10-10 SI A ECL 365

Immune Worksheet

  1. What are the functions of the immune system?
  2. Vital role in preventing disease
  3. Recognizes and reacts to foreign substances in the body (foreign antigens: e.g. bacteria, viruses, parasites, toxins) (can also recognize tumor cells)
  4. By recognizing what is foreign from what is normal it helps fight disease and maintain homeostasis.
  1. The lymphoid organs consist of ______organs and ______organs.
  2. Primary and secondary
  1. Define and list primary organs.
  2. site of production and maturation of lymphocytes
  3. - Bone marrow (B-cells)
  4. Thymus (T-cells)
  1. What are secondary organs and provide an example.
  2. sites where lymphocytes encounter and respond to antigens
  3. spleen
  4. lymph nodes
  1. Monocytes, macrophages, and neutrophils are types of ______, whose job is to engulf ______particles and ______them
  2. Phagocytes, foreign, destroy
  1. ______release granules containing chemicals that damage invaders.
  2. Granulocytes
  1. What causes allergies?
  2. Hyper sensitive granulocytes
  1. What are the two types of lymphocytes?
  2. B-cells and T-cells
  1. B-cellsproduce ______that bind to invaders.
  2. Antibodies
  1. True / False Antibodies are very specific but cannot recognize many different pathogens.
  2. False – they can recognize many different pathogens
  1. What is an example of how antibodies work?
  2. Antibodies can facilitate phagocytosis
  1. Antibodies can neutralize toxins
  1. What are two type of T-cells?
  2. T-helper & T-cytotoxic cells
  1. T-helpersaid in activation of ______and ______
  2. B-cells and T-cytotoxic cells
  1. ______recognize tumor cells or virus infected cells and kills them with toxic chemicals.
  2. T-cytotoxic (aka killer cells)
  1. Both B- and T-cells ______when they encounter invaders forming a whole

army of cells (a______) that can eliminate the invader more efficiently.

  1. Proliferate, clone
  1. What are the two types of immunity?
  2. Innate and acquired
  1. True / False Acquired immunity is found in all animals while innate immunity is only in vertebrates.
  2. False –acquired in verts, innate in all.
  1. What are the main components of each type of immunity?
  2. Innate: Phagocytes, Granulocytes
  3. Acquired: B-lymphocytes (antibodies),T-lymphocytes
  1. Fill in the chart appropriately for the blank section of either acquired or innate immunity.

Innate Immunity / Acquired Immunity
1st line of defense / 2nd line of defense
Active before infection (therefore fast) / Activated upon infection (therefore slower)
Not antigen-specific / Antigen-specific
Exposure to antigendoes not result in immunological memory / Exposure to antigen results in immunological memory
  1. Describe recognition of specific antigens.
  2. Is mediated by receptors on the surface of lymphocytes
  3. B-cells receptors are antibodies attached to the membrane
  4. T-cell receptors are called “T-cell receptors or TCRs”
  5. each B-cell or T-cell has a slightly different receptor that can recognize a different antigen
  6. In this way the immune system can recognize millions of different antigens and mount specific responses to them
  1. This is the reason for why many times you get sick only once with a given disease.
  2. Immunological memory
  1. What causes immunological memory?
  2. Caused by the production of memory cells during the first exposure to the antigen (primary immune response).
  3. Memory cells can live a long time and will respond rapidly and strongly the next time the body is exposed to the same antigen
  1. What mediates recognition of self vs. foreign cells.
  2. Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC)
  1. Describe Major Histocompatibility Complex.
  2. Proteins that bind antigens (both self and foreign) and displays them to T-cells
  3. T-cells bind and react to foreign antigens but not to self antigens.
  1. What happens when MHC fails?
  2. the immune system attacks own body  autoimmune disease