

The Paint Valley Local Board of Education has adopted numerous policies governing the operation of its school and conduct of its students. While this handbook provides information about some of these policies, students and parents are subject to all policies of the Board of Education as they now exist, or as they are hereinafter adopted or amended, whether or not these policies are referenced in this Handbook.

It is the policy of the Paint Valley Local School District that students and parents be given a copy of this handbook, which includes mandatory student standards of conduct and disciplinary sanctions for violation of such standards and will be reviewed with each student. This handbook is not meant to be all inclusive; therefore, extenuating or new circumstances may occur which inherently allow the administration and the Board of Education to make appropriate written and/or verbal decisions, amendments, or sanctions at that time.

We ask that students and parents take the opportunity to review this handbook and sign the acknowledgment on the back page. This page should be turned in to your Homeroom teacher by August 30, 2012. Should you have any questions or concerns about the handbook, please contact the middle school.

It is the policy of the Paint Valley School District to offer educational programs, services, activities, and employment practices without regard to race, religion, national origin, sex, handicap, or age.


Mr. Tim Winland, Superintendent

1-740-634-2826, ext. 406

Mrs. Heather Bowles, Middle School Principal

1-740-634-3512, ext. 520

Mrs. Sarah Kohls, Guidance Counselor

1-740-634-3454, ext. 436

Mission Statement


The Paint Valley Local School District’s mission is to provide each student an opportunity to achieve the skills necessary to be a productive citizen, a lifelong learner, and meet the challenges of the future.

School Colors and Mascot

Colors: Black and Gold

Mascot: Bearcats

PA Announcements – PA Announcements are made each morning at the beginning of first period or at other select times during the school day. Students or special groups wanting announcements to be made must be given permission by the building principal and/or their teacher.

School Publications - The administration has the right to censor school publications. Publications that violate the student code of conduct are prohibited.

Acceleration Policy- If you believe that your child would benefit from accelerated services (subject acceleration, whole grade acceleration, or early high school graduation) please contact the office.

Flex Credit- Flex credit options are available to students. Please refer to the board adopted policy or the guidance department for further information.


A new student enrolling in the Paint Valley Local School District must be accompanied by his or her parent or legal guardian. The parent/guardian must present:

1.  The student’s birth certificate

2.  Social Security Card

3.  Health and immunization records

4.  Proof of residency

5.  Certified copies of legal custody documents, if any, allocating parental rights and responsibilities and designating a residential parent and legal custodian (certified copies of subsequent modifications of legal custody documents must also be provided).

6.  Any records given the student by the school most recently attended.

A student who has been expelled from the school of another district and whose period of expulsion has not yet expired may be denied admission to the Paint Valley Local Schools until the expiration of the expulsion period. Such student shall be offered the opportunity for a hearing before admittance is denied. No student who has been permanently excluded from public school attendance by the Superintendent of Public Instruction shall knowingly be admitted to the Paint Valley Local School District.

Equal Education Opportunity

It is the policy of this district to provide an equal education opportunity for all students. Any person who believes that the School or any staff person has discriminated against a student on the basis of race, color, creed, disability, religion, gender, ancestry, national origin, place of residence within the boundaries of the District, or social or economic background, has the right to file a complaint. A formal complaint can be made in writing to the School District’s Compliance Officer or Superintendent at (740) 634-2826.

The complaint will be investigated and a response, in writing, will be given to the concerned person within 10 days. The Compliance Officer can provide additional information concerning access to equal education opportunity. Under no circumstances will the District threaten or retaliate against anyone who raises or files a complaint.

Student Rights and Responsibilities

The rules and procedures of the School are designed to allow each student to obtain a safe, orderly, and appropriate education. Students can expect their rights to freedom of expression and association and to fair treatment as long as they respect those rights for their fellow students and the staff. Students will be expected to follow teacher directions and obey all school rules. Disciplinary procedures are designed to insure due process (a fair hearing) before a student is removed because of his/her behavior.

Parents have the right to know how their child is succeeding in school and will be provided information on a regular basis and as needed, when concerns arise. Many times it will be the responsibility of the student to deliver that information. If necessary, the mail or hand delivery may be used to insure contact. Parents are encouraged to build a two-way link with their student’s teachers and support staff by informing the staff of suggestions or concerns that may help their child better accomplish his/her educational goals.

The staff expects students to arrive at school prepared to learn. It is the student’s responsibility to arrive on time and be prepared to participate in the educational program

Student Well-Being

Student safety is a responsibility of the staff. All staff members are familiar with emergency procedures such as fire and tornado drills and accident reporting procedures. Should a student be aware of any dangerous situation or accident, s/he must notify any staff person immediately.

State law requires that all students must have an emergency medical card completed, signed by a parent or guardian, and filed in the school office. A student may be excluded from school until this requirement has been fulfilled.

Students with specific health care needs should submit those needs, in writing and with proper documentation by a physician, to the school office. No medications or medical treatments are to take place in school without proper documentation from a physician.

Student Records

Many student records are kept by the teachers, counselors and administrative staff. There are two basic kinds of records directory information and confidential records.

Directory information can be given to any person or organization for nonprofit making purposes when requested, unless the parents of the student restrict the information, in writing to the Principal.

Directory information includes

The Board designates as student “directory information”:

a student’s name, address, telephone number, date and place of birth, major field of study, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, height and weight, if a member of an athletic team, dates of attendance, date of graduation, and awards received. Information shall not be provided to any organization for profit-making purposes.

Confidential records contain educational and behavioral information that has restricted access based on the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and Ohio law. This information can only be released with the written consent of the parents, the adult student, or a surrogate. The only exception to this is to comply with State and Federal laws that may require release without consent.

Included in the confidential records may be test scores, psychological reports, behavioral data, disciplinary actions and communications with the family and outside service providers. The School must have the parents’ written consent to obtain records from an outside professional or agency. Confidential information that is in a student’s record that originates from an outside professional or agency may be released to the parent through the originator and parents should keep copies of such records for their home file. Parents may also provide the School with copies of records made by nonschool professional agencies or individuals.

Information on former students also falls into directory and confidential information categories and will be made available on the same basis as enrolled students. Students and parents have the right to review all educational records generated by the school district, request amendment to these records, insert addendum to records, and obtain copies of such records. Copying costs may be charged to the requestor. If a review of records is wanted, please contact the Principal, in writing, stating the records desired. The records will be collected and an appointment will be made with the appropriate persons present to answer any questions there may be.

Student Fees, Fines, and Charges

Paint Valley does not charge fees for materials, workbooks etc.

Students using school property and equipment can be fined for excessive wear, loss or abuse of the property and equipment. The fine is used to pay for the damage, not to make a profit. Late fines can be avoided when students return borrowed materials promptly. Their use may be needed by others. Failure to pay fines, fees or charges may result in the withholding of grade cards and/or transcripts, beginning with the second nine-week grading period.

Student Sales

No student is permitted to sell any item or service in school without the approval of the Principal. Violation of this may lead to disciplinary action.

Search and Seizure

Search of a student and his/her possessions, including vehicles, may be conducted at any time the student is under the jurisdiction of the Board of Education, if there is a reasonable suspicion that the student is in violation of law or school rules.

A search may also be conducted to protect the safety of others. All searches may be conducted with or without a student’s consent.

Students are provided lockers, desks and other equipment in which to store materials. It should be clearly understood that this equipment is the property of the school and may be searched at any time if there is reasonable suspicion that a student has violated the law or school rules. Locks are to prevent theft, not to prevent searches.

Anything that is found in the course of a search that may be evidence of a violation of school rules or the law may be taken and held or turned over to the police. The School reserves the right not to return items which have been confiscated.

Individuals, individual lockers or autos may be searched by school officials without warning. The Board also authorizes the use of canines, trained in detecting the presence of drugs, when the Superintendent has reasonable suspicion that illegal drugs may be present in a school. This means of detection shall be used only to determine the presence of drugs in locker areas and other places on school property where such substances could be concealed. Canine detection must be conducted in collaboration with law enforcement authorities and is not to be used to search individual students unless a warrant has been obtained prior to the search.

Search of Vehicles – Dangerous and/or illegal items may not be kept in vehicles parked on school property. The school administration or law enforcement may search a student’s vehicle, while it is parked on school property, whenever there is reasonable cause to believe that the search will uncover stolen property, or an item or substance which may be illegal, dangerous to a student, to others, or to property, or which is disruptive to the safe and orderly environment of the school, or which otherwise constitutes evidence of a violation of law or of school rules. Canine sniffs may be used at anytime to assist in the above process.

Student Rights of Expression

The School recognizes the right of students to express themselves. With the right of expression comes the responsibility to do it appropriately. Students may distribute or display, at appropriate times, nonsponsored, noncommercial written material and petitions; buttons, badges, or other insignia; clothing, insignia, and banners; and audio and video materials. All items must meet school guidelines.

A. A material cannot be displayed if it:

1. is obscene to minors, libelous, indecent or vulgar,

2. advertises any product or service not permitted to minors by law,

3. intends to be insulting or harassing

4. intends to incite fighting or presents a likelihood of disrupting school or a school event.

Materials may not be displayed or distributed during class periods, or during passing times between classes. Permission may be granted for display or distribution during lunch periods and after school in designated locations, as long as exits are not blocked and there is proper access and egress to the building.

Students who are unsure whether or not materials they wish to display meet school guidelines may present them to the Principal 24 hours prior to display.

Dress and Grooming

While fashions change, the reason for being in school does not. Students are in school to learn. Any fashion (dress, accessory, or hairstyle) that disrupts the educational process or presents a safety risk will not be permitted. Personal expression is permitted within these general guidelines.

If a student has selected a manner of appearance that is beyond mere freedom of expression and disrupts the educational process or presents risk to themselves or others, they may be removed from the educational setting.

Students who are representing Paint Valley Middle/High School at an official function or public event may be required to follow specific dress requirements. Usually, this applies to athletic teams, cheerleaders, bands and other such groups.

Dress Code

The following guidelines concerning dress code shall be followed:

1.  Shorts and flip-flops may only be worn during the months of August, September, October, March, April and May. Shorts must be appropriate and no shorter than half way down on the thigh.

2.  Students are not permitted to wear anything that shows the stomach or top of the shoulders. (no muscle-shirts or tank-tops of any kind)