1. Before he was President, Eisenhower was a general. What war was he in?

o  Civil War

o  World War I

o  Korean War

o  World War II

2. How many amendments does the United States Constitution have?

o  25

o  26

o  27

o  28

3. The first ten amendments are called what?

o  The Mayflower Compact

o  The Declaration of Independence

o  The Constitution

o  Bill of Rights

4. How many justices are on the Supreme Court?

o  7

o  8

o  9

o  12

5. How many United States Senators are there?

o  50

o  100

o  200

o  435

6. How old do United States citizens have to be to vote for President?

o  16

o  18

o  21

o  25

7. If the United States President can no longer serve, who becomes President?

o  The First Lady

o  The Speaker of the House

o  Senate Majority Leader

o  The Vice President

8. If both the President and the Vice President can no longer serve, who becomes President?

o  The Speaker of the House

o  The Chief Justice

o  Secretary of the Treasury

o  Postmaster General

9. In what month do we vote for President of the United States?

o  January

o  April

o  July

o  November

10. Name one war fought by the United States in the 1800’s.

o  The War of the Revolution

o  Mexican-American War

o  World War I

o  War on Terrorism

11. Name the United States war between the North and the South.

o  The War of the Revolution

o  The Civil War

o  World War I

o  World War II

12. Name one American Indian tribe in the United States.

o  Cherokee

o  Utah

o  Pennsylvanian

o  Nehru

13. Name one branch or part of the United States government.

o  Conservative

o  State

o  Congress

o  Treasury

14. Name one of the two longest rivers in the United States.

o  Snake

o  Ohio

o  Columbia

o  Mississippi

15. Name one problem that led to the Civil War.

o  Too much money

o  Slavery

o  Interference of France

o  Westward expansion

16. Name one right that only United States citizens has.

o  Run for Federal office

o  Join the military

o  Become dual citizen of any other country

o  Not face trial for breaking the law

17. Name one of the 13 states that borders Canada.

o  Wisconsin

o  Oregon

o  Texas

o  Michigan

18. Name one of the 4 states that borders Mexico.

o  Wisconsin

o  Oregon

o  Texas

o  Michigan

19. Name one United States territory.

o  Cuba

o  Puerto Rico

o  Grenada

o  Trinidad

20. Name one war fought by the United States in the 1900’s.

o  The War of the Revolution

o  Mexican-American War

o  World War I

o  War on Terrorism

21. Name two national United States holidays.

o  Valentine’s Day & Mother’s Day

o  St. Patrick’s Day & Easter

o  Labor Day & Thanksgiving

o  Christmas & Hanukah

22. The House of Representatives has how many voting members?

o  50

o  100

o  200

o  435

23. The idea of self-government is in the first three words of the Constitution. What are these?

o  Life, Liberty, Happiness

o  Be it Resolved

o  We the People

o  Make no law

24. There are four amendments to the Constitution about who can vote. Choose one of them.

o  Citizens eighteen (18) and older can vote

o  Citizens seventeen (17) and older can vote

o  Only citizens with a job can vote

o  Citizens by birth only can vote

25. There were 13 original states. Name three of them.

o  Florida, Tennessee & West Virginia

o  West Virginia, Ohio & Vermont

o  Maryland, Virginia, & North Carolina

o  Indiana, Illinois & Iowa

26. Under our Constitution, some powers belong to the federal government. Name one power.

o  To establish small businesses

o  To build city parks

o  To provide schooling and education

o  To declare war

27. Under our Constitution, some powers belong to the states. What is one power of the states?

o  To establish small businesses

o  To build city parks

o  To provide schooling and education

o  To declare war

28. The United States elects a President for how many years?

o  2

o  4

o  6

o  10

29. The United States elects a U. S. Representative for how many years?

o  2

o  4

o  6

o  10

30. The United States elects a U. S. Senator for how many years?

o  2

o  4

o  6

o  10

31. What are the two major political parties in the United States?

o  Democratic & Republican

o  Liberty & Justice

o  Law & Order

o  Checks & Balances

32. What are the two parts of the United States Congress?

o  Democratic & Republican

o  Liberty & Justice

o  North & South

o  Senate & House of Representatives

33. What are two Cabinet-level positions?

o  Secretary of Trade & Secretary of Money

o  Secretary of State & Secretary of Labor

o  Secretary of Education & Secretary of Medicine

o  Secretary of Immigrants & Secretary of Culture

34. What are the rights stated in the Declaration of Independence?

o  Life, Liberty, Happiness

o  Be it Resolved

o  We the People

o  Make no law

35. What are two rights of everyone living in the United States?

o  Freedom of commerce & freedom of sales

o  Freedom of religion & freedom of speech

o  Freedom of munitions & freedom of arms

o  Freedom of agriculture & freedom of athletics

36. What are two ways that Americans can participate in their democracy?

o  Shop & run a business

o  Vote & run for office

o  Watch TV & read newspapers

o  Own a pet & help the poor

37. What did Martin Luther King, Jr. do?

o  Fought for women’s rights

o  Established the state highway system

o  Fought for civil rights

o  Develop free libraries

38. What did Susan B. Anthony do?

o  Fought for women’s rights

o  Established the state highway system

o  Fought for civil rights

o  Develop free libraries

39. What did the Declaration of Independence do?

o  Gave every citizen certain freedoms

o  Freed slaves in most southern states

o  Declared all slaves free

o  Declared our independence from Great Britain

40. What did the Emancipation Proclamation do?

o  Gave every citizen certain freedoms

o  Freed slaves in most southern states

o  Declared all slaves free

o  Declared our independence from Great Britain

41. What do we show loyalty to when we say the Pledge of Allegiance?

o  The flag

o  The baseball team

o  The United States

o  The President

42. What does the United States Constitution do?

o  Establish a federal government for the United States

o  Gave every citizen certain freedoms

o  Make government all-powerful

o  Declared our independence from Great Britain

43. What does the United States judicial branch do?

o  Reviews & explains laws

o  Advises the President

o  Makes laws

o  Carries out laws

44. What does the President’s Cabinet do?

o  Reviews & explains laws

o  Advises the President

o  Makes laws

o  Carries out laws

45. What group of people was taken to the United States and sold as slaves?

o  Southerners

o  Indians

o  British

o  Africans

46. What happened at the Constitutional Convention?

o  Gave every citizen certain freedoms

o  Laws were made

o  All slaves were freed

o  The constitution was written

47. What is the freedom of religion?

o  No religion can charge money

o  Religion cannot rule over anyone

o  One can practice or not practice any religion

o  Only religion can rule over others

48. What is the “rule of law”?

o  The rules are set by the law

o  Everyone must follow the law

o  Laws are the same as rules

o  One can be free of the law

49. What is the capital of the United States?

o  New York, NY

o  Philadelphia, PA

o  Boston, MA

o  Washington, DC

50. How many states are in the United States?

o  13

o  48

o  50

o  58

51. What is the economic system in the United States?

o  capitalist

o  socialist

o  communist

o  barter

52. What is the highest court in the United States?

o  New York court

o  Supreme Court

o  Deluxe Court

o  Alaskan Court

53. What is the name of the national anthem?

o  Yankee Doodle

o  My Country ‘Tis of Thee

o  This is My Country

o  Star-Spangled Banner

54. What is the name of the President of the United States now?

o  George Washington

o  George Bush

o  Barack Obama

o  Donald Trump

55. What is the name of the Speaker of the House of Representatives now?

o  Paul Ryan

o  Mike Pence

o  Joe Biden

o  Dick Cheney

56. What is the name of the Vice President of the United States now?

o  Joe Biden

o  Mike Pence

o  Paul Ryan

o  Al Gore

57. What is the political party of the President now?

o  Democratic

o  Independent

o  Republican

o  Socialist

58. What is the supreme law of the United States?

o  The Mayflower compact

o  The Declaration of Independence

o  The Constitution

o  Bill of Rights

59. What is one promise you make when you become a United States citizen?

o  Wear only clothes made in America

o  Choose an American surname

o  Give up loyalty to other countries

o  Sign up for the military draft

60. What is one reason colonists came to America?

o  Freedom

o  Learn about the Indians

o  Make a nation of states

o  Become a mighty nation

61. What is one responsibility that is only for United States citizens?

o  Get married in a church

o  Serve on a jury

o  Open a bank account

o  Apply as a student for a university

62. What is one right or freedom mentioned in the First Amendment?

o  Freedom of commerce

o  Freedom of speech

o  Freedom of munitions

o  Freedom of agriculture

63. What is one thing Benjamin Franklin is famous for?

o  First person to travel by car

o  Inventor of the camera

o  Fourth President of the United States

o  United States diplomat

64. What major event happened on September, 11, 2001, in the United States?

o  Stock Market Crash

o  Bombing of Pearl Harbor

o  Terrorists attack the United States

o  Mount St. Helens erupted

65. What movement tried to end racial discrimination in the United States?

o  Civil Rights movement

o  Animal Rights Movement

o  Civil disobediencemovement

o  Conservation movement

66. What ocean is on the East Coast of the United States?

o  Pacific

o  Atlantic

o  Indian

o  Gulf of Mexico

67. What ocean is on the West Coast of the United States?

o  Pacific

o  Atlantic

o  Indian

o  Gulf of Mexico

68. What stops one branch of the United States government from becoming too powerful?

o  Democratic & Republican

o  Liberty & Justice

o  Law & Order

o  Checks & Balances

69. What territory did the United States buy from France in 1803?

o  Arkansas Territory

o  Louisiana Territory

o  Oregon Territory

o  Northwest Territory

70. What was one important thing Abraham Lincoln did?

o  Saved or preserved the union

o  Saved or preserved a cherry tree

o  Built a log cabin

o  Built a famous road

71. When do we celebrate Independence Day in the United States?

o  January 1st

o  April 15th

o  July 4th

o  Second Tuesday in November

72. When is the last day you can send in federal income tax forms?

o  January 1st

o  April 15th

o  July 4th

o  Second Tuesday in November

73. When was the Declaration of Independence adopted?

o  1776

o  1787

o  1800

o  1941

74. When was the Constitution of the United States written?

o  1776

o  1787

o  1800

o  1941

75. Where is the Statue of Liberty located?

o  New York Harbor, NY

o  Philadelphia, PA

o  Boston, MA

o  Washington, DC

76. What country gave us the Statue of Liberty?

o  England

o  France

o  China

o  Switzerland

77. Whom did the United States fight in World War II?

o  England, France & Spain

o  Alaska, Russia & Mongolia

o  Japan, Germany & Italy

o  Switzerland, Austria & Poland

78. Whom does a United States Senator represent?

o  Only homeowners in a state

o  Only voters in a state

o  All the people of a state

o  All the people in all the states

79. Who is in charge of the Executive Branch of the United States?

o  The President

o  Speaker of the House

o  Chief Justice

o  Majority Whip

80. Who is the “Father of Our Country’?

o  Thomas Jefferson

o  George Washington

o  Abraham Lincoln

o  Benjamin Franklin

81. Who is the Chief Justice of the United States now?

o  John Roberts

o  Warren Burger

o  William Rehnquist

o  Clarence Thomas

82. Who is the Commander in Chief of the United States military?

o  The General

o  The President

o  The Vice President

o  The Secretary of State

83. Who lived in America before the Europeans arrived?

o  Vikings

o  Russians

o  Caribbean Indians

o  American Indians

84. Who makes federal laws in the United States?

o  The President

o  Congress

o  The Judge

o  Senate

85. Who signs bills to become laws in the United States?

o  The President

o  Congress

o  The Judge

o  Senate

86. Who has the power to veto bills in the United States?

o  The President