M 6 228Given fractions and mixed numbers with or without common denominators, each student calculates the difference.
M 6 252Given two numbers, each student recalls and writes factors of the numbers and identifies the greatest common factor.
M 6 275Given fractions to simplify, each student applies the divisibility rules of 2, 3, 5, 6, 9, and 10.
M 6 286Given whole number, decimal, and fraction problems, each student solves the problems using estimation strategies.
M 6 300Given an algebraic expression or equation, each student simplifies using order of operations.
M 6 302Given single variable equations, each student solves for the unknown.
M 6 331Given two sets of data using ratios, each student describes and compares the two sets.
M 6 407Given the dimensions and angles of a triangle, each student identifies
the triangle by its sides or angles.
M 6 409Given a variety of numerical and geometric patterns, each student identifies and describes the pattern of numbers and designs.
M 6 417Given the dimensions of a triangle and circle, each student calculates the area and perimeter.
M 6 423Given a circle, each student identifies each part.
M 6 503Given line segments, each student measures the length to the nearest sixteenth of an inch.
M 6 541Given objects in the classroom, each student measures and calculates the appropriate metric conversions.
M 6 707Given a problem, each student calculates the mean, median, and mode.
M 6 712Given a word problem, each student selects and applies a problem solving strategy using symbols, equations, formulas, or inverse operations.
M 6 720Given pictures, maps, or charts, each student applies a five-step process to solve a word problem.
M 6 721Given specific data, each student displays the information on a graph,
chart, or table.
M 6 779Given a sample event, each student determines, interprets, or predicts the probability of the event by using organized lists, tree diagrams, or area models.
Revised – 8/2005
Seventh Grade – Basic Math
Upper School
M 7 158Given a set of positive and negative integers, each student identifies the value and arranges the set in ascending or descending order.
M 7 175Given a set of addition or multiplication problems, each student identifies and applies the commutative, associative, distributive, or identity properties to solve the problem.
M 7 218Given a number sentence using both positive and negative integers, each student calculates the sum, difference, product, or quotient.
M 7 243Given multiplication or division problems involving fractions, each student calculates the product or quotient.
M 7 253Given a set of up to three whole numbers, each student writes the factors and identifies the greatest common factor.
M 7 267Given a number up to six digits multiplied or divided by a number up to
three digits, each student estimates to solve the problem.
M 7 301Given algebraic equations, each student uses the 4 basic math functions to solve for the unknown variable.
M 7 334Given appropriate information, each student applies proportions in
problem solving.
M 7 406Given a set of angles, each student identifies the angles which most closely match a given measure.
M 7 407Given pictures of different quadrilaterals, each student classifies each figure as a parallelogram, rectangle, square, rhombus, or trapezoid
M 7 418Given the dimensions of a parallelogram, a triangle, or a trapezoid, each student uses the appropriate formula to calculate the area of the figure.
M 7 774Given data, each student determines the probability of a given event and writes that probability as a ratio, a decimal, or a percent.
M 7 840Given a coordinate plane, each student identifies and graphs ordered pairs in the four quadrants.
Revised – 8/2005
Upper School
M PA 131Given either a decimal, fraction, or a percent, each student writes the other two equivalent forms.
M PA 157Given a one-variable equation or inequality, each student will graph it on a number line.
M PA 260Given a numerical expression with integer exponents, each student applies the properties of exponents for simplification.
M PA 301Given an expression, each student uses the order of operations and the properties of mathematics to simplify and evaluate.
M PA 311Given polynomials with fractions, each student finds the least common denominator or the greatest common factor to simplify the equation.
M PA 342Given a one or two-step equation or inequality, each student solves for the unknown.
M PA 401Given a set of lines, each student identifies the lines as being perpendicular or parallel.
M PA 413Given a set of angles, each student identifies them as adjacent, supplementary, complementary, or vertical.
M PA 708Given a set of raw data, each student identifies and calculates the three measures of central tendency and the range.
M PA 711 Given a word problem or scale model, each student uses proportions, formulas, and functions to solve the problem.