Organisational Development / Outline / Benefits
Team Building
/ Structured activities and events that can strengthen your team, address challenges and help you to work more effectively together towards common goals. Activities can include a SWOT analysis of the service, role definition and policy reviews. We can even arrange team building treasure hunts. The list is not exhaustive. /
  • Greater confidence and ownership among team members
  • Better understanding of roles and their importance,
  • Improved understanding of how teams work
  • Increased motivation and productivity.

Bespoke Training / We will establish the needs of your organisation before designing and delivering bespoke training courses/workshops to meet those needs /
  • Bespoke training is designed specifically for your organisation, making it relevant and more effective.

Structured Return to Work
/ We will help you to develop a structured process to support an employee returning to work after a long term absence. /
  • Reduces the anxiety for the employee increases the likelihood of a successful return
  • Demonstrates your duty of care
  • Provides a framework to address any issues Improves staff confidence and motivation

Access Audits / We will help you to identify the best and most cost effective solution to meet your access requirements and comply with the Equality Act 2010 /
  • Compliance with the Equality Act 2010.
  • Cost effective reasonable adjustments
  • Ability to employ a diverse workforce.

/ We will help you to review your policies and procedures to ensure compliance. /
  • Reduce the risk of errors,
  • Helps to create a healthy workplace
  • Improved customer services.

Courses/Workshops / Outline / Benefits
Empowerment & Motivation
/ A one day workshop aimed at line managers. At the end of the workshop participants well have a better understanding of empowerment and motivation and develop techniques that can help them to motivate team members /
  • Improved levels of employee satisfaction
  • Improved line management confidence
  • Greater productivity
  • Effective teamwork

Managing Stress in the Workplace / A one day workshop looking at workplace stress, How to identify it, address it and the requirements of the Health & Safety Executive. We can help you to address issues that are specific to your organisation. /
  • Increased productivity and efficiency Reduced absenteeism
  • Improved staff morale and motivation.

Communication Skills/Effective Listening Skills / A one day workshop addressing skills. We will explore verbal and nonverbal communication, effective skills and useful techniques to employ in challenging situations /
  • Improve relationships.
  • Some conflict resolution
  • Improved confidence & leadership skills.

Building Self Confidence / Half day workshop aimed at staff who need confidence to feel more positive about achieving goals /
  • More confident team
  • Increased productivity and efficiency
  • Improved customer service.

Mental Health Awareness
/ A one day workshop to raise awareness of mental distress and help managers to work effectively with an employee or colleague with either a suspected or diagnosed mental health condition,This workshop can also help a staff team to better understand if a colleague needs additional support on occasions. /
  • Compliance with the Equalities Act 2010.
  • Ability to employ a diverse workforce.
  • Improved staff relationships

Managing challenging behaviour / How to manage anger, aggression, abusive and threatening behaviour in the workplace /
  • Improve staff confidence
  • Maintain a healthy and safe work environment.

Corporate Social Responsibility - Graft can assist your organisation to get involved with the wider community through direct action. Helping you to achieve your CSR targets, raise staff motivation and self-esteem through helping others. By engaging with Graft your organisation will ultimately be helping disabled/disadvantaged job seekers in the Thames Valley area. For further information contact us tel: 0118 9869933 or email: